Category Archives: Primary 4

P3/4 Head Bands Maths

To help explore numbers within 1000 we played the ‘Head Bands’ game where some of us got a number to stick on our heads and had to ask the rest of the group questions to help work out what the number was.  The rest of the group could only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ so we had to think carefully about the questions we asked e.g. “Am I between 300 and 700?”   “Am I greater than 450?”  “Am I smaller than 600?”  Have a look at some of us below:


P3/4 Assembly Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our class assembly on Wednesday, it was great to see so many of you there to support our children and share in our learning.  Thanks also for all the help and support you gave the children with learning their lines, it was great to see that they all managed to present their lines without the use of their scripts.

P3/4 Reflecting on RME

This week we have been learning more about the Jewish festival of Shabbat:

They smell sweet spices when Shabbat finishes.  (Michael)

They light candles so we made our own Havdalah candle pictures using collage materials. (Brogan)

They tasted Shabbat bread and it tasted kind of like cake.  (Carla)

They have to set their lights on a timer because they weren’t allowed lights on during Shabbat.  (Aiden)

They weren’t allowed to do anything like cleaning and cooking.  (Keris)

P3/4 STEM challenge

Today I got to work with P3/4 and Mrs   Robley on their first STEM challenge. STEM is problem based learning that uses skills in science, technology, engineering and maths. They got to complete a mini challenge to try some of these skills out. A key part is being able to work with a group. They had to be able to talk and listen to each other. They had to work together and support each other to succeed. They learnt that it was ok for them to make a mistake or get it wrong as they could then think how to improve and try again. Well done, Miss Tukeimage

Hectic few weeks

P3/4 have had  a few very hectic weeks. We have had health week, sports day, den building and our last visit from baby Allie.

As part of health we week we tried different sports, and had a visit to Tesco to find out more about our food and how it gets to our fork. We got to do lots of things that people doing their shopping don’t get doing! We went into the bakery and learned how things are baked and we got to make our own rolls, with different toppings. They were delicious!! We looked behind the scenes and saw where the big lorries deliver their things and we even got to stand in the big deep freeze.. only for a couple of seconds though because it was VERY COLD!! We also got to learn more about fish and even handled some!

During health week we went a walk to the bing and local park and we also visited Polkemmet Park for the second time. We saw the difference in growth of the trees now that a new season had begun, and we had the chance to build dens in the forest area.

P1/2 and P2/4 had a very special visitor -Badger the Mystical Mutt. We heard a story about Badger and his friends, then he did some magic for us! He is one very large, clever dog!!

This week we had our very last visit from baby Allie as our Roots of Empathy course came to an end! What a difference we have seen in her. It has been really good to watch her grow and develop, and we have learned a lot from her. We will miss her visits  but it will soon be the holidays so that will keep us busy!!

Allie Rocks!

Our roots of empathy session this week included a visit from Allie and her Mum. Allie is doing lots of different things now! She can walk round the circle with her Mum helping her. She laughs and giggles all the way round, she really likes walking! We don’t think it will be long before she is walking on her own! Allie was also eating today, her favourite food is yogurt but she was trying new things today. She tried raspberries and cherry tomatoes. She didn’t like the raspberries, but she loved the cherry tomatoes. Allie is teaching us all sorts of things. We know about how she communicates with her Mum, and everybody else, without using words; the way she is changing as she is growing and what the milestones are for her. As Allie is learning new things, so are we. We all look forward to her visits, she has changed so much from the little baby that first visited us, to the baby who visits us now, who looks at us, laughs, claps her hands and dances with us when there is music on.

“Allie was tasting new food today. If she didn’t like it, she spat it out and made a face. It was funny!” – Dylan

” I enjoyed Allie’s visit because she was tasting new food. She really liked the cherry tomatoes and wanted more of them” – Leah

“Allie was dancing to Gangam Sytle with us. Baby Gangam Style is funny, but it is cute too!” – Keris

P6/7 School Show Announcement

The Emerald Crown


Our Primary 6/7 show will take place on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June.

Both performances will begin at 2:00pm. We would ask everyone to be in and seated by this time.

A letter will be issued tomorrow and tickets will be on sale  from Monday.

Please send in your ticket requests and money with your child to hand in to their class teacher.


Many thanks

Mrs Boyd

Farewell Message

I just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to everyone who made my last day at Stoneyburn Primary School so lovely.

Thank-you to all the staff and pupils who put together a fantastic assembly.  It was lovely to see some of the things I’ve been involved in and to see all of the school’s dance moves!

Thank-you to all the parents who came to the assembly or spoke to me over the past week.  I really appreciated all your kind words and best wishes.

Thank you to all the pupils in Primary 6/7 who made Friday such a fun day at out party.  The music, dancing and dance-offs were brilliant.

Finally thank-you to the parents and pupils for your lovey messages in cards and very generous gifts.  It was all very overwhelming on Friday but I want to say thank-you properly now.

It has been a pleasure working with all of your amazing children over the past 7 years.  I wish you and them all the best and hopefully will be back for a visit sometime soon.


Miss Welsh