P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week

On Monday we said goodbye to Mrs Campbell for a little while because she needs to go into hospital for an operation, but we are all going to miss her lots.  So on Tuesday we all made cards with Mrs Warden to send to her, which will let her know that we are all thinking about her.


We also enjoyed a listening activity with Mrs Warden, where we had to listen carefully to a story and colour in a picture neatly, according to what the story told us.


Poetry was our focus for Writing this week – we all wrote a Winter poem using lots of verbs.

Health & Wellbeing Day

The whole school had a Health and Wellbeing day on Thursday where we looked at all the SHANARRI words and added our ideas to sheets, to gather our thoughts and ideas about what is happening in our school.  Our class then made a display showing all the achievements in our school – Jada decided on our heading ‘Amazing Achievements’.  The best part of the  morning was doing the ‘Cha Cha Slide’ together in the hall!!


This morning with Mr Tenant, we were trying to develop our ball control skills by doing ‘over’ and ‘under’ activities.  We also had some team competitions where we had to quickly arrange in our teams from tallest to shortest and in alphabetical order by first and second names – we loved these challenges!

Please help P2/1!

We need your help!

We would like to set up a shop and cafe in our classroom to help us learn all about money.

We have drawn and talked about our ideas but we need your help.

If you have any empty food boxes or drink bottles, could you please send them in so we can stack the shelves in our shop! For example, we are looking for empty boxes of teabags, cereal, biscuits etc, and empty juice bottles.

Thank you for your help.


Bailey, Cerys, Jaden, Emma, Seth, Rebecca, Robbie and Mrs Sibbald

Primary 4 News

We have had a busy and exciting week this week and have all been working hard in primary four.

Some of our highlights this week were: on Tuesday we had visitors from the Royal Bank of Scotland to do money workshops which was great fun.  Then we had our joint school ceilidh on Wednesday night and also really enjoyed the glow disco organised by the Junior Road Safety officers today!

Here are some photographs from this week:

On Monday, in writing we learned about the features of Cinquain poems and wrote our own Cinquain poem about Burns Night. We then redrafted our poems and designed our own tartan for a background and these are going to be displayed in the school.

Today, we have been focusing on how we can improve our sentences in writing by using different types of connectives, including complex connectives. We  worked together with a partner to write examples of good sentences using connectives and have added these to our writing wall.

Here are our class reflections on the week:

“I liked working out how much change you should get back when you buy something in a shop in Maths” –Jay

“I enjoyed reading Superworm with Jemma and blurb” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked adding together hundred numbers” –Alesha

“I enjoyed when the Royal Bank of Scotland came in and we learned about money and wants and needs” –Daniel

“I enjoyed the glow disco” –Darryl

“I liked practising writing sentences in handwriting” –Jack

“I loved practising writing sentences using complex connectives” –Rachel

“At the Glow Disco I learned if you are in the dark you need to wear something bright and shiny” –Alex

“I enjoyed writing Cinquain poems about Robert Burns” –Michael











P6/5 Weekly News

Well, here we are at the end of January already. It has been a quick few weeks and we’ll be into February this coming week!

We had the JRSO Glow disco this morning where we all enjoyed dancing in the dark with glow sticks/torches/clothing. A great way to remind us of keeping safe on these dark mornings and nights.

Read on to hear about our week.

  • Brogan – Mrs Malloch came in on Tuesday for our weekly NYCOS session with her. We all enjoyed singing and doing the actions to Long/Short Legged Wife.
  • Eve – we continued on with fractions this week and looked at simplifying these. We’re moving onto decimals  and looking at how these link next week.
  • Danielle – some of us went along to the joint school ceilidh and performed Ally Bally Bee with the P4s. It was a good night.
  • Hannah – the JRSO Pupil Voice Group helped to plan the disco we went to this morning.
  • Jack – in French we were learning to count up to 50.
  • Alfie – in HWB we were discussing bullying and read about a girl who was being bullied for playing football with the boys. We had good discussions in class on this and what the girl should do.
  • Charley – we read more of Wonder this week. We are all really enjoying this book.
  • Brodie – it was the first week of the after school Debating Club.
  • Hannah – some of the girls attended a netball tournament at Whitburn. We came 4th this time.
  • Charley – we worked on our plans for our imaginative writing story which we’ll write next week.
  • Jack – we spoke about setting up a Worry Box in the classroom and we need to create designs for this and we’ll vote on the favourite.
  • Brogan – we continued on with Earthquakes and Volcano topic. We were researching some famous earthquakes and the impact they had on the areas.
  • Alfie – in PE this week we started fitness with circuits. We’ll continue with this for a few weeks to see if our fitness improves during the next few weeks.
  • Jack – we were practicing our dribbling skills in Futsal this week.

Please see the pictures below from the Glow Disco.


Scottish Poetry Recital in P2/1

A huge well done to everyone in P2/1 for their fantastic Scottish poetry recital this afternoon.  All the boys and girls recited the poem ‘Midges’ to their friends and showed that they are indeed, confident individuals!

Also, another big ‘Well Done’ to Gracie, Kyle and Emma for confidently joining their peers from Our Lady’s at the Ceilidh last night and standing up in front of a large audience to recite their poem.  They did brilliantly and we are all very proud of them!

Primary 4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on our week:

“I really enjoyed practising our songs and words for our Roman assembly” -Jemma

“I enjoyed playing the hit the button game to help us learn our times tables” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I liked doing the character cop activity in reading and adding four numbers together in number talks” -Alesha

“I liked learning the times table song to try and remember our times tables” -Jack

“I enjoyed writing where we got to do a poster on a Roman topic of our choice” -Darryl

“I enjoyed practising our song we are going to perform at the ceilidh with Mrs Ewing” -Carla

“I enjoyed researching what outfits the Romans wore in Roman times” -Daniel

“I liked practising the dances for the ceilidh” -Michael

“I liked drawing arrays for the 4 times table” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed doing partitioning in maths” -Ethan

“I liked numeracy when we got to add hundred and thousand numbers together” -Emma




Snow! Snow! and more Snow!!

It has been a very strange week, just as we were getting back into a routine, the snow came….and it came, and came and came!

On Tuesday, some members of staff got stuck in the snow and couldn’t get into school, so we had a very different day . We worked with our buddies in Primary 1, creating snow pictures and having a competition to see who could build the best snowman.

On Wednesday we worked with Ms Cook from Greenrigg, while Mrs Loosemore was working with Mrs Gibson then working with P6/5.

On Thursday we were back to working on our own timetable in our own class with our own teacher. It has been a very strange week, but we have managed to work through it, and even learn some new  Mathematical skills!

“I enjoyed using the wall frame in the gym with Mr Tennant” – Matthew

“We learned how to work with ratio in Maths. It was very challenging at first, but when I got more confident with it, it was fun!” – Sarah

“Working with the P7’s from Our Ladies and Mrs Ewing in the choir was a favourite time for me”- Natasha

“Spending the day with Ms Cook was good especially doing the art work” – Erin

“I overcame my fear of heights and climbed to the top of the climbing frame!” – Madyson

“The snow afternoon with Mrs Gibson when we were building snowmen with our buddies was great fun” – Madyson

“I really enjoyed making up games for others to play, in Mrs Howard’s class on Monday”- Leah

“I liked the rhyme Mrs Loosemore taught us to help us learn the difference between the mean, the median, the mode and the range when working with graphs” – Kieran Mc

P6/5 Snowy Week

Well it’s been a nice week with the snow to look out on but not so good for getting everyone to school! We all made it in safely and had a good week. We have all enjoyed getting outside at lunchtimes to play in it while it’s nice snow and not icy/slushy snow.

Just a reminder to everyone that our gym days this term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays so we need to remember our PE kits for both days.

Please read below to hear what we got up to in class:

  • Danielle – P5 pupils were continuing this week looking at friendships on Thursday and we had to create a promotional poster displaying 5 qualities we like in our friends.
  • Brogan – Mrs Malloch started working with our class this week doing some NYCOS games to help us improve our singing. She will visit us on Tuesday mornings just before lunchtime. It was a good session with her.
  • Jack – we continued to look at fractions this week and were looking at a fraction of a number.
  • Charley – on Tuesday we looked at poems in Scots and had to work out what they meant. I was looking at one called The Windae Cleaner – it was funny.
  • Hannah – with Mrs Loosemore on Wednesday, we had a general knowledge quiz. Brodie & Keris were the winners – well done!
  • Cory – we had our usual ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) smart start on Thursday. I really enjoyed reading the book I had.
  • Charley – we started our new topic this week of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. We started by finding out what we know about these and then we all said what we want to learn about these.
  • Jack – Futsal is back on again on Wednesdays. Our usual coach couldn’t make it but we got Andrew instead and played games.
  • Charley – we did a lesson on how to answer questions this week as we need the practice on making sure our answers are clear and in a well structured sentence.
  • Katie – we found out about the Ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s next Wednesday evening.
  • Brogan – in music this week we worked in groups tapping our rhythms we had created before and this time we got to select an instrument to use for these.
  • Charley – we continued reading our class novel, Wonder. We are all enjoying this.
  • Eve – we were summarising in literacy this week. We had to write a summary of our reading for this week.
  • Hannah – the P6/7s had their final practice before the ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s. We are all set for our performance.

Have a nice weekend in the snow if it stays!



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