Category Archives: Primary 4

P4 Weekly Update

Apologies for this not being uploaded at the end of last week, the glow system was down on Friday for all staff until Monday which meant Miss Eunson could not get access to post on the blog.

Here is our post from Friday:

Primary Four have had a very busy week.  On Tuesday we loved sharing our learning with parents and showing them how we do paired reading with Primary Seven. We have enjoyed making our crafts and getting prepared for the Christmas Fayre next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we enjoyed a visit from baby Archie during our Roots of Empathy and were so pleased to see how happy and smiley he was. Today, in P4 we got a visit from a special Elf on the Shelf who came with a letter asking us to create a name for him.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked meeting our Elf on the Shelf” –Alesha

“I enjoyed doing Health and Wellbeing and talking about our feelings and what makes us feel good about ourselves” –Rachel

“I enjoyed doing paired reading and reading my book to P7 partner Jay” –Carla

“I liked doing listening games with Mrs Rankine” –Darryl

“I enjoyed decorating our classroom for Christmas” –Alex

“I liked writing this week because we got to write about a good friend and I also liked doing listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Aiden

“I liked designing ourselves as Elves” –Jack

“I enjoyed making a name for our Elf on the Shelf and listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Emma

“I loved our visit from Reverend Malloch and getting to ask him questions” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed getting prepared for the Christmas fayre and making posters with our class business logo on it” – Michael

“I enjoyed painting and designing things for our Christmas fayre” –Jemma

“I liked doing basketball with Mrs Warden” –Jay

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Miss Eunson” –Daniel

“I enjoyed designing myself as an elf” –Lara

“I liked getting to write about my good friend Aaron” –Ethan

“I liked our ‘Relax and Read’ time and getting to come up with a name for this” -Bethany

P4 Weekly News

Primary four have had a very exciting and busy week. We started making our elf doors and Christmas door hangers to sell at our Christmas Fayre. Here are some photographs of us having fun making these:



We also began paired reading with primary seven and really enjoyed this. We know the rules and signals to use in paired reading and cannot wait to meet up with primary seven to do this again next week.

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked doing writing about my favourite celebration – christmas” -Jay

“I liked practising our dance and song for our Christmas performance” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing paired reading with primary seven” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed being back with my friends after a week off school” -Carla

“I loved making the elf doors and Santa please stop here signs for our christmas fayre” -Alex

“I liked writing french phrases with Mrs Ewing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed making the santa stop here signs” -Emma

“I liked doing spelling activities for my spelling words” -Alesha

Primary Four – Weekly Update

Here are our class thoughts and comments on what we have been learning about this week and what we have enjoyed.

“I liked doing gymnastics and when we got to play hop tig” -Jay

“I enjoyed going to the Levenseat competition and the listening games with Miss Gilroy” -Aiden

“I enjoyed when the parents came in on Tuesday and we got to show them what we have been doing in class” -Darryl

“I loved when we got to write about our Transition day with Greenrigg” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing music with Mrs Ewing and I liked learning half past, quarter past, quarter to and other times on a clock in Maths” -Alesha

“I enjoyed getting to do paired reading  and activities with P2/1” – Rachel

“I liked doing the target number for Number Talks and smart start” -Daniel

“I enjoyed practising words to write a sentence in handwriting” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing the cut and stick time activity when we had to put the five past and all the times in the right place on a clock” -Jack

Update on Gym Times

Primary 4 will now have gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please can you make sure you have your gym kit in on each of these days.


Miss Eunson

Primary 4 Reflections from Friday 10th November

This has been an exciting week in Primary 4, with visitors from Greenrigg Primary School on Tuesday and a visit from our new pupil who will be joining our class shortly.

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed writing acrostic poems about bonfire night using onomatopoeia” –Emma

“I enjoyed doing Athletics with Mrs Warden” –Bethany

“I liked Roots of Empathy because it was baby week and we got to see baby Archie. He was a little bit sick because he has been eating and trying wheetabix” –Darryl

“I have loved doing the songs and actions with Mrs Ewing” –Alesha

“I enjoyed meeting our new pupil and sharing our learning with him” –Rachel

“I liked doing handwriting and practising joining letters together” –Jay

“I liked playing the roll a dice thousands game where we got to write thousand numbers” –Michael

“I liked performing our Christmas song to Miss Eunson and Mrs Craig” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed seeing baby Archie sit up” -Ethan

Primary 4

We have been very busy in Primary 4 this week and Miss Eunson is very glad to be back and has missed everyone in Primary 4.

Here is our comments and reflections on the week:

“We have been writing our own spooky stories” -Darryl

“I enjoyed practising my spelling words and doing different spelling activities” -Aiden

“I enjoyed using the Red Thinking Hat in reading to think about our feelings” -Alesha

“I loved writing numbers using thousands, hundreds tens and ones” -Jack

“I liked doing handwriting and writing a sentence” -Jay

“I liked using the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones materials to make numbers” -Alex

“I enjoyed doing our spelling test for our spelling words” -Jemma

“I liked singing with Mrs Ewing and P6/5 as well”- Michael

“I loved doing Numeracy ICT games” -Rachel

“I enjoyed together time when we got to get together in our house groups” -Carla

“I enjoyed using cotton buds and paint to make numbers on ten frames” -Bethany

“I liked flashing ten frames and getting to guess how many there were” -Lara

“I liked playing the times table bingo game” -Emma

“I liked doing number talks using ten frames” -Daniel

STV Children’s Appeal

***STV Children’s Appeal***

Thank you once again to everyone who came along to support our fundraising event for the STV Children’s Appeal with Sean Batty!  The final figure raised from dress down and sponsored welly walk was the grand total of £1246!  This is an outstanding achievement for our wee school so a HUGE ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed and supported us.

The PTA also held a very successful coffee morning and the proceeds from the teas and coffees and the bake sale raised £110.05.  This amount will be added to the PTA funds and they will let you know in due course what the money will be used for.

Thank you once again for a very successful morning 🙂


Another busy week in Primary 4

We have really enjoyed this week and we have lots of fun. On Monday, we loved our trip to Whitelee Wind Farm and finding out more about our topic  and renewable energy.

Here are some more of our reflections on the week and what we have been learning:

“I liked finishing our class novel George’s Marvellous medicine and I am looking forward to our next class novel” – Darryl

“I enjoyed the fly swat game in French with Mrs Ewing” – Michael

“I liked getting to meet Mrs Ewing’s daughter Abbie” -Alesha

“I enjoyed presenting to the judges for our school Levenseat competition” -Aiden

“I liked getting to touch the blade from a real wind turbine” -Jaymee -Leigh

“I really enjoyed doing the wind sock experiment when we went on our trip to Whitelee Wind Farm” -Daniel

“I enjoyed seeing the wind turbines in real life and also presenting to the judges about what we have been learning” -Carla

“I know there are 215 wind turbines at Whitelee Wind Farm” -Jemma

“I enjoyed the solar, hydro and wind experiments in the workshop” -Jack

“I learned that the size of the biggest turbine is about 25 buses stacked on top of each other” -Alex

“I know the blades of wind turbines are made out of wood”- Emma

Here are some photographs of our week and us enjoying our time at Whitelee Wind Farm.


Tomorrow’s Welly Walk…

Good morning, quick update about tomorrow’s STV Children’s Appeal event…

The whole event takes place between 9.00-10.00am. Sean Batty will be here at that time. Please note that attendance to the coffee morning for adults/friends of the school, will be taken as your permission to be filmed/photographed, unless you speak to me directly.

The classes will be out for their sponsored welly walk at the following times:
P1/2/3 – 9.00-9.15
P4 – 9.15-9.30
P6/5 – 9.30-9.45
P7 – 9.45-10.00

You are more than welcome to walk with your child at their time – please just make your way out to the playground.

Before and/or after your child’s welly walk slot, they will be in the hall for the disco or in their class for a weather themed activity. Tunnock’s will kindly be providing goodies for the children which will be given out at some point tomorrow morning.

Children should wear wellies or suitable outdoor shoes for their welly walk (especially since it has been raining recently and the path will no doubt be a bit muddy).

All sponsor money should be brought in tomorrow or as soon as possible so we can send to the STV Children’s Appeal.

Welly planters for the competition should also be brought in tomorrow morning. We have a prize for P1-3 and P4-7 entries.

I hope this answers most of your questions about tomorrow’s event and we are all looking forward to seeing you.

Mrs Sibbald

Primary 4

We have had a very busy and fun week in Primary four.  We have been working together to design our wind turbine models and cannot wait until our trip to the wind farm. Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked creating a fact mindmap about Autumn weather” -Darryl

“I enjoyed painting the wind turbines that we made” -Michael

“I liked doing rainbow writing with my spelling words” -Alesha

“I liked playing dodgeball with Mrs Warden” -Jay

“I enjoyed creating a poster about wind turbines and learning the signs for more than and less than in Maths” -Emma

“I loved making our wind turbine models” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked when we drew insects and mini beasts in French” -Lara

“I enjoyed writing a silly story with all of my spelling words” -Aiden

“I liked singing a harvest song with Mrs Ewing” -Michael

“I liked gym with Mrs Warden” -Bethany

“I liked painting the wind turbines” -Ethan

“I enjoyed doing mini games in football” -Daniel

“I enjoyed writing a letter to Roald Dahl about our class novel George’s Marvellous Medicine”- Rachel

“I enjoyed playing the number bond games”- Carla