Category Archives: Primary 3

Première of School Show a Smash Hit

Today’s première of ‘Lord of the Rings … Olympic that is!’ was an outstanding success, with superb performances form all of our children. There were many highlights, but possibly the most engaging was the Ultra-Violet sequence conceived, prepared, rehearsed and executed by Primary 7 children – it was simply stunning. If you have yet to see the show, I won’t spoil it for you by describing it to you; suffice to say, I have seen this particular item many times now and am still awed by it. Could tomorrow’s performance be any better than today’s – I doubt it, but then, our children are always surprising us with their abilities, enthusiasm and sheer nerve. Can’t wait!

First Performance Looms

The first ever performance of ‘Lord of the Rings … Olympic That Is!’ (written especially for our children by our own Mrs. Loosemore), will take place this afternoon at 1.30 p.m. Lots of hard work and practice has gone into making the show a success, but you can judge that for yourself by coming along and being part of the audience. The second and final performance of the show will take place tomorrow evening at 6.30 p.m. All our children are very much looking forward to showing what they can do – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

School Holiday and Personal Property Alert

School will break for the summer holiday at the usual time of 12.20 p.m. on Friday, 29 June. Can we please remind parents and pupils to make sure they have removed all of their personal property from cloakrooms, the dining hall, classrooms and their own personal trays, as any left property will be disposed of during the holidays when the school is being deep-cleaned?

School will resume for the new session on Monday, 20 August for staff and Tuesday, 21 August for pupils.

SOC-IT Fun Day

Our school year will end, as it did last year, with a SOC-IT Fun Day. The SOC-IT group have organised a very ambitious and enjoyable programme of events for the day, so everyone should have a great time before they leave to begin the school summer break. Further details as and when they become available.

Summer and P7 Leavers’ Assemblies

Our school Summer Assembly and our Primary 7 Leavers’ Assembly will both be held on Thursday, 28 June. Our Summer Assembly will begin at 1.30 p.m., we will stop for parents to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, then the Primary 7 Leavers’ Assembly will begin at 2.30 p.m. All parents and friends of the school are welcome to attend either or both of these assemblies and tea/coffee will be provided for the interval. As this is a very special event for our Primary 7s, seating will be reserved for both assemblies especially for P7 parents. We hope to see as many of you there as can possibly make it.

Show Tickets Now Freely Available

Tickets for next week’s Summer Show are now freely available to purchase from our P6/5 Business Managers. All parents/carers have had the opportunity to purchase their allocation and those who wished to purchase extra through the ticket ballot have now been informed that they have been successful. If you would like more tickets, please see any member of P6/5 or fill in another ticket application form by clicking the link in the post below.

Summer Show Tickets

Tickets for our Summer Show, ‘Lord of the Rings, Olympic that is …’, went on sale on Monday, 11 June, with the information that they would be initially limited to two tickets per performance per family. Today, Friday 15 June, is the date intimated as the last date when these would be guaranteed and a ballot for any unsold tickets will now take place on Monday, 18 June. As every child in school will be taking part in the show, there may be very few tickets available for the ballot, but those who have indicated they would like to be included will be notified if they have been successful. If you require a replacement order form, click on the link below:

Replacement Ticket Order Form

Parents’ Questionnaire

As is our usual practice at this time of year, we ask parents to tell us what they think of our School Improvements this session. Every year we have to produce a School Improvement Plan which identifies the priorities we aim to work on throughout the session. We normally present the Standards and Quality Report (which evaluates the previous year’s School Improvement Plan) and the new session’s priorities at our Welcome Evening each September. To help us evaluate our School Improvement Plan, we consult with children, parents and staff as well as outside agencies and people associated with the school in other ways. This year, we have decided to tackle the questionnaire online. All you need to do to take part is click on the hyperlink below, fill in the online form and then submit it. The form will then be saved and we will be able to see it – rest assured, no-one else can see it. We hope as many of you as possible will take the opportunity to let us know what you think about our school – the questions aren’t limited to the School Improvement Plan priorities. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.

Parents’ Questionnaire

Transition Begins with Olympic Excitement


The Transition to Secondary School has started for our Primary 7 pupils. Most of our children are attending Transition events at Whitburn Academy this week and one attended St. Kentigern’s Academy last week. A special bonus today is that 5 of our children will accompany another 45 from Whitburn Cluster to Hopetoun House to take part in the Olympic Torch Celebrations – something to remember for the rest of their lives. On that theme, we still have 2 Olympics Tickets available for families. If you are interested in having them, please leave a comment on this message by clicking the Comment hyperlink above. Remember to tell us your name and the name of the child you will be taking to the event. If there is more than one indication of interest, a ballot will be held tomorrow.

Olympics Tickets Update

The draw for the free family Olympics tickets took place earlier today and seven families have been successful. The successful applicants are:

Ms. C. King,

Mrs. J. MacMillan,

Mrs. I Gilmour,

Mrs. N. Green,

Mrs. J. Gordon,

Mrs. W. Hunter,

Ms. K. Fairley.

At the end of the draw, there were 2 tickets left and none of the unsuccessful applications had asked for two tickets (all wanted more). If you would like the 2 tickets, please leave a comment telling us of your interest on this BLOG  by Wednesday, 13 June and a new draw for the remaining 2 tickets will take place on Thursday,14 June.