P4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed when Jemma did a show and tell to the class because she is the special person this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing writing and researching our topic on Spain” -Jay

“I enjoyed pupil voice groups because we got to think about what we are going to share at assembly and got a script” -Carla

“I loved when we got to design artwork for the new fence” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing a community litter pick” -Daniel

“I liked coming up with a dance in class for our song for the summer show” -Alesha

“I enjoyed in pupil voice groups when me, Amelia and Layla got to take photographs of the groups” -Aiden

“I enjoyed going to the Greatest Showman movie night” -Jemma

“I learned about the eight times table and enjoyed playing the eight times table bingo game” -Emma

“I enjoyed playing sumdog at Smart Start” -Jack

“I liked learning the six times table in Maths and doing the activities” -Michael


P6/5 Weekly News

Well P6/5 have had a good week with this nice weather we have been getting. We had our last transition day with Greenrigg on Tuesday, a triathlon for some of our class members on Thursday and our P6 pupils had 2 trips up to the nursery this week to spend time with the new P1s due to start school after the summer.

Read on to hear what else has been going on:

  • Eve – for the P5 transition day, we made smoothies with Mrs Robley & Mrs Warden. I had a pineapple and mango. We could have also had strawberries and blueberries in this if we fancied. We designed and made our own products in groups.
  • P6s – we were able to visit the nursery twice this week. It was good to play with the boys and girls who are coming up to start at Stoneyburn Primary in August. This morning we played Enjoy-a-ball with the pupils. We really enjoyed spending time with them this week.
  • Jack – P2/1 did their assembly this week on Pirates. We all enjoyed it.
  • Brogan – we did a short Drama session with P1-3 in the hall. It was great and it was relating to a story we read called When Will it be Spring?
  • Keris – we had PE with Mr Tennant today and we were outside playing football.
  • Katie – we finished our class novel Wonder this week! We all enjoyed it.
  • Callum – we started HWB this week – this was week 1 of 4.
  • Charley – we have PVG groups today. We were all thinking about what we will share at the PVG assembly in a few weeks.

Charley and Alfie took part in a West Lothian Triathlon at Deans Community High School on Thursday morning. They went along with some P7s to take part in this. They swam, cycled and ran in the sunshine. Well done to everyone involved!

The P6s were at the Queensferry Crossing Education Centre with the P6 Greenrigg pupils on Tuesday with Mrs Rankin. They were working in teams with a Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor and a Health & Safety Manager. Alfie was a Project Manager and Fraser was a Quantity Surveyor. Callum & Hannah were Construction Engineers who helped to build with their teams. They had to work together to build a bridge. They managed it with a few problems to resolve as they went.

Here are a few pictures from this week.


Have a nice long weekend and we’ll see everyone on Tuesday!




This week in primary four..

Here are our reflections this week:

Darryl – I enjoyed it when Greenrigg came over on Tuesday.

Lara – I liked doing character cop.

Alex – I liked doing the hunt outside for 3D shapes.

Jack – I enjoyed doing writing when we were doing the leaflets for Mrs Brown about what is good about Stoneyburn so she can see what our school is like.

Carla – I enjoyed litter picking on Tuesday and I enjoyed the daily mile.

Aiden – I enjoyed doing our numbers in Spanish bingo game.

Jaymee-Leigh – I loved doing IZAK 9.   Even though it was difficult we managed to get most of the questions correct.

Michael – I enjoyed playing football with Greenrigg on Tuesday.

Alesha – I liked doing Spanish numbers.  We are going to be focussing on learning some Spanish because our topic is Spain.

P2/1 Pirates Assembly

A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who managed along yesterday to support our P2/1 class for their Pirate themed assembly.  They absolutely LOVED sharing their learning with you!  Each and every one of the children taking part worked hard to learn their parts and demonstrated many of their skills that they have been working hard to develop this session, in particular; confidence and courage!  It’s not an easy task to stand and perform and present to a large audience but they were fantastic, I’m sure you will agree!

Exciting Times in P2/1

What a busy term Term 4 has turned out to be already!

Since being back after the Easter holidays, lots of fun things have been happening for us.  Here are just some of our thoughts:

Drama Box Workshop

“I liked it when the fairy got excited and she turned around with her wand and we had to duck” – Finlay

“I liked the banana game – all the questions, the answers were all ‘banana’.  It made us all laugh.” – Seth

“I liked the same a s Seth” – David

PE with Mr Tennant on Friday

“I liked jumping backward, barrel rolls and scissor jumps.  I was very good at jumping over ropes with a scissor jump.  I just jumped over it!” – Leland

“I liked jumping backwards.  It’s called a ‘flop’.” – Finlay

“I liked being with all my friends.” – Rebecca

Working with Mrs Campbell and P3/2

“I drew a daffodil.” – Aleksander

“We write a poem about the daffodils.” – Kacie E

“I drew a nice picture of a daffodil.” – Nikodem

Assembly Practise

“We have worked hard to learn all our lines.” – Gracie

“We are enjoying the songs from it.” – Seth

“We have been enjoying learning our assembly.” – Kyle & Cerys

“I’m really good at my lines.” – Emma

“I know my lines without looking at them.” – Rebecca


This week P1 are looking forward to seeing their friends from P1 from Greenrigg for their last transition day this session.  We will have visitors from the SSPCA and West Lothian Council’s Waste Aware Team to talk to us about the effects of litter on wildlife and the local environment.

P2 will be joining their friends from P3/2 and the P2’s from Greenrigg and will be enjoying a trip to Mill Farm.  We can’t wait to hear all about it!

Today, the boys and girls had the best afternoon creating their own pizza masterpieces with Mrs Howard.  Pics to follow!

Please remember our class assembly is on Wednesday at 2.15pm.  We hope to see you all there.

This week in primary four..

Although it has been a short week, we have still done lots in primary four and have been very busy.

We loved seeing baby Archie at Roots of Empathy this week and how excited he was to see us all. Here are some photographs of us with him.

“I was shocked to see how funny baby Archie was at Roots of Empathy” –Michael

“I loved doing division and sharing into groups in numeracy” –Alesha

“I enjoyed seeing all my friends again after my holiday and in drama speaking banana language” –Emma

“I was surprised to see how much baby Archie’s hair had grown since the last time in Roots of Empathy” –Alex

“I loved playing sumdog and I was excited to hear the national competition had started up again” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I was surprised to see that baby Archie could walk and stand up on his own” –Carla

“I enjoyed making up our own six times table game using different voices and actions” –Aiden

“I liked learning about Spanish music with Mrs Ewing” –Lara

“I was surprised that our new topic was Spain and we learned about a famous artist called Pablo Picasso. I also know Picasso made an art out of junk and a bulls head made from bicycle parts ” –Rachel

“I enjoyed making up our own balloon music” –Daniel

“I learned that Pablo Picasso made his first painting when he was eight” -Jemma

“I enjoyed talking about and looking at Pablo Picasso’s Cubism art” -Jack


P3/2 Reflecting On Our Week


“At gym we did jumping.  We learned the barrel jump, the scissor jump and the flop.”  (Adam)

“My favourite jump was the barrel jump.”  (Layla B)

“I was really good at all the jumps, but my favourite one was the flop.” (Calum)


Pirates Topic

“We’ve been learning songs all about Pirtaes.”  (Paige)

“We’ve also been making pictures to turn ourselves into Pirates!” (Lexi)

This week we’ve been making Fact Files about us and Pirtaes.”  (Lewis)

“We’ve been clapping the syllables in lots of different words to do with Pirates.” (Jordan)


Art – Flowers

“We’ve been drawing flowers.  We had a flower in front of us and we had to draw what we could see.”  (Lillie)

“We hadn’t just to make it a circle shape, we had to really focus on all the details.”  (Kacie)

“I did a small circle, then some bigger petals then I added some lines to it so it looked like a flower.”  (Jada)

P6/5 Weekly News

For it having been short week, the class came up with a lot for our blog! It has been nice to have a shorter week but it has been just as busy as normal.

Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Brogan – We continued on with our Kandinsky abstract art pieces and some of us managed to get these finished and are up on the wall already. The others need to get these finished next week.
  • Jack – We started our new topic this week on science. We’re going to look at plants, chemistry and some mechanics at the request of the class so Mrs Rankin needs to get a plan together for our requests.
  • Callum – Some of the girls were at a netball tournament on Wednesday afternoon. They came 5th in this. Well done to the whole team!
  • Zara – We had PE with Mr Tennant this morning with only 10 of us as some of the class were playing in the football team.
  • Fraser – During Forest Schools this week we started to build our rafts. We weren’t near the water this week but might be next hope to be.
  • Katie – In music with Mrs Ewing we were singing and then we used percussion instruments to play along to a song called Yellow Bird.
  • Danielle – In maths this week we continued on with patterns and sequences in numbers.
  • Brodie – This morning 5 of us are off to L0ngridge to play football for with some P7s!
  • Keris – Today is the start of a National SumDog competition so we started the day by getting on with some questions. We have until next Thursday evening to get answering as many questions as we can.
  • Charley – We are nearing the end of our class novel Wonder. We are all keen to hear how Auggie is getting on at camp.
  • Callum – We had our Pupil Voice Groups this morning.

Just a reminder that our PE days are Tuesday and Friday each week and can I please ask that all provide a PE kit on these days where possible. We may be outside during these sessions so it would be helpful if pupils had the appropriate footwear for these.

Have a nice weekend.


P2/1 Assembly

Please note that all children in P2/1 were given cards yesterday with their lines on them for their assembly next Wednesday afternoon.

Although we have been working on these in class, it would be much appreciated if you could go over these with your child so that they feel comfortable saying them and can say them in a loud, clear, confident voice.

Please send in cards each day so we can use them in class.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Sibbald

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