Category Archives: Primary 3

20 Years of Article 31

In 1991 the UK Government signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 31 states that “all children have a right to relax and play,and to join in a wide range of activities”. As we will be celebrating 20 years of these rights on 16 December 2011,we would like you to design a birthday card. The closing date for entries is 1 December 2011. The winning design will be used for a Play Scotland poster,in puplications and on their website. The winner will recive £20 WH Smith voucher and a Play Scotland goodie bag. Two runners up will each recive a £10 WH Smith voucher and a Play Scotland goodie bag. All children have recived an entry form.

Christmas Fayre

Stoneyburn Primary School will be holding a Christmas Fayre on Tuesday,22 November in the school hall from 6.00-7.30P.M. Every class has been making things to sell at the Fayre as part of their Christmas Enterprise topics,so there will be plenty things to buy to fill up those Christmas stockings.Our SOC-IT group will also be running a stall at the Fayre.We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible on Tuesday.See you then.

Armistice Day Remembered

On 11.11.11, Stoneyburn Primary School held an Armistice Day Assembly to commemorate and remember those who have given their lives or have been injured in wars throughout our distant and recent history. At 11.00 a.m., everyone in school observed one minute’s silence, along with others throughout the nation, as a mark of respect and an act of remembrance of the 8,500,000 who died in the Great War of 1914-18, and the many millions who have died in wars since. Primary 7 pupils have been involved in the ‘Poppy Scotland’ campaign to raise money for helping injured ex-servicemen currently re-building their lives after fighting in wars in different parts of the world. The assembly and period of silence were poignant reminders of the sacrifice others made so we can enjoy the lives we do today.


The residents of Stoneyburn and Bents can look forward to a brighter community next spring, thanks to the efforts of the Eco Group from Our Lady’s Primary and Primary 3 pupils from Stoneyburn Primary with a lot of help from the Environmental wardens and workers from West Lothian Council today. While the adults manfully (and womanfully) dug lots of holes in the (rock hard) grass verge on the road leading East out of the village, the children planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs and replaced the turf faster than the holes could be dug! So far, we have reached just past the ‘Stoneyburn Welcome Sign’ with planting, but we hope to extend right down to the traffic-lights at the end of the road before we’re finished. Other dates for more groups of children to take part in the project will be arranged for the near future. A big ‘Thank you’ to anyone who helped out in any way in today’s efforts. If you’re interested in coming along to help dig some more holes, leave a post on this Blog.

Community Bulb Planting

After the success of the tree planting that went on last week, both village schools will be improving our environment even further when groups of pupils from Stoneyburn and Our Lady’s take to the great outdoors once more to get involved in planting spring bulbs in the community on Wednesday of this week. It’s the turn of Primary 3 children this time, so remember your wellies and warm clothes if you’re in this class. Bulbs are being supplied by West Lothian Council for this enterprise, which has been organised by the Stoneyburn & Bents Future Vision Group.

Glow and Snow

There have been several comments on the Blog showing interest in a Parents’ Workshop on using GLOW to continue learning and teaching in the event of a school closure due to severe winter weather. As winter weather can hit at any time, dates and times for this event (or events if numbers warrant it) will be  issued in the near future.