Category Archives: Primary 3

‘Winter Ready’ Parent Workshops

A number of parents have indicated that they would find a workshop on being ‘Winter Ready’ in case of school closures due to poor winter weather useful. In response, we have arranged three dates and times for these workshops so there should (hopefully) be one suitable for everyone. The workshops will explain the measures we have in place to continue with learning if school has to close and how to access resources through the school Blog and GLOW. The dates and times are as follows:

Friday, 02 December @ 12.00 noon (just before children are being picked up);

Tuesday, 06 December @ 8.45 a.m. (just when children are being dropped off);

Tuesday, 13 December @ 6.00 p.m.

Each workshop should only last for around 15-20 minutes and we hope as many of you as can possibly make it will attend one of them. Looking forward to seeing you there.

News on Proposed Industrial Action by Public Service Unions

West Lothian Council has issued guidance for the propsed day of Industrial Action by Public Service Unions on Wednesday, 30 November. All West Lothian Schools will be closed to pupils on that day, however, staff who wish to work should attend at  one of the Council’s P.F.I. Schools, i.e., Armadale Academy, Deans CHS, Bathgate Academy, Whitburn Academy, Broxburn Academy, Linlithgow Bridge PS, Low Port PS or Linlithgow PS. where they will engage in development work for the duration of the working day.   Parents and carers should make alternative arrangements for their children during school hours on Wednesday, 30 November.

Fantastic Effort for Children in Need

The children of Stoneyburn Primary School have once again shown their concern for others by donating to the children’s charity Children in Need. The children sold wristbands and had a ‘Spotty Day’ where they paid a fine for not wearing school uniform. The amazing total of £253.93 has been raised through their efforts. A huge ‘Well Done!’ to everyone who helped or donated in any way.