P6/5 – New Year, New Term

Well it was nice to see everyone after the school holidays and get back into a routine again! We have had a nice, slightly shorter week settling back into work. We started the week working on team work in PE and working together in team games.

Read to below to hear more about our week.

  •  Alfie – In maths, we have started looking at fractions.
  • Eve – we had Mrs Loosemore for a lesson on problem solving on Thursday morning.
  • Jack – we had PE this week and we were looking at using good teamwork within different games.
  • Brogan – we also did some solve and shade puzzles with Mrs Loosemore.
  • Charley – we were writing this week about something we did during the holidays.
  • Callum – the P6/7 were back practicing with Our Lady’s pupils. We were singing the Proclaimers songs Sunshine on Leith and I’m On My Way.
  • Keris – we had music with Mrs Ewing.
  • Fraser – we did a lesson on emotions this week and looked at sad emotions and we had to think of sometime we felt sad.
  • Brogan – Mrs Rankin moved our seats so we are all at different groups.
  • Alfie – we were playing a maths game 11 and Out.
  • Jack – we did literacy this week and some of us were given new books.
  • Callum – we had another listening session with Ms Gilroy on Tuesday.

Please see the pictures below from PE – we worked together in teams to throw and catch a tennis ball all at the same time with different challenges for each throw – we had to try and do 10. We all had to make sure we caught the ball after each challenge or we had to start again from challenge number 1! Then we worked in teams to play a game with beanbags to try and beat the opposing team by getting as close to the yellow beanbag, a bit like bowls. We had to talk tactics before each player threw the next beanbag.

Have a nice weekend! A full week next week!



Welcome Back from the Monster Hive

We have had a very busy first week back.

Our PE days this term are Mondays and Fridays could you please make sure that the children have appropiate PE kit with them on these days.


This week we have been busy learning about Winter, Robert Burns and lots of other new things.

” I loved dong the Jack Frost poems and pictures.  The best bit was the colouring in the frosty hair.”  Leon

“I really enjoyed designing winter hat, gloves and scarf.  We had to use either hot colours or cold colours and they all had to match.” Bayliss

” I loved doing our own tartan and making kilts.” Calum

” I have been learning lots of things with Mrs Sibbalds class.”  Lexi

” I really enjoyed learning about how food was made.” Teejay

” We had a really tricky challenge at numeracy time when we had to group numbers.” Lewis

” I love watching some of the Snow Queen.” Billie

“Maths this week was great as we did tricky puzzles.” Jada

Next week we are all looking forward to our transition day.  The Primary 2 boys and girls will be travelling to Greenrigg on the bus.


Welcome back from Primary 4 and Miss Eunson

We have had a busy and exciting first week back after the Christmas holidays. We have begun our new class topic -The Romans – and are really enjoying this so far.

This term, primary four are going to have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. Can you please make sure appropriate gym kits are brought in on these days.

Here are our reflections on our first week back after the Christmas break.

“I enjoyed getting to find out my part for our short roman play for our class assembly” -Carla

“I have enjoyed our new topic, the Romans and getting to find out what the Romans invented” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I learned about the story of Romulus and Remus and enjoyed getting to retell the story with my partner Ethan on a storyboard” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning my six and eleven times table” -Emma

“I liked learning the six times table and the ICT times table game where you got to hit the button for the right answer” -Daniel

“I loved getting to practise my number bonds to 10 on a ICT game” -Jemma

“I liked learning my four times table and trying to remember the facts” -Alesha

“I learned that a lot of the things the Romans invented are still used today like cranes, toliets, public baths and central heating” -Michael

“I enjoyed learning new songs for our Roman play” -Aiden

“I liked learning what countries the Roman empire invaded and when I got to be the teacher in a number bonds game” -Ethan

“I enjoyed writing this week where we got to write about what we did on Christmas day” -Bethany

“I enjoyed doing listening games with Miss Gilroy and learning that you can work out the six times table if you know the three times table and that you can double the answers” -Darryl

“I enjoyed creating a Roman invention poster” -Rachel

“I liked doing the speedy times table activity and learning how to subtract on number lines” -Jack

“I liked the capital letter and full stops game to help with writing” -Lara

“I liked learning Roman songs” -Jay

P6/5 Last Day of Term

This morning P6/5 have been confused with what happened this week and what happened last week as it has been a busy time these last couple of weeks of term! It has been a very quick term for us all and we have managed to get through a lot of work. A well deserved break is now ahead of us all.

Here is what we did get up to this week:

  • Charley – We did some Christmas art this week where we made snowman using paint, crayons and oil pastels. We get to bring them home today!
  • Hannah – We had our Christmas party on Thursday which we all really enjoyed, especially the Photo Booth!
  • Danielle – We enjoyed our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday. We all sat in the hall together.
  • Alfie – We had a Christmas movie in the hall after the Christmas Lunch.
  • Hannah – We had the Church Service on Monday morning when each class had to say a verse of the Christmas poem. It was nice to see so many parents join us.
  • All – In PE this week we had to do some practicing for our Christmas dances. Some of us enjoyed this, others not so much!
  • Charley – We were doing Christmas maths activities where we had to work out the answer to jokes. We did imaginative writing this week relating to a clip called Lily and the Snowman.
  • Eve – In French we were doing Christmas colouring in.
  • Keris – We are all excited for the holidays and looking forward to spending time with our families and friends.

Here’s a picture of us all ready for our party yesterday.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to seeing you all back in the New Year!

Mrs Rankin & P6/5

Merry Christmas from Primary Four and Miss Eunson

Its only 3 sleeps until Christmas day and all the boys and girls in Primary four are very excited! We have had a busy and exciting week leading up to the holidays with our Christmas service on Monday, P3 and P4 party on Tuesday and our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.

Here are some photographs of us this week when Primary 3 joined us and we worked together to complete a technology challenge to design Santa a new sleigh. We worked hard to discuss the special features of the sleigh and drew and labelled our designs.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked watching the film Elf after our lunch on Wednesday” -Jay

“I enjoyed getting to share our writing with Primary 2/1 and 3/2” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked when we did technology and got to design a Santa Sleigh” -Darryl

“I enjoyed the Christmas party with my class and primary 3” -Aiden

“I enjoyed getting to tidy up the mess our class elf Bernardo made on Thursday” -Emma

“I loved finishing off the Christmas jumper designs” -Lara

“I liked writing different ways to make numbers” -Jemma

“I have loved spending time with Bernardo” -Alesha

“I liked learning about our new topic, The Romans, that we will be doing after Christmas” -Ethan

“I liked when Bernardo our class elf left us all a chocolate lolly” -Jack

“I enjoyed winning the prize for the best Christmas jumper design” -Carla

“I liked guessing the time of the clock and trying to remember what time lunch time and break time were” -Alex

“I liked when Bernardo the elf put all the chairs upside down in our classroom” -Rachel

“I enjoyed answering different money questions in Maths” -Michael

“I liked finding fractions of money in Maths” -Daniel

“I liked Blurb’s big read with Mrs Campbell on Wednesday” -Bethany

Sadly today we had a note to say goodbye from our class elf on the shelf Bernardo. He left us a chocolate lolly each and we really hope he comes back next year.

Finally, Miss Eunson would like to wish all the boys and girls and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes and all the best for 2018!

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