Category Archives: Primary 3

Road to Rio- Parent Power

We are looking for YOUR help! We are trying to “Run to Rio” before the Olympics begin in August this year.  As a school, we are trying to improve our levels of fitness by aiming to run a mile each day while we are in school and through this, we are collecting the miles we run together as a school, to try to make it to Rio, Brazil.   We would like parents to join us in our running on a Friday morning at the very start of the school day.  On Friday 8th April, we hope as many of you will join us to run or walk together for 15 minutes outside and help us meet our target.  We will be doing this every Friday morning and hope that you will be able to join us each week or as often as possible.  We really hope to see you there!


Goodbye to Ben

Last Friday we said goodbye to Ben.  He has been attending Stoneyburn Primary with us on Fridays for quite a few years but last week was his last day with us.  We celebrated Ben’s time with us with a whole school party, together in the hall.  We were visited by Magic Mac- a very funny magician who entertained us with lots of tricks, jokes and music.  We all had a great time.

We were sad to see Ben go, but as Mrs Gibson says- “Once a Stoneyburn Wean, always a Stoneyburn Wean!” 🙂  Here are a few pictures from our fun in the hall!

Learning, learning everywhere!

This week we moved our Maths outside. We had fun measuring with long sticks, that we had chosen. We all measured the same things, but we ended up with different answers. We decided that to measure accurately, we all had to measure with the same size of thing, we decided we could used rulers or metre sticks! It was fun.

We are still working on our French, now we can count up to 20. We also are practising our colours.

“I like learning French, we played a game of corners to help us with our colours, I hope we learn more numbers” – Hannah

As well as measuring we are working on our tables and number bonds.

“I know my 2,3,4, and 10 times table, I hope we do the x5 next I like doing maths” – Phoebe.


Away Day

The highlight of our week was definitely our trip to the Ecology Centre in Fife. We were split into two groups – P4 and P3. The children from Greenrigg joined us there too. P4  were taken by Louis who told us all about recycling and the effects that our waste, if not disposed of sensibly, had on the wildlife around us.

The Primary 3s were with Claire. She was telling us all about water, how important it is to us and how and why we should look after it. We played lots of games , they were fun but they also taught us something too. Did you know that our throwaway stuff can cause animals to be sick, or even die? We were amazed at the length of time that it takes some thing to  disintegrate (Brodie’s brilliant word) and disappear back into the earth. A plastic bottle if recycled can be melted down and used for something else, but if it thrown away into landfill it will last for a million years!!

Rolling and Cycling

Roots of Empathy this week was a visit from Allie and her Mum. She was laughing with us this week. Every time Allie comes there is something different about her and she can do something new. At last she can roll over, but she wouldn’t do it for us. She has more hair now and pays us a lot more attention to us rather than just her toys.

“Baby Allie looked at me and started laughing” – Katie

In Science we are learning about food chains and food webs as part of our Topic about islands. We made food chains from pictures we had. Some were short but others had more steps in them.

“We learned that Food Chains are a cycle that can never stop and are very important for balancing life” – Brodie

Our week finished with World Book Day, we were allowed to come to school in our pyjamas. We also had to bring in our favourite book to tell the others about it and explain why it is our favourite

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Dragon’s Den Presentations

Today Primary 6/7 shared their presentations at West Lothian College in front of the 3 teams from Greenrigg Primary School, 3 teams from West Lothian College and the panel of “Dragons”.

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All of the teams came prepared to deliver their presentations with clear, loud voices and made lots of eye contact with the judges.  They really did themselves and the school proud.

A team from the college won over all with a bed time story book idea.  Stoneyburn’s Team Silver Sparks came a close 2nd place.  IMG_0704 IMG_0706 IMG_0708

All the judges commented on how professional Stoneyburn’s presentations were.  I am very proud and impressed at how well Primary 6/7 presented themselves today.  Excellent work. 🙂



P6 Transition Day- Bridges

Greenrigg Primary Six pupils came up to Stoneyburn Primary today to do some more work on our transition project- Bridges.


We spent the day looking at Scottish bridges and where they are in Scotland, how they are built, what they look like and finally we created some bridges of our own- inspired by the bridges we had looked at in the morning.

The children all worked together very well, in mixed groups and all had a lot of fun.


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Take a look at our Twitter pages for more pictures of our activities from today @greenriggps @stoneyburnps