Category Archives: Primary 3

P 6/5 Christmas Art

Primary 6/5 have been using their maths skills today to make 3D stars.  They used a compass and a ruler to draw the star before cutting it out and folding along the lines.

Primary 6/5 have also been drawing and colouring some abstract Christmas Trees using pens or oil pastels. 

Nurture Group Christmas Coffee Morning

The boys from the Nurture Group enjoyed a trip to Tesco, Bathgate yesterday (Tuesday) to buy some much needed things for their Christmas Coffee Morning.  The girls are very much looking forward to their trip today.

The group have handed out their invitations to their families and hope that they will be able to join them on Thursday morning to share some festive drinks and nibbles with them.  Families will also be given the opportunity to look around the Nurture Room and see what their child has been working on and the targets they are working towards.  They will also be able to have a look through their Learners’ Journals.

Please note that Thursday’s coffee morning is ‘invitation only’ and this particular event is not open to the whole school.  Details were given on the Nurture Group’s Newsletter a few weeks back and can also be found on the Nurture Group’s Blog.

We look forward to updating you with how the coffee morning went.

A visitor for primary 1 and 2

Today was the first of the Christmas parties. The boys and girls of p1 and 2 all dressed in their finery, played games, danced and won lots of prizes.

We were lucky to have a really special visitor to our party. After a large thump on the roof and the scraping of hooves, the children heard bells coming down the corridor. Santa had arrived to spend some time with children at their Christmas party. The children were so excited and grateful for Santa giving up his precious time so close to Christmas!

Stoneyburn presents…BAA BAA Bethlehem!

Well it is that time of year again! The weather has turned very cold, the sky is dark all day, and the Stoneyburn Christmas show was once again a great success.

This year the p1-3 nativity was Baa Baa Bethlemhem. Shepherds and sheep gathered on the hillside and market days galore. The story of 4 young shepherds and two lambs who are at the bottom of the heap. That is until the angels appear to them and send them on a special journey that would change their lives forever!

P1-3’s acting was fantastic and their singing was beautfiul. They had obviously put a lot of hard work into learning all of the lines and the songs.

Thank you to all who supported the show this year and a special thank you to Mr Peter Wong for the photographs!

Stoneyburn Primary entertain the community!

Yesterday evening a group of singers from p1/2/3  went to the Community centre to provide entertainment for all of the people attending the Christmas dinner.

The singers were very excited to perform in front of such a large audience. They sang traditional Christmas carols such as ‘jingle bells’ and ‘away in a manger’ and ‘it was on a starry night’.

Thank you to all the children for your wonderful singing and parents who attended to support on such a cold evening.

(Photo to follow!)

Stoneyburn Primary Pupils are Winter Ready!

All pupils have been given a paper copy of their winter work should there be any school closures due to bad weather over the coming weeks.

Please note, this work SHOULD NOT be done if there are no school closures, as normal class work will continue in school.  Also, there is no expectation that all the work should be completed during snow days, but one or two of the tasks per day is manageable.

Teachers will also post on the school blog during snow days so pupils will be able to leave comments about what they are doing and how they are finding the challenges.

The snow packs that have been sent home with the children can also be found here: (just click on the relevant link for your child and the packs can be viewed or printed at home)

Microsoft Word – P1-2 winter weather work early_first level

Microsoft Word – P3-4 winter weather work first level

P5 6 7 winter weather work second level

Microsoft Word – Newspaper Article

Microsoft Word – Science Investigation