Category Archives: Primary 1

A Busy Week in P1/2

This week a lady visited us from the SSPCA.  She had brought a bag full of equipment that she uses to save and rescue animals in need.  Some of us were lucky enough to try on some of her equipment.


Alesha wore a reflective jacket but we were told that the SSPCA Officers would never wear this jacket in a field of sheep or cows as the animals would be really scared.  Daniel had a go of a Seal Bag.  This bag would be put over a seal to keep it calm and then it would be carried in the bag to the SSPCA van.  There are holes in the bag for the seal to breathe.


Darryl was lucky enough to wear the climbing equipment.  This equipment would be used if the SSPCA Officers had to climb to rescue an animal from a tree or cliff.  Darryl really wanted to climb out the window and over the school roof but he wasn’t allowed!


Aiden was our Badger Catcher for the morning.  He had to use a special piece of equipment to catch the badger around its neck and then tighten it so it wouldn’t escape.  The badger was very fast but it couldn’t escape ‘Aiden the Badger Catcher’.


Hide and Tell Box


Daniel put a really interesting object in the Hide and Tell Box this week and was able to give us some clues about it.  Lots of good questions were asked in class to try and find out more information about the object and Darryl was the person who guessed it correctly.  Well done Daniel and Darryl.

Written by Alesha, Carla and Emma

News from the P1/2 Superstars

Primary 1/2 have had a fantastic week getting to know each other and making some brand new friends.  Primary 2 pupils have worked very hard to help the new Primary 1s settle into class.

Primary 1 pupils enjoyed a lunch at school with their parents on Wednesday and they all did really well.  Everyone is looking forward to seeing the P1s in for full days next week.

Trim Trail

We would like to thank everyone that helped to raise money for our new, fun Trim Trail.  Special thanks to the SOC-IT group for their contribution.

The Trim Trail now has a rota system in use for all the classes and everyone has been enjoying it at break and lunch times.

Open Morning – 24th March

Parents/Carers, families and friends are welcome to join us on Tuesday 24th March for our Open Morning. 9 – 10.30am

– You child will share samples of learning, give you a tour of his/her classroom and of the displays in the open areas.

– Join staff and children from P1,2,3 for a coffee morning with delicious home baking

– Take time to browse through the display on Relationships, Parenthood and Sexual Health Education which will be ‘manned’ by Mrs Vest and Mrs Kurcik, who will be happy to answer your questions

Hope to see you all there

Mrs Gibson



Sensory Garden Update

The school would like to thank everyone in the community who provided information and support following the damage that was sustained in the Sensory garden at the end of last month. The area has been tidied up, and we are very grateful for the help provided by Oatridge College students in assisting with this. Mr MacKay distributed posters to shops around the town too—a big thank you to him.

On a positive note, the school community’s work on the Sensory garden was highly commended at this year’s Leavenseat Trust Acorn awards on the 13th of November. The children presented their work superbly.