Category Archives: Primary 3

Stoneyburn’s Money Week

This week sees the start of Money Week across West Lothian. 

At Stoneyburn, all the classes will be focussing on money and financial education during their maths lessons this week.

This week your child might be learning about how to use money and work out change, the importance of saving, the history of money and coins, security features presents on notes, how bank accounts and credit cards work  or how to budget for a party or trip.

As well as schools organising lessons and activities for their pupils, West Lothian Council have organised information events for adults that will be run throughout this week.  Please see the attached timetable for further information. 

Money Week 2012 Programme

Hopefully all our children will enjoy learning about money this week.

Morrisons Let’s Grow Vouchers

We have recently recieved our Morrisons Let’s Grow 2012 collection box.  It is located in the reception area.

We would appreciate it if you, or anyone else you know, shop at Morrisons could you collect the vouchers and pop them in the box.  The vouchers will be handed out by Morrisons for the remainder of September and all of October. 

Thank you in advance for your support. 

Ragbag Appeal

In the near future, your child will be coming home with a ‘Ragbag’. We have taken part in this initiative twice in the past and have raised money for our school funds each time. The idea is, that, if you have any clothes or textiles that you no longer use or want, stick them in the Ragbag and send them along to school before the end of next week (Friday, 21 September). All bags will then be weighed and a sum of money for every Kilogram collected will be donated to school funds. It’s a great time for a clearout of all those summer clothes you probably didn’t get the chance to wear anyway!!!

Memories are Made of This

School Photograph Day is always a challenge in terms of trying to get all of the children’s photos taken (sometimes with siblings and/or other family members), whilst still trying to keep classes working productively while it is all going on. This year, we had  a particularly large number of families turning up for family portraits, etc., which had a knock on effect and the photo session ran on well into mid-morning. Thanks to the flexibility and hard work of staff, the expected disruption to lessons on Photo Day was kept to a minimum and was barely noticeable.  Now we eagerly await the results and look forward to seeing some stunning photos that will, in the future, form many memories.

The Magic Moments


We had our first ‘Celebrating Success’ awards presented today at Stoneyburn Primary School. After discussing some ‘Magic Moments’ from the 2012 Olympics, we decided to award certificates to the person in each class who had produced their own ‘Magic Moment’ in school this week. These ‘Magic Moments’ ranged from problem-solving to helping others. Our first winners of this session are pictured above. Well done to all of them.

Swimming Assessment Makes a Splash

Our Primary 5 children took the plunge this morning and took part in a West Lothian swimming assessment. Although there were some nerves and initial trepidation from those not so confident in the water, everyone  soon got the hang of it and was floating, swimming, ducking and diving. If your child was assessed, expect a letter soon saying he or she is already a competent swimmer or offering you a block of free swimming lessons to bring on their skills.

School’s In for Summer

At last! The long hot summer days are coming to an end (I must have missed that!) and it’s now time to return to the main purpose of life – SCHOOL! Staff have already been back to work several times over the holidays to set up classrooms, organise resources and generally prepare for the new session. But, today’s the day and we look forward to welcoming back all of our previous pupils and extend an especially warm welcome to our new Primary 1s, who have their very first day of school today. Let’s all make every day count and strive to be the best we can be over the coming session.

Fun Day Just That – Fun!

The 2011-2012 session at Stoneyburn Primary School came to an end today with a superb fun day organised by SOC-IT. From Disco to Assault Course, Nail- and Face-painting to an amazing Petting Zoo, it was indeed Fun all the way. A big ‘Thank You’ to the members of SOC-IT who organised and ran events (even those who watched the children pet the animals but weren’t quite so enthusiastic themselves – not mentioning any names, Mrs. G.). Never mind, the children liked the snakes and stuff. This event was a fabulous end to a very hectic, but very successful week at Stoneyburn PS. Hope everyone has  a great holiday and we will see you in August.