Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1 2016-2017…Welcome!

A huge welcome to our new Primary 1 children and families.  The children had a fantastic start to the school last week and are looking forward to their first week of full days.

This term, P1 children will have PE on a Wednesday with Mrs Warden and on a Thursday with Mrs Sibbald.  A full gym kit of shorts and T-shirt is required, (preferably school colours, no football strips/colours), as well as suitable gym shoes (for safety).

All children will be encouraged to get changed for gym and back into their school clothes independently, so please make sure on gym days your child has clothes that they can easily manage e.g. no shirts and ties.

Gym kits can be left in the cloakroom in a clearly labelled bag.

P1/2 Class Assembly

A huge ‘Well Done’ to everyone in Primary 1/2 for their hard work this week, learning their assembly.  We had lots to do this week to get it ready.  We don’t have any pictures of the children doing their assembly this morning – if anyone has any they would like to share, please pop in and see me.  Thank you.

Mrs Sibbald

P1/2 Visit to Tesco – Farm to Fork

P1/2 spent the morning at Tesco and learned lots of new things about fruit and vegetables and how the food they eat is made.  We had a ‘rainbow’ fruit and vegetable challenge and then got to try lots of fruits – some we hadn’t tried before.

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We then went to the fish counter and learned about different types of fish.  We also got to hold them and smell them!  They were very slimy!  Alesha thought the smoked haddock looked like a handbag and Emma said ‘if it had a zip it could be a purse’ – it was very funny.  Paul dropped one of the fish because it was so slippery and it nearly landed on Daniel M and Jordan.

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We also got to go to the bakery and we learned about all the different machines in the bakery and how and when they are used.  We got to decide what to put on a roll, we could choose from tiger paste, sesame seeds, poppy seeds and cheese.  Most of us had a mixture.

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We got to go behind the scenes in Tesco and went into the warehouse, the fridge and the freezer.  We had to talk about the different products that would be kept in each place and why.  The freezer was VERY cold and we had to walk like penguins.  When we came out, some of us turned into statues!

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The cheese counter was a particular favourite with the adults on the trip!!  Most of us like the smokey cheese we tried but hardly anyone liked the Blue Stilton – yuck!  Well done Daniel M for giving it a go!

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Farewell Message

I just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to everyone who made my last day at Stoneyburn Primary School so lovely.

Thank-you to all the staff and pupils who put together a fantastic assembly.  It was lovely to see some of the things I’ve been involved in and to see all of the school’s dance moves!

Thank-you to all the parents who came to the assembly or spoke to me over the past week.  I really appreciated all your kind words and best wishes.

Thank you to all the pupils in Primary 6/7 who made Friday such a fun day at out party.  The music, dancing and dance-offs were brilliant.

Finally thank-you to the parents and pupils for your lovey messages in cards and very generous gifts.  It was all very overwhelming on Friday but I want to say thank-you properly now.

It has been a pleasure working with all of your amazing children over the past 7 years.  I wish you and them all the best and hopefully will be back for a visit sometime soon.


Miss Welsh

P1/2 Learning Round-Up!

Primary 1/2 has been extremely busy over the past couple of weeks, taking part in many different learning opportunities.  All the children have demonstrated a number of skills including good listening, being able to follow instructions and working as part of a team.  We hope you enjoy looking at these pictures…

We took part in a Destination Judo Taster Session.  It was brilliant fun!

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We worked hard with members of the Stoneyburn Future Vision Group to tidy up some of our school grounds.

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One of our Primary 2 maths groups has been counting in 10’s starting with different numbers.  They are able to ask their friends questions using the bundles and single sticks to work out addition and subtraction sums.  Well done!

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We also joined Primary 3 for a Dance Taster Session.  We learned lots of new dance moves.

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Lots of people in our class achieved one of their ‘Fruity Friday’ certificates.  Well done everyone.

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We had brilliant fun on Monday working with the Primary 1 and 2 class from Greenrigg.  They visited Stoneyburn Primary School and worked in mixed teams to carry out a challenge of designing and making a Recycling Centre.  Everyone worked well in their groups and contributed well to discussions throughout the day.

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Finally, we have just started exploring ‘Measure’ in P1/2 and enjoyed investigating the lengths, heights and widths of different things using rulers, cubes and other objects.

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P1/2 weekly reflection

We have been thinking about the things we have been doing at school this week.  The things we have enjoyed doing, the things we have been learning and the things we would like to do again so we can get better at them.

We are all enjoying our Run to Rio, especially on a Friday when our family can come along and join in too. Some of us would like to do the Run to Rio every day if we could!

Some of us have been working on the school gardens. We have been planting seeds so we can grow potatoes and onions and we have been tidying up the garden area by pulling weeds and sweeping up.  We are pleased with how it is looking but we are keen to plant some more things and watch them grow.

When we were thinking about things we would like to get better at, some of us were thinking about Maths and some of us were thinking about Vowel House but we all agreed that whatever it was that we wanted to get better at, we needed to practice things over and over again to improve.  We thought about how we would know if we were getting better at things too.  We said that we would feel “happier when we are doing it” , “we would be able to help other people with it”  and “we would be able to tell another person what we were doing.”