Category Archives: Primary 3

Welcome P7

Here we are at the end of the first week already! It has been a delight to welcome the new P7’s back to school. The children and I have all worked together before, some as recently as last year and others a couple of years ago. It is good to have the class united again, and to see how much they have all grown! I am excited to be working with them all, and looking forward to the challenges we will face together on our learning adventure!

As P7, the children will have more responsibilites and I am sure they are going to be fabulous role models for the rest of the school. The extra responsibilities will also include their own learning journey and their attitude to it. We are on this journey together and together we will make decisions that will determine and shape the paths we take. Our first decision was deciding together what our first Topic was going to be. It had to be focused on People in the Past, and the children shared ideas on what they would like to learn more about. After much discussion, and a vote, our first topic will be …”The Ancient Greeks”.

I am still working on our timetable, but I can let you know that our Gym Times are:                                              Wednesday 8.45 – 9.45 with Mrs Warden; and  Friday 9.30 – 10.30 with Mr Tennant.                                          As our gym time on Wednesday is first thing straight after the bell, it would be helpful if the children came into school on that day, already wearing their gym kit and ready to go as soon as the bell goes.

The children will also be working with Mrs Ewing on a Thursday, for Music and French.

I am  really excited  about the coming year and I am sure that with hard work and the right attitude, we will achieve great things together!  P7 rule!!!!

Noreen Loosemore


P2/3 Monster Class

We are all excited to be back at school and are ready to learn. We have decided to name our class “The Monster Hive” and over the next couple of weeks we will be doing lots of monster activies.
Jordan said that he has already enjoyed drawing a monster character with Lewis.
We started our monster charter today and it is it going to look great said Layla. We have also been making dojo points.
On a friday we have PE first thing so we are allowed to wear our pe kits to school.
We will keep you posted about what we are learning this year.

P5 Tiling

Recently in maths we have been working on ’tiling’.  We have been exploring shapes that do and do not tile.  Some people drew round templates of shapes and some tried to draw them using rulers on squared paper.

The hardest part was having to think about turning the shapes and matching them up.  (Erin)

Making shapes to use as templates was easier than drawing them.  (Shayne)

The three most important things I have learned about tiling are:

1 – do not leave spaces

2 – make sure the shapes don’t overlap

3 – use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight  (Gabriela)

Next time, if I could do it differently, I would think about it first before going straight into the drawing part.  (Robbie B)

The hardest part was trying to draw the kite shapes accurately.  (Kuba)

In real life I would see examples of tiling on ceiling, on bathroom floors or on the roof.  (Natasha)



P5’s Volcanic Eruptions

We started off the new term with a bang!  We tried to re-create a volcanic eruption using everyday chemicals.  We mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda in a bottle.  This caused a chemical reaction which created foam and gas.  The pressure built up inside the bottle until the lid was pushed off and the foam ran down the sides of the bottle and all over the ground (and Mrs Robley’s trousers!!!)

Here’s our thoughts:

I now know what a chemical reaction is that things mix together to create something new.  (Kieran M)

I now want to show my gran how to do it – I think I could teach her.  (Brad)

If I were to do this again I would advise the person shaking the bottle to do it quickly and run out of the way as fast as they can so they don’t get covered a.k.a Mrs Robley!  (Madyson)

P3/4 Term reflection

We have had a busy term, facing lots of challenges and gaining new skills.

In Maths we have been learning about number bonds; learning more tables; using rulers to draw straight lines; and measuring with rulers to draw accurately measured straight lines. We even went outside and measured with sticks! This helped us realize the need for standard measurements. We continued to practise our addition and subtraction skills too!

In language we have been learning about Adjectives, Adverbs  and Similes. All of these have helped us with our writing. We have written imaginative stories; personal recounts; poems (including one written using Scottish words); instructions and letters.

Our Topic is about Islands. As well as learning about what islands are and how they could have come about, we have been learning about Food Chains on the island and how life continues.

In French we have learned how to count up to 20 in French, what the colours are in French and have started learning the Days of the week and the months of the year.

Our reflections from the term:

“It’s good learning the tables. We have games we play which helps us to learn. They are fun and make the tables fun too! I think the x10 is the easiest to do, but the x4 is the trickiest for me just now” – Hannah

” I liked writing the instructions for making a sandwich. The best bit was following the instructions then eating the sandwich I had made” – Dylan

“I like learning French. I can count to 20 in French now and I know the colours in French too”- Keris

“I liked our trip to Polkemmet Park. We learned all bout trees and we saw a tomb” – Cory

“I liked building dens with Greenrigg ” – Leah

“I enjoyed going to the Ecology Centre in Fife. We played games and had fun learning about water” – Charley

“I really enjoyed meeting and working with the pupils for P4 in Greenrigg at the Ecology Centre and in Polkemmet . I have made lots of new friends.” – Fraser

“I enjoy doing Cursive writing, it’s sometimes hard, depending on what letter you are doing, but it is fun” – Callum

“Rachel from college did football with us, I liked doing her games and it added to the skills I already have” – Alfie

“I liked writing my name in Cursive writing, I think it looks great” – Katie

“I enjoyed learning the 10 times table, it was fun. I thought it was quite easy but I had to think about it sometimes” – Jack

” I like handwriting. I think Cursive writing is easy to do” – Aimee

” I like handwriting. I like learning new things” – Zara

“When I do Cursive, I think my handwriting is neater. It helps me keep my letters the same size and not too big” – Eve

“Our trip to Polkemmet Park was fun. It was good to work with the pupils from Greenrigg. We were building dens together” – Phoebe.

I think you’ll agree we have had a busy term!

P5 End of Term Reflection

Here is a quick summary of what we have been learning this term:

Maths = 3D Shape, Co-ordinates, Logo, different multiplication and division strategies, adding and subtracting tens and ones, describing arrays, number patterns and sequences including magic squares.

Language = Book reviews, converting scripts to stories and stories to scripts, speech marks, apostrophes for contractions, poetry – similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyme, difference between fact and opinion, debating and philosophy.

Topics = Loch Ness then Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Science = Tim Peake’s mission to Space, space weather, food in space, writing scientific reports, making and testing our own rockets.

Health = Online safety, communicating safely with people online, friendships and bullying.

ICT = PowerPoints, E-mailing Norwegian E-pals

French = Pets

Polish = Numbers to 15 and greetings

Reflecting on Term 3:

My favourite part of this term was doing the ‘Magic Squares’ in maths although it was quite hard.  (Sarah)

My favourite part of this term was learning about when Tim Peake took off in the rocket.  (Leon)

I now know how to say the names of some pets in French (Robbie G)

The hardest part of this term was trying to complete the ‘Magic Squares’ but to make it easier we used a whiteboard to try it out first.  (Katie)

Something that puzzled me this term was how to create a face using Turtle Logo on the computer.  (Matthew)

I thought that saying the animal names in French was a bit tricky.  (Jessica)

My favourite part was watching video clips about volcanoes (Keiron H)

I now know how to make the skeletons of some 3D shapes.  I couldn’t do this before.  (Alexandra)

The person that helped me the most this term was Mrs Robley because anytime we need her she is always there to help.  (Brad)

Something that still puzzles me is trying to remember the names of pets in French because I sometimes get mixed up.  (Leah)