Category Archives: Primary 3

Scottish Assembly

Our week started well when the whole school held a Scottish Assembly. Each class took part. We sang “Heid, shooders, naps an taes”. It was fun learning the song, but we were a bit nervous when we had to sing it in front of everyone else and do the actions too.

“Learning Scottish words was fun, we even used some of them to write a poem called ‘A’ aboot Me’ ” – Charley

“I liked hearing Mrs Gardinier reading ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots.” – Aimee


We are working hard with our hanwriting. We are learning how to join all our letters, it is fun!

” I like doing handwriting, I am getting better and better at it.” – Phoebe

” I am getting better at joining my letters. I want to learn more” – Hannah

Baby Allie visits

We all really enjoyed Roots of Empathy this week because Baby Allie visited with her Mum. We haven’t seen her since November, so we were excited to see if she had changed. She had!! She is much bigger now.  When Allie was put on her mat, she tried to roll over by herself but she didn’t quite manage it. We all really loved seeing Allie, she made us all smile and she was smiling too!

“I like watching Allie playing with her toys, she is more interested in them now” – Katie

“I was surprised at how much bigger she was and at the new things she was trying. She is able to hold things now and is starting to grab for things.” – Hannah

“Last time Allie was here when she was on her mat she didn’t do much but this time she tried to roll over. It was funny, she only rolled half way, she got stuck on her hip. I think she’ll do it the next time we see her.” – Eve

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A New Year begins

Although we have only been in school for 3 days this week we have been busy!! It was exciting to hear all the news from the Christmas holidays and to share with each other what we were given as presents. We were all very happy with what we got, Santa has been VERY generous, his sleigh must have been very heavy as he flew over Stoneyburn.

In Maths we started a new topic – 3D shapes, we have been learning about their properties and the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. We have started trying to make 3D shapes using nets. It’s great fun!?

In our writing we wrote a  personal recount of events that have already happened. We chose to write  about how each of us spent Christmas Day.


We have had lots of challenges this week! On Tuesday, for the first time, P3 and 4 took part in transition activities with Greenrigg. P4 were with Mrs Gibson and the P4s of Greenrigg in the hall. We were looking at Waste Minimisation. We made a Christmas Wreath from the rubbish that was left at dinner time.

P3 stayed in the classroom with Mrs Loosemore, the Greenrigg P3s didn’t join us, but we are both looking at the same topic and doing the same things. We were learning about the water cycle. Did you know that there is no new water on Earth? We did an experiment, following all the safety rules, to change water from a liquid to a vapour, then back to liquid. It was fun!

Our other challenges come from the Challenge Elf that Santa sent us! Each morning when we come in he is in a different place and he brings us a challenge to do each day! So far we have had to draw and name Santa’s reindeer, work out how many different pies we can make for the elves from apples, strawberries and blackberries and today we had to find words to do with Christmas from as many letters of the alphabet that we could!! We look forward to finding where he is hiding and what his challenge is for us!

P5 Transition Day

Primary 5 had a very successful day at Greenrigg on Tuesday learning all about healthy eating.  Firstly they explored the different food groups then had to sort a shopping bag of food into the correct groups.  They explored which foods helped them stay active and which food helped them to grow.

They all enjoyed the afternoon session where they made a 3D mouth with teeth using papier mache – it was very sticky and messy but by the end of the day every group had a completed model, ready to be painted the next time we meet up, when they will be learning all about their teeth and the important role milk plays in this.

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