All posts by Miss Eunson

Primary 4 Weekly News

Here are our reflections on our week:

“I really enjoyed practising our songs and words for our Roman assembly” -Jemma

“I enjoyed playing the hit the button game to help us learn our times tables” -Rachel

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I liked doing the character cop activity in reading and adding four numbers together in number talks” -Alesha

“I liked learning the times table song to try and remember our times tables” -Jack

“I enjoyed writing where we got to do a poster on a Roman topic of our choice” -Darryl

“I enjoyed practising our song we are going to perform at the ceilidh with Mrs Ewing” -Carla

“I enjoyed researching what outfits the Romans wore in Roman times” -Daniel

“I liked practising the dances for the ceilidh” -Michael

“I liked drawing arrays for the 4 times table” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed doing partitioning in maths” -Ethan

“I liked numeracy when we got to add hundred and thousand numbers together” -Emma




Welcome back from Primary 4 and Miss Eunson

We have had a busy and exciting first week back after the Christmas holidays. We have begun our new class topic -The Romans – and are really enjoying this so far.

This term, primary four are going to have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. Can you please make sure appropriate gym kits are brought in on these days.

Here are our reflections on our first week back after the Christmas break.

“I enjoyed getting to find out my part for our short roman play for our class assembly” -Carla

“I have enjoyed our new topic, the Romans and getting to find out what the Romans invented” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I learned about the story of Romulus and Remus and enjoyed getting to retell the story with my partner Ethan on a storyboard” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning my six and eleven times table” -Emma

“I liked learning the six times table and the ICT times table game where you got to hit the button for the right answer” -Daniel

“I loved getting to practise my number bonds to 10 on a ICT game” -Jemma

“I liked learning my four times table and trying to remember the facts” -Alesha

“I learned that a lot of the things the Romans invented are still used today like cranes, toliets, public baths and central heating” -Michael

“I enjoyed learning new songs for our Roman play” -Aiden

“I liked learning what countries the Roman empire invaded and when I got to be the teacher in a number bonds game” -Ethan

“I enjoyed writing this week where we got to write about what we did on Christmas day” -Bethany

“I enjoyed doing listening games with Miss Gilroy and learning that you can work out the six times table if you know the three times table and that you can double the answers” -Darryl

“I enjoyed creating a Roman invention poster” -Rachel

“I liked doing the speedy times table activity and learning how to subtract on number lines” -Jack

“I liked the capital letter and full stops game to help with writing” -Lara

“I liked learning Roman songs” -Jay

Merry Christmas from Primary Four and Miss Eunson

Its only 3 sleeps until Christmas day and all the boys and girls in Primary four are very excited! We have had a busy and exciting week leading up to the holidays with our Christmas service on Monday, P3 and P4 party on Tuesday and our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.

Here are some photographs of us this week when Primary 3 joined us and we worked together to complete a technology challenge to design Santa a new sleigh. We worked hard to discuss the special features of the sleigh and drew and labelled our designs.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked watching the film Elf after our lunch on Wednesday” -Jay

“I enjoyed getting to share our writing with Primary 2/1 and 3/2” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked when we did technology and got to design a Santa Sleigh” -Darryl

“I enjoyed the Christmas party with my class and primary 3” -Aiden

“I enjoyed getting to tidy up the mess our class elf Bernardo made on Thursday” -Emma

“I loved finishing off the Christmas jumper designs” -Lara

“I liked writing different ways to make numbers” -Jemma

“I have loved spending time with Bernardo” -Alesha

“I liked learning about our new topic, The Romans, that we will be doing after Christmas” -Ethan

“I liked when Bernardo our class elf left us all a chocolate lolly” -Jack

“I enjoyed winning the prize for the best Christmas jumper design” -Carla

“I liked guessing the time of the clock and trying to remember what time lunch time and break time were” -Alex

“I liked when Bernardo the elf put all the chairs upside down in our classroom” -Rachel

“I enjoyed answering different money questions in Maths” -Michael

“I liked finding fractions of money in Maths” -Daniel

“I liked Blurb’s big read with Mrs Campbell on Wednesday” -Bethany

Sadly today we had a note to say goodbye from our class elf on the shelf Bernardo. He left us a chocolate lolly each and we really hope he comes back next year.

Finally, Miss Eunson would like to wish all the boys and girls and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes and all the best for 2018!

An exciting week for Primary 4

We have had a very exciting and busy week in Primary 4.

Here are some photographs of us on Tuesday evening before and during our Christmas show.  We would like to say a big well done to Primary 2/1 and 3/2 for their amazing performance of Light’s Camel Action It’s Strictly the Nativity!





On Thursday, we wrote letters to P2/1 and P3/2 about their nativity performance and we can’t wait to share them with them next week.

We have been working hard in Maths ordering different amounts of money, adding amounts together to calculate the total, converting between pence and pounds and also solving money word problems.

Here are some photographs of us in action..



Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked the tig game in gym with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I really enjoyed going to the pantomime on Wednesday, I thought it was funny” -Aiden

“I liked when the guy from the pantomime chose me in the audience” -Jack

“I liked doing the money bingo game and finding different ways to make  amounts of money” -Alesha

“I enjoyed being part of the Christmas show and singing ‘Yeah Tomorrow’s Christmas’ -Carla

“I enjoyed solving money word problems” -Emma

“I liked going to the pantomime and getting to high five the character Danny” -Jemma

“I enjoyed writing a letter to P2/1 and P3/2 about what we thought about their nativity performance” -Daniel

“I liked learning about baptism and what this is in RME” -Alex

“I liked the money game on the computer and adding six different amounts together” -Michael

“I enjoyed handwriting today and getting to peer assess each others work” -Lara

“I liked when our class elf destroyed the Lego and made a mess” -Bethany

“I liked designing my own Christmas jumper” -Ethan

“I liked going on the bus to the pantomime” -Darryl



P4 Weekly Update

Primary Four would like to firstly thank everyone for coming to our stall at the Christmas Fayre on Tuesday and buying our products which helped us to make a good profit.  We will now be able to decide what we would like to spend our money on to help our learning in our classroom.

We would also like to say a big thanks to the PTA for organising the Christmas Fayre and for our new games box which we have already used this week during indoor break.

Miss Eunson would also like to remind the children and parents that we will be outside for gym on Monday so please bring suitable gym outdoor gym kits and footwear.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed the Christmas Fayre when I was working on the stall helping Miss Eunson” -Carla

“I enjoyed doing the rehearsal for the Christmas show” -Michael

“I liked watching the dress rehearsal of the P1, 2 and 3 Nativity” -Daniel

“I enjoyed doing P.E with Mrs Howard on Monday” -Alesha

“I liked doing the Izak 9 challenge and trying to find the right order for the numbers” -Jay

“I liked practising handwriting and writing sentences” -Jack

“I loved getting to write a letter to Santa thanking him for our class Elf on the Shelf” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked learning about money and putting notes and coins in the right order” -Alex

“I liked making the wreaths for our Christmas Fayre” -Rachel

“I liked working on the stall and working out money and giving change” -Jemma

“I liked circle time when we got to talk about times we haven’t felt good about ourselves and who we can go to or how we can make ourselves feel better” -Darryl

“I liked writing a letter to Santa” -Bethany

“I enjoyed when our Elf on the Shelf took a selfie and set it as the background on our teachers laptop ” – Emma

P4 Weekly Update

Apologies for this not being uploaded at the end of last week, the glow system was down on Friday for all staff until Monday which meant Miss Eunson could not get access to post on the blog.

Here is our post from Friday:

Primary Four have had a very busy week.  On Tuesday we loved sharing our learning with parents and showing them how we do paired reading with Primary Seven. We have enjoyed making our crafts and getting prepared for the Christmas Fayre next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we enjoyed a visit from baby Archie during our Roots of Empathy and were so pleased to see how happy and smiley he was. Today, in P4 we got a visit from a special Elf on the Shelf who came with a letter asking us to create a name for him.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked meeting our Elf on the Shelf” –Alesha

“I enjoyed doing Health and Wellbeing and talking about our feelings and what makes us feel good about ourselves” –Rachel

“I enjoyed doing paired reading and reading my book to P7 partner Jay” –Carla

“I liked doing listening games with Mrs Rankine” –Darryl

“I enjoyed decorating our classroom for Christmas” –Alex

“I liked writing this week because we got to write about a good friend and I also liked doing listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Aiden

“I liked designing ourselves as Elves” –Jack

“I enjoyed making a name for our Elf on the Shelf and listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Emma

“I loved our visit from Reverend Malloch and getting to ask him questions” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed getting prepared for the Christmas fayre and making posters with our class business logo on it” – Michael

“I enjoyed painting and designing things for our Christmas fayre” –Jemma

“I liked doing basketball with Mrs Warden” –Jay

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Miss Eunson” –Daniel

“I enjoyed designing myself as an elf” –Lara

“I liked getting to write about my good friend Aaron” –Ethan

“I liked our ‘Relax and Read’ time and getting to come up with a name for this” -Bethany

P4 Weekly News

Primary four have had a very exciting and busy week. We started making our elf doors and Christmas door hangers to sell at our Christmas Fayre. Here are some photographs of us having fun making these:



We also began paired reading with primary seven and really enjoyed this. We know the rules and signals to use in paired reading and cannot wait to meet up with primary seven to do this again next week.

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked doing writing about my favourite celebration – christmas” -Jay

“I liked practising our dance and song for our Christmas performance” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing paired reading with primary seven” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed being back with my friends after a week off school” -Carla

“I loved making the elf doors and Santa please stop here signs for our christmas fayre” -Alex

“I liked writing french phrases with Mrs Ewing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed making the santa stop here signs” -Emma

“I liked doing spelling activities for my spelling words” -Alesha

Primary Four – Weekly Update

Here are our class thoughts and comments on what we have been learning about this week and what we have enjoyed.

“I liked doing gymnastics and when we got to play hop tig” -Jay

“I enjoyed going to the Levenseat competition and the listening games with Miss Gilroy” -Aiden

“I enjoyed when the parents came in on Tuesday and we got to show them what we have been doing in class” -Darryl

“I loved when we got to write about our Transition day with Greenrigg” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked doing music with Mrs Ewing and I liked learning half past, quarter past, quarter to and other times on a clock in Maths” -Alesha

“I enjoyed getting to do paired reading  and activities with P2/1” – Rachel

“I liked doing the target number for Number Talks and smart start” -Daniel

“I enjoyed practising words to write a sentence in handwriting” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing the cut and stick time activity when we had to put the five past and all the times in the right place on a clock” -Jack

Update on Gym Times

Primary 4 will now have gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please can you make sure you have your gym kit in on each of these days.


Miss Eunson

Primary 4 Reflections from Friday 10th November

This has been an exciting week in Primary 4, with visitors from Greenrigg Primary School on Tuesday and a visit from our new pupil who will be joining our class shortly.

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed writing acrostic poems about bonfire night using onomatopoeia” –Emma

“I enjoyed doing Athletics with Mrs Warden” –Bethany

“I liked Roots of Empathy because it was baby week and we got to see baby Archie. He was a little bit sick because he has been eating and trying wheetabix” –Darryl

“I have loved doing the songs and actions with Mrs Ewing” –Alesha

“I enjoyed meeting our new pupil and sharing our learning with him” –Rachel

“I liked doing handwriting and practising joining letters together” –Jay

“I liked playing the roll a dice thousands game where we got to write thousand numbers” –Michael

“I liked performing our Christmas song to Miss Eunson and Mrs Craig” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed seeing baby Archie sit up” -Ethan