Category Archives: Primary 3

Science and the Stage

One of the advantages of having a hi-tec lighting system available all year round is that it allows us to incorporate science into real-life situations. Today, our Primary 7 pupils will be learning about the intricacies of additive and subtractive colour mixing, the different types of lanterns commonly in use in stage lighting and how to use a lighting mixing board from Mr. David Patterson, the resident lighting engineer in Airdrie Arts Centre.

After receiving tuition, the children will have a chance to design a lighting sequence to be used in next week’s dance show. If the children are available to come along to, or are already taking part in the show, they will have the opportunity of presenting their work by operating the lighting desk to light one of the dances at the actual performance.

Exciting stuff. Don’t you wish you were back at school?  I mean Stoneyburn Primary School, of course!

Dance Show 2012

The children at Stoneyburn have spent the past 8 weeks learning and practising dances for our annual dance show.
We would like to invite you to the dance show on Tuesday the 13th of March at 6.30pm.
The tickets will go on sale on Monday 5th March and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  An order form has been sent out to all families in the school.  If you wish to purchase tickets, send the order from back to school with your child and the Dance Show Business Team will collect orders and distribute tickets.   Adult tickets cost £2 and child tickets cost £1. Half the money raised will go to Sport Relief and the other half to our school fund.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Primary 7 School Camp Information Evening

An information evening for children attending the P7 School Camp to Dalguise Outdoor Centre and their parents will be held on Tuesday 06 March in Greenrigg Primary School @ 6.30 p.m. Those attending will see a short presentation, a short video of last year’s event and have an opportunity to ask questions and speak to the staff accompanying the children to Dalguise. Permission and medical forms will also be completed at this time, so please ensure you have your child’s medical, dietary, etc. information with you on the night.

Whitburn Cluster Basketball Festival


On Tuesday of next week , our Primary 6 pupils will be taking part in the Whitburn Cluster Schools Basketball Festival at Stoneyburn Community Centre. We have 20 P6 children, which is the largest number we have representing us at an Active Schools Festival this school year, so we are hoping for good results. As always, we wil be proud of our children no matter the outcome.

World Book Day


Today is World Book Day and Stoneyburn Pupils are celebrating it with special assemblies provided by West Lothian Library Services. In addition, each child will receive a free £1 book token which they can take to a participating bookseller and exchange it for one of the special World Book Day Books (which all cost just £1 each) or put the token towards another book of their choice and pay the difference. We hope as many of the children as possible will be encouraged to exchange their tokens for books – what a boost to literacy that would be.

Artists Open Afternoon

As intimated earlier in the year, Stoneyburn Primary School will be hosting an Open Afternoon on Thursday, 01 March where parents and friends can visit the school to see the work being done on our ‘Artists’ topic. Visitors will be able to see the results of 7 weeks’ work in vertical groups, as well as hear a presentation by children on our Pupil Voice Groups. Don’t know what that’s about? Then you need to be there. The fun begins at 1.30 p.m.

Transition to Whitburn Academy Begins

The annual transition of Stoneyburn Primary’s P7 pupils to Whitburn Academy begins on Thursday, 23 February, with a Transition Literacy Day. Our P7s will meet with the other children who will form S1 at the Academy in August, and take part in literacy activities related to the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo. We are sure that this will be a very positive first experience of ‘the Big School’.

SOC-IT Meeting

There will be a SOC-IT Group meeting on Friday, 10 February @ 9.00 a.m. in the school dining area. Parents and carers of ALL children who attend Stoneyburn Primary School are automatically members of SOC-IT, and we are always looking for volunteers to donate their time and skills for the benefit of our children. Why not come along to the meeting and find out what you can do to enhance our school and community?

Safer Internet Day 2012


Monday February 7th is this year’s Safer Internet Day. Each year, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) look to raise awareness of why it is important to use the internet safely.
In Stoneyburn, we are always looking for as many ways as possible to use the internet to enhance learning. We all love that education in the 21st century can be so wide reaching and that so much information can be found readily at our fingertips. The internet also provides us all with great opportunities to talk safely with other people all over the world at the click of a button. I certainly couldn’t have anticipated that schools would be like this as a pupil all those years ago!
With all of these rights it is important to remember we all have a responsibility to use the internet wisely AND safely. Pupils – don’t put yourself in danger online. Parents – get to know what your children are doing online and be vigilant. Social networking is, undoubtedly, a hugely successful and useful medium – but should children be accessing it? The golden rule from CEOP – and Stoneyburn PS – is safety first!

CEOP’s thinkyouknow site has games, videos and the best information on internet safety, lots of which we use in school. If you don’t know about it – get internet informed! Click on the link below for more information.

This week’s assemblies have an Internet flavour and we have set the children a challenge to find out what parent’s memories of computers as a child were. Please share these for Friday’s assembly!