The highlights of our learning this week include a Judo session with Marv, a visit from the NSPCC and a community litter pick .
On Tuesday we all took part in a Judo session and we were learning about “break falling” and a throw called “Ogoshi” This a type of throw where you grab your opponents arms, put your strongest arm around the back of them, bend your knees and then straighten your legs to make them come off of the ground and finally flip them over on to the mat. We all enjoyed the session but were told that Judo is only to be done indoors with a trained teacher, mats and a suit. Some of us would like to try it again!
On Tuesday afternoon, a team from the NSPCC visited. They let us know about the phone number we can call 0800 11 11. This is a number we can call if we feel we need someone to speak to about things we are worried about. They were also telling us about different types of abuse such as neglect, emotional, cyber bullying and physical abuse. We found out about about the website we can visit where we can find out more information and we were given Buddy Packs to take home and use.
After break on Wednesday we went up to the old school to take part in a community litter pick, organised by Mr Burton and the Stoneyburn Future Vision Group. We collected 21 bags of litter and 3 bags of recycling from around our local community. We were really shocked at the amount of litter we found. We found things such as half a bike, an old football, a space hopper, hundreds of crisp packets and lots of plastic and glass bottles. We think our village looks much better now but we still have quite a bit more to do.
It’s been a busy week, but it’s been a good one!