Category Archives: Primary 4

P4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed when Jemma did a show and tell to the class because she is the special person this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing writing and researching our topic on Spain” -Jay

“I enjoyed pupil voice groups because we got to think about what we are going to share at assembly and got a script” -Carla

“I loved when we got to design artwork for the new fence” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing a community litter pick” -Daniel

“I liked coming up with a dance in class for our song for the summer show” -Alesha

“I enjoyed in pupil voice groups when me, Amelia and Layla got to take photographs of the groups” -Aiden

“I enjoyed going to the Greatest Showman movie night” -Jemma

“I learned about the eight times table and enjoyed playing the eight times table bingo game” -Emma

“I enjoyed playing sumdog at Smart Start” -Jack

“I liked learning the six times table in Maths and doing the activities” -Michael


This week in primary four..

Here are our reflections this week:

Darryl – I enjoyed it when Greenrigg came over on Tuesday.

Lara – I liked doing character cop.

Alex – I liked doing the hunt outside for 3D shapes.

Jack – I enjoyed doing writing when we were doing the leaflets for Mrs Brown about what is good about Stoneyburn so she can see what our school is like.

Carla – I enjoyed litter picking on Tuesday and I enjoyed the daily mile.

Aiden – I enjoyed doing our numbers in Spanish bingo game.

Jaymee-Leigh – I loved doing IZAK 9.   Even though it was difficult we managed to get most of the questions correct.

Michael – I enjoyed playing football with Greenrigg on Tuesday.

Alesha – I liked doing Spanish numbers.  We are going to be focussing on learning some Spanish because our topic is Spain.

This week in primary four..

Although it has been a short week, we have still done lots in primary four and have been very busy.

We loved seeing baby Archie at Roots of Empathy this week and how excited he was to see us all. Here are some photographs of us with him.

“I was shocked to see how funny baby Archie was at Roots of Empathy” –Michael

“I loved doing division and sharing into groups in numeracy” –Alesha

“I enjoyed seeing all my friends again after my holiday and in drama speaking banana language” –Emma

“I was surprised to see how much baby Archie’s hair had grown since the last time in Roots of Empathy” –Alex

“I loved playing sumdog and I was excited to hear the national competition had started up again” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I was surprised to see that baby Archie could walk and stand up on his own” –Carla

“I enjoyed making up our own six times table game using different voices and actions” –Aiden

“I liked learning about Spanish music with Mrs Ewing” –Lara

“I was surprised that our new topic was Spain and we learned about a famous artist called Pablo Picasso. I also know Picasso made an art out of junk and a bulls head made from bicycle parts ” –Rachel

“I enjoyed making up our own balloon music” –Daniel

“I learned that Pablo Picasso made his first painting when he was eight” -Jemma

“I enjoyed talking about and looking at Pablo Picasso’s Cubism art” -Jack


This week in primary four..

This week in primary four we have been learning how to use persuasive language in writing. We have been looking at commas and the different uses of them. In Maths we have been learning about angles and the eight points of a compass. In numeracy, we have been learning about division and fractions.

We enjoyed our second workshop on Tuesday from the drama box.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked in drama box when we got to be statues” -Lara

“I was surprised this week when I got to see my cousin Sophie who is coming into primary one in August” -Michael

“I absolutely loved using Bee-Bots and Pro-Bots and giving instructions using angles” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about the six times table and practising this using Plickers” -Jack

“I liked making my powerpoint  with Aiden on our topic and adding transitions” -Rachel

“I thought it was good fun in Roots of Empathy when we got to write letters to Archie about what makes us special” -Carla

“I enjoyed doing persuasive writing and using a lot of exaggeration to help my argument” -Daniel

“I thought it was fun when we did a maths assessment on Plickers” -Aiden

“I loved being a phonics detective with Bethany around the school to try and find words with oi in them” -Jemma

“I loved when we made our Romans powerpoint” -Jay

“I was furious in writing when we were told school might be open on a Saturday and I enjoyed making my own argument against it and I also loved learning to speak Spanish this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

Primary Four Weekly Reflection

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed learning about fractions in Maths” -Ethan

“I loved learning Spanish words with Mrs Ewing” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed writing a reflection on what we learned in our Roman topic” -Rachel

“I liked handwriting” -Carla

“I loved doing a vocabulary cartoon in reading” -Alex

“I liked when we got to go out and do assessments for reading and writing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed learning about division in numeracy” -Michael

“I enjoyed when we did the Drama box workshop” -Jay

“I liked playing the halves game on hit the button when it was the class versus the teacher” -Jack

“I enjoyed doing a spelling test for my words” -Darryl

“I liked learning about finding fractions of a number” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing gym outside with Miss Eunson” -Alesha

“I liked watching the P3/2 assembly” -Jemma


Primary Four Weekly Reflection

We have had a busy week in Primary Four. We loved our workshop by Roman Tales on Tuesday, it was a great way to finish our topic on the Romans, where we go to dress up and act like real Roman Soldiers. We also loved the small museum and display.

Here are some photographs of us in action:


Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed getting to redraft my writing on the computer and that it was going to be entered into the young writer award” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed when we went to the Roman workshop and we threw the balls at the Roman Army” –Michael

“I loved doing handwriting and writing sentences” –Jack

“I loved when we got to do pyramid spelling with my spelling words” –Lara

“I liked doing a vocabulary cartoon when we had to find a word from our book which we didn’t know and look up its meaning in a dictionary” –Jay

“I enjoyed seeing Hannah, Brogan and Eve do their dance at their class assembly” –Alesha

“I thought it was funny at the start of Roman tales when we shouted ‘Roman Ready’ and the man jumped out dressed as a Roman” –Carla

“I enjoyed when we were doing numeracy and doing times table activities” –Daniel

“I enjoyed doing the hot air balloon adventure with Mrs Ewing when we got to go to Jamaica and find out about Caribbean music” -Rachel

“I enjoyed playing hit the button to practice division and dividing numbers” –Darryl

“I liked going to Addiewell Primary to get a tour and see what they did in Literacy” –Emma

“I enjoyed starting to learn about the eight times table” –Aiden

“I liked starting division and seeing how it was similar to times tables” –Alex

“I loved doing number talks when we got to do a target number, mine was 14 and 16” –Bethany

“I enjoyed the Roman workshop and the pretend Roman battle” –Jemma

“I enjoyed doing my two times table in Numeracy” -Ethan


Have a good weekend everyone!


P4 and Miss Eunson

Primary Four Reflections on their First Camp at Lowport

This week was a very exciting week for primary four as the whole class went for one night to Lowport for their first school camp experience. We had lots of fun and enjoyed the range of activities we took part in.

Here are our highlights and favourite parts of our stay:

“I liked going on a forest adventure because we played follow the leader and found a table with food on it that squirrels had been eating. We also got to go under a tunnel and it was fun” -Alex

“I enjoyed doing canoeing” -Ethan

“I liked when we went on the forest adventure and we made dens for a small animal or object out of sticks and things we could find outside” -Emma

“I enjoyed the kayaking even though it was freezing” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing the forest walk because I got to put mud on my face and it was so fun and also getting to put my nose at the end of the Kayak” -Alesha

“I loved the forest adventure because we found a elf door” -Jack

“I thought it was good that we had a camp fire and got to eat s’mores” -Michael

“I liked playing the buzz game” -Jay

“I enjoyed playing silent ball with the teachers and children from Stoneyburn and Greenrigg” -Daniel

“I loved the view we had from our top floor in our room” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I really liked making the nature cocktails” -Carla

“I loved sharing a room with Lara” -Rachel

“I enjoyed falling in the water when we did kayaking” -Darryl

“I loved eating the food at dinner, breakfast and supper, it was amazing” -Jemma

“I enjoyed supper and getting caramel shortcake” -Bethany

Here are Miss Eunson’s photographs from Lowport.


Primary Four Weekly Update

We have reached the end of Term 3 and all the boys and girls in primary four are very excited for Easter and the Easter holidays.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed playing dodgeball” -Jay

“I liked doing just dance and I also liked number talks” -Michael

“I liked doing Maths questions on Plicker with Mrs Rankin” -Aiden

“I liked working with primary one to design Easter cards and helping them” -Bethany

“I enjoyed finishing our crawler transporters” -Carla

“I enjoyed making Easter cards” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked seeing baby Archie playing at Roots of Empathy” -Rachel

“I liked finishing off our space stories and starting to redraft our work” -Darryl

“I liked drawing Easter scenes” -Alesha

“I enjoyed performing at the Easter Service on Monday” -Daniel

Miss Eunson has been very impressed to see all the boys and girls in Primary Four so interested in our STEM space topic. It was great to see Emma and Carla both bringing in information from home to add to our space topic.


“I enjoyed hearing Emma sharing what she knows about the company Gore and how their products are used in space” -Jemma

“I liked hearing about the different names of craters and when Carla was teaching us this” -Jaymee-Leigh

Primary Four Weekly Update

This week we have begun a new STEM topic, Space and we are really enjoying this so far and can’t wait to share our learning about this next week.

Here are our reflections on our learning from this week:

“I enjoyed doing yoga with Miss Eunson” -Lara

“We did gymnastics assessments with Mrs Howard” -Carla

“I learned about verbs and adverbs in reading and I know what they are and can find them in books” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about Venn Diagrams in Maths and working with Aiden to compare Roman houses and our houses” -Darryl

“I liked creating a wanted poster in writing about Boudicca the celt who fought against the Romans” -Jay

“I enjoyed creating mothers day cards and writing a letter to thank Miss Gracie who has now gone back to University” -Emma

“I liked being part of the Rotary quiz” -Daniel

“I enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon in Science and looking at the moon at night time” -Jemma

“I loved playing a new sight words game on the smartboard” -Bethany

“I liked when we made Easter cards in French with Mrs Ewing” -Alesha

“I liked doing our spelling test for our spelling words” -Jack

“I enjoyed the action game in French for Easter words” -Rachel

“I learned what alliteration is and used this in my wanted poster” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked making as many words as I could out of the word Planetarium” -Ethan


Winter Weather Packs (all levels)

Good morning!

Please find attached the Winter Weather packs for Early, First and Second Level (and other resources that may be required).

P1/2 – Early/First

P3/4 – First

P5/6/7 – Second

There is no expectation to do any or all of the tasks, but if you are needing some inspiration on what to do on your snow day, then look no further! 🙂

Have a lovely day, and stay safe!




