Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 4 Weekly News

We have had a very fun week in primary four and really enjoyed getting to perform our Roman play to the school on Wednesday afternoon. We were delighted that so many people came to see us perform and share our knowledge of our topic The Romans.

Here are our reflections this week:

“I enjoyed when everybody sang happy birthday to me” -Alex

“I enjoyed getting to see baby Archie after he came back from his holiday” -Bethany

“I liked Maths when we got to create our own survey and then got to go round the school to other classes to collect the information” -Daniel

“I enjoyed the class assembly and getting to perform our Roman play” -Rachel

“I enjoyed learning about speech marks and finding them in books and writing them down” -Alesha

“I enjoyed going to the listening group with Miss Gilroy it was really fun” -Jemma

“I liked writing sentences and making sure we put commas in the right places”-Jack

“I enjoyed writing about a Roman character in writing” -Carla

“I liked doing show and tell and getting to share old coins” -Darryl

“I liked getting to write my story on a laptop” -Ethan

“I liked creating our own sequences in gymnastics” -Michael

“I enjoyed in music with Mrs Ewing when we got to listen to music and draw what animal we thought it was” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked making Roman shields, armour and helmets for the Roman soldiers and centurion” -Jay

“I really enjoyed designing the emotional emojis box where we can put jokes and our worries in” -Aiden


P3/2 Reflecting on Our Week

On Monday we said goodbye to Mrs Campbell for a little while because she needs to go into hospital for an operation, but we are all going to miss her lots.  So on Tuesday we all made cards with Mrs Warden to send to her, which will let her know that we are all thinking about her.


We also enjoyed a listening activity with Mrs Warden, where we had to listen carefully to a story and colour in a picture neatly, according to what the story told us.


Poetry was our focus for Writing this week – we all wrote a Winter poem using lots of verbs.

Health & Wellbeing Day

The whole school had a Health and Wellbeing day on Thursday where we looked at all the SHANARRI words and added our ideas to sheets, to gather our thoughts and ideas about what is happening in our school.  Our class then made a display showing all the achievements in our school – Jada decided on our heading ‘Amazing Achievements’.  The best part of the  morning was doing the ‘Cha Cha Slide’ together in the hall!!


This morning with Mr Tenant, we were trying to develop our ball control skills by doing ‘over’ and ‘under’ activities.  We also had some team competitions where we had to quickly arrange in our teams from tallest to shortest and in alphabetical order by first and second names – we loved these challenges!

Snow! Snow! and more Snow!!

It has been a very strange week, just as we were getting back into a routine, the snow came….and it came, and came and came!

On Tuesday, some members of staff got stuck in the snow and couldn’t get into school, so we had a very different day . We worked with our buddies in Primary 1, creating snow pictures and having a competition to see who could build the best snowman.

On Wednesday we worked with Ms Cook from Greenrigg, while Mrs Loosemore was working with Mrs Gibson then working with P6/5.

On Thursday we were back to working on our own timetable in our own class with our own teacher. It has been a very strange week, but we have managed to work through it, and even learn some new  Mathematical skills!

“I enjoyed using the wall frame in the gym with Mr Tennant” – Matthew

“We learned how to work with ratio in Maths. It was very challenging at first, but when I got more confident with it, it was fun!” – Sarah

“Working with the P7’s from Our Ladies and Mrs Ewing in the choir was a favourite time for me”- Natasha

“Spending the day with Ms Cook was good especially doing the art work” – Erin

“I overcame my fear of heights and climbed to the top of the climbing frame!” – Madyson

“The snow afternoon with Mrs Gibson when we were building snowmen with our buddies was great fun” – Madyson

“I really enjoyed making up games for others to play, in Mrs Howard’s class on Monday”- Leah

“I liked the rhyme Mrs Loosemore taught us to help us learn the difference between the mean, the median, the mode and the range when working with graphs” – Kieran Mc

Welcome Back from the Monster Hive

We have had a very busy first week back.

Our PE days this term are Mondays and Fridays could you please make sure that the children have appropiate PE kit with them on these days.


This week we have been busy learning about Winter, Robert Burns and lots of other new things.

” I loved dong the Jack Frost poems and pictures.  The best bit was the colouring in the frosty hair.”  Leon

“I really enjoyed designing winter hat, gloves and scarf.  We had to use either hot colours or cold colours and they all had to match.” Bayliss

” I loved doing our own tartan and making kilts.” Calum

” I have been learning lots of things with Mrs Sibbalds class.”  Lexi

” I really enjoyed learning about how food was made.” Teejay

” We had a really tricky challenge at numeracy time when we had to group numbers.” Lewis

” I love watching some of the Snow Queen.” Billie

“Maths this week was great as we did tricky puzzles.” Jada

Next week we are all looking forward to our transition day.  The Primary 2 boys and girls will be travelling to Greenrigg on the bus.


P3/2 Monter hive learning

RIGHTS REPECTING In class this term we have been reviewing our rights.
Grading at Karate Adam and Alexander have worked really hard to achieve their yellow belt at their karate club. Well done boys!!!!


Using rekenreks to help with our sums.
Reviewing our learning when we participated in our nativity.
Using our imagination
Working on addition and subtraction in pairs.
Adam using the giant cards at numeracy time.
Billie using the big cards to add 3 numbers together. “I love doing my sums with the big cards.” Billie
Layla on the computer. ” I love using the computer in class, my favourite programme is Sumdog I am really good at it.” said Layla