Category Archives: Primary 1

P2/1 Assembly

Please note that all children in P2/1 were given cards yesterday with their lines on them for their assembly next Wednesday afternoon.

Although we have been working on these in class, it would be much appreciated if you could go over these with your child so that they feel comfortable saying them and can say them in a loud, clear, confident voice.

Please send in cards each day so we can use them in class.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Sibbald

Winter Weather Packs (all levels)

Good morning!

Please find attached the Winter Weather packs for Early, First and Second Level (and other resources that may be required).

P1/2 – Early/First

P3/4 – First

P5/6/7 – Second

There is no expectation to do any or all of the tasks, but if you are needing some inspiration on what to do on your snow day, then look no further! 🙂

Have a lovely day, and stay safe!






Please help P2/1!

We need your help!

We would like to set up a shop and cafe in our classroom to help us learn all about money.

We have drawn and talked about our ideas but we need your help.

If you have any empty food boxes or drink bottles, could you please send them in so we can stack the shelves in our shop! For example, we are looking for empty boxes of teabags, cereal, biscuits etc, and empty juice bottles.

Thank you for your help.


Bailey, Cerys, Jaden, Emma, Seth, Rebecca, Robbie and Mrs Sibbald

Scottish Poetry Recital in P2/1

A huge well done to everyone in P2/1 for their fantastic Scottish poetry recital this afternoon.  All the boys and girls recited the poem ‘Midges’ to their friends and showed that they are indeed, confident individuals!

Also, another big ‘Well Done’ to Gracie, Kyle and Emma for confidently joining their peers from Our Lady’s at the Ceilidh last night and standing up in front of a large audience to recite their poem.  They did brilliantly and we are all very proud of them!

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Christmas Party Photos

The boys and girls had a great time at their Christmas party yesterday afternoon and really enjoyed their special visitor who made it along to join them for a little while.  The big question though was ‘how did he get here?’ Luckily, lots of boys and girls heard hooves on the roof of the gym hall so we are surmising Santa and his reindeer flew in to Stoneyburn yesterday afternoon! 🙂

Newsletter – December

December Newsletter        Stoneyburn Primary School   

Nearly there!

Just one more week to go before everyone gets a well-earned break!

The last few weeks have been hectic but very successful and lots of fun.

We were particularly proud of our choir who performed at the Santa Parade, The Pensioners’ Treat and our Christmas Show.

If you would like to see more of these talented youngsters log onto the West Lothian Council website where you can listen to them perform two of their Christmas songs.

Lights, Camel, Action!

Thank you to those of you who came along and supported the children at our recent Nativity. It was absolutely FAB-U-LOUS!!

Mrs Howard

We are very lucky to have Mrs Howard join our staff to work on P.E and Team Building Skills. Mrs Howard will be with us on Mondays so we will need to re schedule our assemblies from January:

WEDNESDAY February 7th 2.15-3.00 Primary 4
WEDNESDAY March 7th 2.15-3.00 Primary6/5
WEDNESDAY April 25th 2.15-3.00 Primary 3/2
WEDNESDAY May 16th 2.15-3.00 Primary 2/1

Having Mrs Howard with us means that some classes will change the days they have P.E:

PE for  P7 Mon and Fri, P3/2 Mon and Fri and P2/1 Mon and Fri.

Please support your child’s learning every day by making sure that they have all that they need for their school day. We are really concerned at the number of children coming without a P.E kit. This is an important part of the curriculum and your children are missing out. If we work together we will ensure that they are getting the best experiences. We can’t do it without you!

Head Lice

Please check your child’s head regularly. Head lice is easy to treat but it is also easy to spread. Being alert can save discomfort.

Happy Holidays

School closes on Friday 22nd December at 12.20 and re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 9th January at 8.45.

We would like to wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year from all of the staff at Stoneyburn.

JoJo Gnome Workshop – P2/1

The boys and girls in P2/1 were treated to very special visitors this afternoon for a fun, interactive workshop: author and illustrator, Jo Hall and JoJo Gnome!

The children were taken on an adventure around Sound Town where they met all the different characters who lived in the houses and discovered the sounds and dances they did.

They then heard the story ‘JoJo Gnome and the Cake Contest’ and listened very well to Jo reading and answered all her questions.

Then there was a smell challenge!  They had to guess the smells of 4 different cupcakes.  They turned out to be lemon, mint, caramel and orange.

During the week, the boys and girls had worked hard to design cupcake pictures and these were then used to create an animation with Jo.  She will edit these and forward them to us.

JoJoGnome can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Busy Bees in P2/1

What a very busy time P2/1 have been having!  Over the past few weeks we have been busy making lots of beautiful things for the Christmas Fayre – which was a great success, so Thank You!  Our class raised nearly £70 so we will enjoy spending our money on new games for RAP time after the New Year.

Yesterday we received a letter from the main man of the season – Santa Claus!!  He wrote to us to tell us that some of his elves had been a bit silly and had forgotten to write down the things that children had wanted beside their name.  He asked for our help to write another letter to check if he had managed to sort everything out!  Our Primary 2 girls worked very hard with Mrs Campbell on this job and Primary 1 did a fantastic job of writing their letters.  Lots of detailed pictures and great sounding out of words using sounds that they know.  These letters are sure to make Santa’s job very easy!

Our main focus over the past couple of weeks has of course been our Christmas Nativity.  The boys and girls have been working extremely hard to learn their lines, song words and all of their stage actions.  You are going to be very impressed when you come along to see it.  It was exciting last week when we got to try on our costumes for the first time!!  Our first Show is on Tuesday at 1.30pm and our evening performance is at 6.00pm.  We can’t wait for you to see our show!

P2/1 ‘Learning Together’

Thank you to the mums and dads who attended our ‘Learning Together’ morning in P2/1. The children really enjoyed having you in. Thank you also for taking the time to complete the feedback sheet; it’s much appreciated! Here are the comments from this morning:
‘Great fun with the kids. Loved getting to spend time in class. Lots of choice in activities.’
‘Loved spending time with [child] in class and finding out what the kids are doing in class. It was great fun.’
‘Lots of fun things for the kids. Nice to see what they are doing in class. [Child] loved to draw pictures.’
‘We loved seeing [child] in her class and all the activities she could do.’
‘Great fun this morning, nice to see what the kids get up to in the morning before lessons. [Child] loved having mum in for a bit.’
‘Great to see [child] learning and to see her confidence improve.’
Our next ‘Learning Together’ will take place Tuesday 6th February 2018. Hope you can make it 🙂