Category Archives: Primary 3

Left Property

We now have 3 boxes of left property in school, which are the result of children not claiming their lost or left clothing from classrooms, cloakrooms, the gym-hall and/or the playground. As there is no room in school to store these items, any remaining unclaimed items will  be disposed of on Friday, 25 May. The children will be given another opportunity of claiming the items before the deadline and parents/carers who think that some of these items might belong to their offspring can come into school and have a look through our collection. Remember, Friday, 25 May is the deadline.

New Playground Equipment


Our SOC-IT Group have kindly donated some new playground equipment to our school. In consultation with Ms. Smith and Mrs. Gillies, the group decided on what equipment was required and Mrs. Pyper trawled the internet to source it. The total cost of the items came to £263.75 and was paid for from SOC-IT Funds. Our children will really enjoy playing with the new hula-hoops, catch-a-cups, balance-boards, etc. A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved.

Summer Show Gets Under Way

This year’s Summer Show reflects this year’s big event in the UK – The Olympics – and has been specially written for our children by Mrs. Loosemore. The title of the show is ‘Lord of the Rings – Olympic that is …’ and, as well as providing an opportunity for our children to perform, it is written in such a way that the content relates very closely to the learning and teaching that will be going on throughout the school this term. Also, every child in every class is involved.

Auditions have now taken place and parts have been allocated, so now it’s on with the show – and the hard work!

Sam thinks the auditions are very competitive, while Liam was nervous while he waited to see if he had the part he wanted. Amy and Lisa think it’s a great idea to combine the show and the Olympics topics, while Lewis, Elle, Tylia, Rhianne, Cole and Jack think that it will be very emotiona,l as this will be their last chance to be involved in a show at Primary School. Keris is a bit worried about learning the moves. Never mind, Keris, you’ve got a whole 8 weeks – wait a minute! THERE’S ONLY 8 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!

Rainbows @ Stoneyburn PS

This morning, we’ve had a request to remind all girls aged between 5 to 7 about becoming a Rainbow, as part of the girl guiding network. The 1st Stoneyburn Rainbows meet every Wednesday at the Community Centre between 5.30pm and 6.30pm. If you, or someone you know would like to play games, make new friends and have great adventures then why not pop along? You’ll be made very welcome!

Find Your Stuff!

Keris Simpkins and Ben Black had to interview Mr.McDermott to see what he thought about the lost property.There is to much lost property andpeople should be more careful about what they own. He thought that if we put it on the blog that the parents could see it and be aware of it.We had to take photos of the lost property and we think that the children should get a chance to reclaim it. We sorted it all out to put it on the blog. We should tell the grownups and kids about it.

Sport Stars

We interviewed people who went to sport events in our school. Demi Colligan who came second in the Cross Couyntry said, “Oh no. I wanted to give up, but my proud heart was thumping. I was amazed at how well I got on”.

Tanya Green, who won the race, said, “I was excited. I wanted to do it for fun. I was proud and exausted, but I kept going.”

Nathan McGraw had fun at the swimming gala where he got 1st place in all his races.

Taylor williamson was nervous, scared, had butterflies in her tummy, but still got 2nd place in backstroke.

P2 Assembly

P2 assembly is on the 11 of May at 9am. It is about Spring , and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Primary 2 have bought some catrepillars and they are raising them until they turn into butterflies. The caterpillars’ names are, Jade -speedy , Rosie-nosey, Alfie-naughty, Abbie-hungry and Harry-lazy. All parents are welcomecome to attend the assembly on 11 May @ 9.00 a.m.

Here they are: