Category Archives: Primary 3

Spelling with playdough!

Some of the Primary 2s were working with Mrs Gardinier this week and were going over the sounds we know from Colourful Consonants and Vowel House.  We were spelling words using playdough and using the right colours for the right letters- it was lots of fun and we were very good at spelling the words- next week we will be challenging ourselves to spell more difficult words but we’d still like to use the playdough! IMG_0666 IMG_0669

Maths Magic!

This week we met two new friends – Odd Todd and Even Steven. They help us to work out whether a number is even or odd. Even Steven’s numbers end in a 0,2,4,6 or 8. Odd Todd’s numbers end in a 1,3,5,7 or 9.

We also learned all about Tens and Units. The biggest number we can have in the Units is 9, after that we have a family of Ten.

In R.M.E. we found out all about the boy David and how with God’s help, he beat the giant Goliath.



We are enjoying learning French. We started by learning how to say Hello to adults – bonjour, then to our friends – Salut.  we also learned how to say good evening – bon soir . For the first time we watched the French DVD – Salut cava. On Friday we really enjoyed the Travelling by Tuba concert, we thought P5 and P6/7 were very good doing their bits, and then some of were chosen to take part too.

Travelling by Tuba Workshop – P5

On Friday, we took part in a music workshop where we learned about music from Mexico – Salsa.  We all learned different rhythms and were split into groups to play these on different musical instruments along to some Salsa music.  We also learned to sing a Salsa song.  After break, we had the chance to showcase our talents to the rest of the school by performing our instrumental piece as well as our song.  We all worked really hard to learn our parts in a short space of time and enjoyed the excitement of our live performance:






Solid Shape Volume – P5

As part of our maths work this week, we have been finding the volume of solid shapes in cubic cm.  We started off building shapes using cm cubes, for our partners to find the volume of by counting the individual cubes used.  We then moved onto pictorial representation of 3D shapes, where we still had to count the cubes, but this was trickier as sometimes some of the cubes were hidden behind or under other ones and we couldn’t always see them, but had to remember they were there!



P 6/7 Technology

Some Primary 6/7 pupils have been using different types of construction materials to create interesting shapes during Golden Time.  Here are a few examples:

“A snowflake” using K’Nex



“A lady” using Magnets






“Miss Welsh” using K’Nex




“A ballerina” using magnets


“Oshanne” using K’Nex


A busy week in Primary 3/4

This week we have been reading more of our class novel- The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.  For technology, we made our own owls with wings that flap- we used split pins to attach the wings to the body and they could move.

We have also done some work on Wallace and Bruce and we were looking at their Coats of Arms and we’re colouring in shields in the correct colours.

We have had visitors in our classroom this week- Mrs Gibson joined us for writing on Wednesday and Mrs Gardinier was with us on Friday morning.  We were doing LEGO Maths with her and we were adding the dots on pieces together to reach target numbers. We worked on our own and in teams to find the answers.

P5 Hockey Skills

This term as part of our P.E lessons, we are learning about Hockey.  Today we learned the correct way to hold a hockey stick and played some games to practise our stick handling skills.  One of our favourites was called ‘Squeeze Ball’, where we had to work with a partner to ‘squeeze’ the ball between our sticks and lift if off the ground to waist height – we soon discovered that it wasn’t as easy as it sounded!!

Here are some pictures of us at work:



