P4 Weekly News

We have had a very busy week this week in primary four and cannot believe that in one weeks time it is the summer holidays and our year in primary four is complete! We still have lots to do next week and are looking forward to our Spanish food tasting party.

Miss Eunson would like to say a big well done to all the boys and girls in primary four who tried so hard with their Under the Sea dance, as well as a huge well done to the fabulous primary sevens and Mrs Loosemore for putting on an excellent show ‘Four Friends, Four Wishes’.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked taking part in the summer show” -Jay

“I enjoyed my last day of primary four because I am going on holiday this week” -Daniel

“I enjoyed playing rounders outside” -Alex

“I liked seeing the new P1s at assembly” -Alesha

“I enjoyed playing football outside with Mrs Warden” -Jack

“I enjoyed making our headbands and designing our characters from the Little Mermaid for the show” -Aiden

“I liked making a den for our animals outside and making a big tree house” -Michael

“I enjoyed meeting Mrs Brown in person” -Darryl

“I liked being back at school after my holiday and seeing my friends” -Carla

“I enjoyed making a Spanish menu” -Jemma

“I enjoyed watching the Little Mermaid last night at the summer show” -Emma

“I enjoyed music with Mrs Malloch” -Rachel

Here are some photographs of our week:

Miss Eunson has one request, if possible, if the boys and girls could all bring in a bag on Monday this would be great as I am going to send home their old jotters and work.

P6/5 Weekly News

The countdown is on with the pupils in class! Two weeks today and school will be over for the year. We still have a lot to do in these last two weeks  so it’s full steam ahead.

Read on to hear what we have been up to this week:

  • Brodie – in maths we have started Measure and have been looking at length and the units it can be measured in.
  • Brogan – we found out that our new teacher for P6/7 will be Mrs Sibbald. We had Moving on Day on Wednesday and we all had a great day with Mrs Sibbald in our new classroom.
  • Cory – Mrs Rankin has put up a World Cup Wall Chart for us to keep up to date with the games that will be on each day. We all picked out 2 teams to follow during the tournament.
  • Hannah – we joined the Authors Live session on Thursday with the P4s to find out about Adrian Edmondson. We then created our own time machines afterwards as his book is about a girl with a time machine.
  • Danielle – we got together with P4 to practice our songs for the show and Celebration Assembly.
  • Alfie – the P6s met our Buddies again on Wednesday on Moving on Day. We were colouring in with them in their new classroom.
  • Cory – we checked on our plants we have been growing in the light and dark and had to add canes to them to help them stay up right.
  • Eve – in writing this week we wrote a letter to the new Primary 5 teacher (we didn’t know at that point it was Mrs Loosemore!) recommending Wonder to read as a class novel.
  • Fraser – we had Buddy Training from Miss Gilroy this week – she gave us advise on how to be a good buddy for next year.
  • Charley – we were helping Mrs Rankin tidy the classroom and start to get it ready for Mrs Loosemore to be able to start moving in.
  • All – in PE with Mrs Rankin we did the long jump and also javelin throwing.
  • All – We also did an Izak9 session with Mrs Rankin working in teams to calculate the answers as fast as we could.

Mrs Rankin has one request for us to do for next week. Would it be possible to bring in a plastic bag so that we can bring home completed jotters and work home from this year.

Have a great weekend!




Primary Four Weekly News

Here are our reflections from this week:

I liked writing this week when we got to choose to make a poster, leaflet or trip advisor review to advertise the country Spain –Darryl

I enjoyed practising for the summer show –Jemma

I enjoyed finding out who our new teacher was for next year –Michael

I enjoyed performing our song for the celebration assembly to P6/5 and practising to an audience –Jay

I have enjoyed being back from holiday and seeing my friends again –Alesha

I liked measuring in Maths and rounding to the nearest centimetre –Emma

I enjoyed watching Authors live –Jaymee-Leigh

I liked making a fortune teller with my new teacher –Rachel

I liked when we got to pretend we were a time machine and go back to a time we wanted to in the past -Lara

P6/5 – Health Week News

What a great week we have all had this week for Health Week! It has been so busy with great things happening all week and the sunshine has really helped us get outside and enjoy our activities! As it has been so packed, we have broken it down into days!


Clean-up – we started the week helping Mr Bryce keep on top of the litter picking and weeding.

We had Star Harmonies in school on Monday afternoon giving us a taster session of Matilda The Musical. We got to sing about Revolting Children and did actions as well as we sang. It was really good fun. We also had sing-offs between the boys and girls and then the P6s and P5s. Everyone enjoyed this!

Keris – It was very fun!

Brogan – Musical theatre was my favourite activity of the week.


Sports Day arrived on Tuesday and it was lovely to see parents join us for our sessions of Potted Sports and then the races in the afternoon. The classes worked in house groups. Here we are ready to go – some looked more enthusiastic than others!

Charley – I came first in the flat race!

Eve – I enjoyed the races, coming second to Charley.

Danielle – I enjoyed the races as I came third in the hopping race.


Come Dine With Me was on in the morning. We were making sandwiches and we had a lot of choices for fillings with some unusual combinations added. Alfie wins with his filling of Nutella, crispy bacon and banana! He did admit he had to take the banana off as it didn’t taste quite right… Everyone really got enjoyed making these and some sandwiches didn’t last very long. A few made it home … hopefully in one piece!

Playground Training – we were outside going round the new playground zones and looking at the resources at each station to see what there is and to see if anything else would be good to have. We went round in groups with P1/2/3.

Cory – Let’s Talk About It show was on in the afternoon. The jokes in this were quite funny.

Keris – I really enjoyed going around the playground zones seeing what was in the boxes at each zone.


Thursday morning brought gymnast Amy Regan to Stoneyburn who gave us a taster session of gymnastics. Amy Regan is a two time Scottish Commonwealth Games Gymnast who did gymnastics for 15 years. She put the class through their paces and tired them out with her warm-up! Some pupils were ready to sit down after that but had to get on with 3 different stations to demonstrate their skills!

Just Dance requests in the classroom

Wheels Half Hour – for those of us who brought in wheels and a helmet, we all got the chance to have fun in the playground for a bit. For those who didn’t bring wheels, they played some games on the grass.

We were out watching the Stoneyburn Vs Greenrigg football match on Thursday afternoon and we were cheering on both teams! Well done to Stoneyburn with for the 9 – 4 wind and our class mates who were playing – Callum, Alfie, Fraser, Brodie and Charley all played their part in the team’s win! Well done everyone, it was a great game to watch!

Fraser – it was a good game and played magnificently!


We were outside with P4 and P7 for Rackets and Bats! We had 2 games of rounders on the go with mixed class teams.

We also had our Sports Assembly this morning announcing the winners of our races. The final announcement was the house winner which this year was Wallace – well done Team Wallace!

Back to normal next week with only 3 weeks of P5 and P6 to go….Wow!

Have a great weekend!


P4 Reflections On A Fantastic Health Week

Primary four have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the activities planned for health week. Here are our reflections on the week and some photographs of our highlights.


Star Harmonies Musical Theatre Group

I enjoyed when we learned the song and dance with the Musical Theatre group –Rachel


Sports Day

I enjoyed doing the races at Sports Day –Jemma

I loved watching the teacher race –Jaymee-Leigh

I liked the potted sports activities in the morning –Darryl


Come Dine With Me

I enjoyed making Eton Mess at Come Dine With Me and eating it –Aiden

I liked getting to eat the yoghurt at Come Dine With Me –Jack


Roots of Empathy

I really enjoyed our last Roots of Empathy and getting a certificate –Bethany

Here is a photograph of everyone with their certificate for participating.


Lets Talk About It Show

I liked how it taught us you need a friend to help if you are in trouble or upset –Alex



Famous Gymnast Visit

I liked meeting Amy and getting to do gymnastics –Alex

I liked managing to do a front flip in Gymnastics- Daniel

Wheels Day

I enjoyed going outside on my wiggle scooter on Wheels Day –Jay

I liked bringing my bike to school to do wheels day –Michael

I liked racing on our bikes at wheels day –Emma


I liked playing rounders outside this morning –Ethan

I also liked playing rounders -Lara


P4 Weekly News

We have had a busy week this week in primary four and have had lots going on that we are excited to share.

Here are our reflections and comments on what we have been doing:

I loved doing handwriting -Lara

I enjoyed rounding to the nearest ten in Numeracy -Michael

I enjoyed writing this week when we wrote our own Trip Advisor on somewhere we have been -Darryl

I liked doing rounding in Numeracy and rounding up to tens, hundreds and thousands -Aiden

I liked doing rounders in P.E with Mrs Howard -Jack

I enjoyed working with P1 and doing the caterpillar life cycle -Ethan

I liked seeing other peoples strategies in Number Talks -Alex

I loved helping come up with steps for our Dance for the summer show -Rachel

I enjoyed seeing baby Archie for the last time in Roots of Empathy -Carla

I enjoyed practising the eight times table in Numeracy -Daniel

I liked getting ready for our Pupil Voice Group assembly -Jay and Jaymee-Leigh

I liked playing the eight times table bingo game -Emma

I enjoyed getting to practice handwriting skills at smart start -Jaymee-Leigh

I liked doing a Trip Advisor review on when I went to the soft play -Bethany


Writing in Primary 3/2

This was us talking for writing, in our groups.  We discussed what our story was going to be then we planned it then we write it as a comic strip.

This is our magical creature that we had to take on adventure.

In our group we had to make a bed for Goldilocks then write the instructions.

It was tricky trying to work out the Instructions for our writing -Lucas

I liked making the beds- Corey

I enjoyed the two stars and a wish that the rest of the class gave us- Riley

P2/1 PE Days

A little message from Mrs Howard and Mr Tennant:

Please check that your child has a SUITABLE gym kit on a Monday and Friday.  A gym kit consists of shorts, T-shirt and suitable gym shoes.

There are a lot of children in P2/1 without a gym kit and we do not have enough spare kit to provide each child with what they need.

Many thanks for your support.

P6/5 Weekly News

Another week has gone by, our last short week of P6/5 and we now only have 5 weeks left. We can’t believe how fast this year is going!

We did a Litter Pick this week as a whole school and each class had different areas to clean up. We had the job of the cleaning up the woods and boy, did we find a lot!

We had Impact Arts in working with us on ideas for the fence between the school and the new houses. The ladies who were in  will feed this back and hopefully some of our ideas will be taken on board.

Read on to hear more about our week.

  • Jack – in science this week, we started looking at chemistry and did a couple of experiments and also looked at what jobs you can do if you study chemistry.
  • Callum – it was the last week of Forest School with Greenrigg Primary at Polkemmet Park. We were building a fire and lighting it with cotton wool and petroleum vaseline.  Next week we will be going a full blog for our time at Forest School with pictures.
  • Brogan – we were working with Impact Art on Tuesday for the fence.
  • Charley – in maths we were working on angles and learning how to use protractors to measure the size of anlges.
  • Hannah – we planted broadbean seeds this week with half of the glass leaving their plants in the light and half have put their plants in the dark. We have written a prediction on what might happen to these.
  • Alfie – we had PE with Mr Tennant today and played rounders outside. It was good fun.
  • Eve – we split the class this week for a little while and some of us were in helping Mrs Campbell’s class with writing. We really enjoyed that.
  • Danielle – we did some singing practice for the Summer Show.
  • Brogan – Hannah, Eve and myself represented the school in netball at a festival at West Lothian College. We all really enjoyed this!
  • Charley – Mrs Rankin took over Health and Wellbeing for the P5s this week and we all had a chat.
  • Alfie – we had a reading session with P3/2 this week and they read to us. Their reading has really come on!
  • Fraser – the new P1 pupils were up for a visit this week and we were able to see some of our buddies. Callum got to meet one of his buddies who he hadn’t met.

Have a good weekend in the sunshine!




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