All pupils have been given a paper copy of their winter work should there be any school closures due to bad weather over the coming weeks.
Please note, this work SHOULD NOT be done if there are no school closures, as normal class work will continue in school. Also, there is no expectation that all the work should be completed during snow days, but one or two of the tasks per day is manageable.
Teachers will also post on the school blog during snow days so pupils will be able to leave comments about what they are doing and how they are finding the challenges.
The snow packs that have been sent home with the children can also be found here: (just click on the relevant link for your child and the packs can be viewed or printed at home)
Microsoft Word – P1-2 winter weather work early_first level
Microsoft Word – P3-4 winter weather work first level
P5 6 7 winter weather work second level
Microsoft Word – Newspaper Article
Microsoft Word – Science Investigation