P6/5 Weekly Blog

Another quick week here in P6/5 has gone by. We have had a nice week with loads of things going on. With the P7s at Whitburn Academy, it has been quiet at our end of the school.

Please read our updates below.

  • Alfie – this week as the P7s were away to Whitburn Academy, we got PE with Mrs Howard and Mr Tennant. We all really enjoyed these lessons.
  • Fraser – in music we continued with the Carnival of the Animals and were listening to The Avery and drew what came to our minds.
  • Leah – Miss Gilroy had her weekly groups on Tuesday. Some of us were at this and we were playing a game where we hid a phone and we had to listen carefully to find it. We enjoyed this.
  • Brodie – we had a visitor in the school on Thursday and she popped in to see what we were doing on Thursday morning as we were learning about our strengths and self-help skills we might need for camp.
  • Danielle – Mrs Boyd came into class on Monday to learn how play Silent Ball with Mrs Gibson teaching.
  • Alfie – on Tuesday afternoon most of P6/5 went to play football against St John’s Primary School and Falla Hill Primary School. We tried our best during the games.
  • Hannah – we have been looking at what we will be doing for our class assembly and Brogan, Eve and I have started working on a dance to go with a song we will play.
  • Callum – with the P7s away, we were asked to show Mrs Clifford around the school on Thursday when she visited Stoneyburn.

Let’s see if next week is just as quick!

Have a good weekend!


P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week


This week, as well as working on our home readers, we’ve been doing more on our class book study ‘Room on the Broom’.  On Thursday we were focusing on the main character – the witch.  Some groups were suggesting WOW words (adjectives) to describe different parts of the witch and some were learning all about similes.

“I liked learning about similes and making some for different parts of the witch.”  (Leon)

Examples of similes:

Her hair is black as a bat.  (Lexi)

Her nose is as bumpy as a hill.  (Layla)

Her nose is as long as an elephant’s trunk.  (Bayliss)

Her skirt is purple like a plum.  (Owen)

Her skin is yellow as the sun.  (Billie)

Her nose is as bendy as a banana.  (Jada)

Her hat is as pointy as a pin. (Adam)

Examples of WOW words:

Jaggy (Alexander)

Spotty (Kaseylee)

Scratchy (Corey)

Itchy (Riley)

Smooth (Lucas)

Warty (Shay)



“I liked doing my spelling activities.  My group were looking at words with ‘oo’ in them.”  (Jada)

“I enjoyed doing spelling work too.”  (Bayliss)



“I liked doing the torch experiment in Science.” (Kaseylee)

“We were learning big words – transparent (lets all the light through), translucent (lets some light through) and opaque (lets no light through).”  (Lewis)



“I enjoyed doing Sumdog on the computers.” (Calum)

“I really liked using the Beebots with Mrs Warden.  We were learning all about directions.” (Jordan)

Some groups have been using Rekenreks and sticks of cubes to help double numbers, showing how we can partition them (split them up) and use our knowledge of other doubles to help.  Have a look at us below:

Double 9 = double 5 + double 4

Other groups have been exploring the link between repeated addition and multiplication, using groups of 2 or groups of 4:


Weekly Update from Primary Four

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed doing handwriting when we were practising cursive” – Lara

“I liked doing maths when we were doing a table and graph on a laptop” – Alex

“I liked when we did the circuit training and we recorded how much we did in a minute and thirty seconds” – Alesha

“I enjoyed finishing off the Roman timeline” – Darryl

“I enjoyed learning how to put a graph or pie chart onto a laptop using Microsoft Excel” – Aiden

“I liked doing an imaginative story in our writing about creatures on a sinking boat” – Rachel

“I enjoyed when we were learning about numbers smaller than 1 (tenths) using a decimal point” – Emma

“I enjoyed doing writing an imaginative story on a laptop” – Jemma

“Everyday we have done number talks and I liked it” – Michael

“I enjoyed when we were finishing off our pictures for the Roman Calendar and finishing the Calendar” – Jaymee-Leigh

“We were learning about what makes a great role model” – Jay

“I like being back at school after being ill” – Daniel

“Yesterday we were doing freeze frames in health and well being” – Bethany

“I liked designing a wall display of what a great role model would do” – Jack

“I enjoyed doing the daily mile” – Ethan

P6/5 Short News Week

We are all back to school after our extra long weekend. We have had a short but pretty busy week. Please read on to hear what has been going on.

  • Callum – P6s had a Health & Wellbeing session with the P7s and Mrs Gibson on Wednesday. We were playing Silent Ball and the P5s joined us for a quick game.
  • Jack – Mrs Rankin’s Craft Club started on Thursday for the P4/5/6/7s. We were making origami bookmarks and some of us made these look like the Cookie Monster.
  • Brogan – the PTA held the Valentine’s Disco on Wednesday night. It was a really good night!
  • Alfie – we finished off our paintings of a volcano on Thursday. We were using hot colours to reflect the volcano exploding.
  • Keris – in maths we were working on percentages and relating these to fractions and decimals.
  • Charley – we had our ERIC time on Friday this week instead of Thursday. It’s something quite a lot of us enjoy.
  • Eve – we were working on a wall display to show how the whole school feel ‘Included’. It’s looking really good with the other classes work.
  • Brogan – Mrs Ewing took our class with P4 to do music. We were listening to a track from the Carnival of Animals and we drew pictures of what we imagined as we listened.

We’re all back to normal with a full week next week.

Have a lovely weekend!


A short week in Primary 4

Although it has been a short week, we have still learned a lot of new things. Here are our reflections on the week:

“We were finishing off redrafting our writing on computers and learned how to put pictures from clip art on to our page” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about speech marks with Miss Gracie and getting to write our own conversations using speech marks” -Aiden

“I liked redrafting our stories on the laptops as well” -Alesha

“I learned why we celebrate Valentines day” -Carla

“I enjoyed learning about Roman gods and the Roman calendar” -Jay

“I liked listening to music and drawing pictures of which animal we thought we heard with Mrs Ewing” -Michael

“I liked making valentine arrows” -Darryl

“I liked putting the results from our survey into graphs” -Rachel

“I learned why the names of the months are called what they are on a Roman calendar” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed the valentines disco with my friends” -Emma

P3 and 2 Reflecting On Our Week

Early Intervention

On Monday and Wednesday we worked hard in our groups learning some new sounds and doing our reading.  Some groups were learning about ‘ee’ and ‘oo’, some were learning about ‘ck’ and some were learning about ‘ar’.

A New Shop In Stoneyburn!

The children from Mrs Sibbald’s class have been busy creating a shop in their classroom.  We arranged all he bottles and boxes on the shelves and we should be ready to open soon.  (Kacey, P2)

STEM Challenge

Yesterday P3/2 were making towers out of different materials like Legi, K’Nex and cubes.  We had to make sure our towers were stable, steady, could stand up on their own and they had to be at least 30cm tall. (Layla, P2 & Adam, P2)

P.E with Mr Tennant

At gym today we were in teams and we had to try to get the ball in the hoop, but we weren’t allowed to run with the ball, it was like we were stuck in the mud!  (Jada, P2)

When Mr Tennant said stop, we had to stop and sit down. (Jaden, P2)

Number Talks

Yesterday our group did a ‘Number Talks’ target number.  We had to try to think of lots of ways of making 16 by adding and subtracting.  I came up with 16+0.  (Leon, P2)


We played a French game this week to practice saying hello, goodbye and asking people how they were.  (Billie, P3)

P6/5 Weekly Update

Here we are at half term already. The pupils are all excited to have a long weekend and a short week next week.

We have had another busy week of learning in class so please read on to hear what everyone has been up to.

All – we worked on the library and tidied up the non-fiction section and created labels for this. This was a big job but it’s really starting to take shape and look a lot better. We should get our labels put on the shelves next week and finalise our plans for running the library for all classes to be able to start borrowing books.

Alfie – Football match where Stoneyburn played Greenrigg – it was a close match – we lost 5-4.

Charley – we were looking at our imaginative writing and looking at how to improve this.

Hannah – we have started working on creating paintings of volcanoes. We have completed the black painting and will complete these with our hot colours next week.

Katie – we have a long weekend!!

Brogan – we were working with the P4s for Music and we listened to music and drew what we felt from this.

Charley – we did decimals in maths this week and were adding decimal calculations.

Alfie – we did noughts and crosses with Mrs Ewing in French.


We hop everyone has a great long weekend!


Primary 4 Weekly News

We have had a very fun week in primary four and really enjoyed getting to perform our Roman play to the school on Wednesday afternoon. We were delighted that so many people came to see us perform and share our knowledge of our topic The Romans.

Here are our reflections this week:

“I enjoyed when everybody sang happy birthday to me” -Alex

“I enjoyed getting to see baby Archie after he came back from his holiday” -Bethany

“I liked Maths when we got to create our own survey and then got to go round the school to other classes to collect the information” -Daniel

“I enjoyed the class assembly and getting to perform our Roman play” -Rachel

“I enjoyed learning about speech marks and finding them in books and writing them down” -Alesha

“I enjoyed going to the listening group with Miss Gilroy it was really fun” -Jemma

“I liked writing sentences and making sure we put commas in the right places”-Jack

“I enjoyed writing about a Roman character in writing” -Carla

“I liked doing show and tell and getting to share old coins” -Darryl

“I liked getting to write my story on a laptop” -Ethan

“I liked creating our own sequences in gymnastics” -Michael

“I enjoyed in music with Mrs Ewing when we got to listen to music and draw what animal we thought it was” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked making Roman shields, armour and helmets for the Roman soldiers and centurion” -Jay

“I really enjoyed designing the emotional emojis box where we can put jokes and our worries in” -Aiden


Primary 4 Weekly News – Friday 2nd February

On Monday, we welcomed Miss Gracie into our classroom who is going to be working alongside Miss Eunson for the next five weeks.

This week we have been working hard practising and preparing for our short roman play which we will be performing at our class assembly next week . We have been researching Roman clothing, making our own props, outfits and costumes. We hope to see you all there next week (Wednesday 7th of February at 2.15pm) so we can show off our knowledge of the Romans and our learning from our topic.

On Thursday we enjoyed our day with the whole school focusing on Health and Wellbeing and where our next steps are as a school. We talked about the SHANNARI wellbeing indicators and thought of examples of how we feel and stay Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included and Safe at school.

Here are our reflections on our week:

I liked doing our assessed piece of writing where we got to write a story about a mysterious shadow” –Darryl

“I enjoyed getting to collect information in tables using tally marks in Maths” –Rachel

“I liked when we did mental maths in our jotters” –Daniel

“I enjoyed when we got to paint and design Roman roads” –Emma

“I liked doing number talks” –Jay

“I enjoyed being in the JRSO pupil voice group and when we got to measure how tall we were to measure how tall you need to be without a car seat” –Michael

“I enjoyed meeting Miss Gracie and welcoming her to our class” –Aiden

“I liked doing gymnastics with Mrs Howard” –Jack

“I liked practising for the Roman play using props” –Alex

“I liked designing and painting Roman shields” –Lara

“I liked having relax and read time in our classroom where we got to choose our own books” -Bethany

“I liked working as a whole school for health yesterday”- Ethan

“I liked getting to make a poster for the pupil council” – Jemma

“I liked answering questions in circle time with Miss Gracie” – Alesha

P6/5 Weekly News

Another week has passed by as we move into February. We have been looking at Health & Wellbeing this week and have been continuing on with our topic and our class novel, Wonder.

Read on to hear more.

  • Callum – this week we created our Worry Woods corner in the classroom. We can write any worries we have in the box and this is checked by the teacher at the end of the day and we can talk about these if we want to.
  • Eve – we continued on with reading Wonder which we are all really enjoying. Everyone has created an Auggie spaceman head and we had to write kind things about our classmates on everyone’s helmets.
  • Aflie – we created a bucket filler box which we can add to each day and these will be shared with the class.
  • Charley – we had a SHANARRI morning on Thursday where each class looked at each indicator. These all represent: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible, Included.
  • Hannah – Mrs Gibson held an assembly with the whole school looking at friendship and we did some drama relating to these.
  • Cory – we started Thursday morning with a feel good factor with the whole school doing the Cha Cha Slide! It woke everyone up and was a happy start to our day.
  • Jack – we did imaginative writing this week based on an invisible man who had a suitcase with a person inside – we had to include this somehow in our stories.
  • Eve – we had futsal on Wednesday and this week we were practising our passing skills.
  • Keris – we had our PVG groups today. The pupil council group are looking at ways to reduce the amount of homework we get.
  • Katie – we did our weekly spelling tests as usual.
  • Eve – during literacy this week we were looking at using inverted commas and creating sentences using these.
  • Charley – we were practising our handwriting this week.

Have a nice weekend.


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