All posts by K Gardinier

P4 Transition Day

P4 pupils from Greenrigg and Stoneyburn joined up today to do some recycled art. We had asked for pupils to bring in bottle lids, cans and jar lids and we received a huge amount. Pupils had a great choice of materials to choose from. Apart from being shown a few ideas the pupils were given free choice to use the materials they wanted and create their own design. We had a huge range of art produced including pictures and models. Many groups had some issues with joining materials and had to experiment with the best way to get their different parts to stick together. In the afternoon we went outside. Two groups were given a supply of cans and bottle lids and to plan and create a finished design. The boys went for a spiral design and the girls created a snake. 



P1/2 weekly reflection

We have been thinking about the things we have been doing at school this week.  The things we have enjoyed doing, the things we have been learning and the things we would like to do again so we can get better at them.

We are all enjoying our Run to Rio, especially on a Friday when our family can come along and join in too. Some of us would like to do the Run to Rio every day if we could!

Some of us have been working on the school gardens. We have been planting seeds so we can grow potatoes and onions and we have been tidying up the garden area by pulling weeds and sweeping up.  We are pleased with how it is looking but we are keen to plant some more things and watch them grow.

When we were thinking about things we would like to get better at, some of us were thinking about Maths and some of us were thinking about Vowel House but we all agreed that whatever it was that we wanted to get better at, we needed to practice things over and over again to improve.  We thought about how we would know if we were getting better at things too.  We said that we would feel “happier when we are doing it” , “we would be able to help other people with it”  and “we would be able to tell another person what we were doing.”


Destination Judo Visits Stoneyburn

Today we all enjoyed 30 minute sessions with instructors from Destination Judo.  Each class spent time listening, learning and taking part in a short Judo class in the hall.  We each wore a special jacket and learned some different moves and throws, which we worked on with partners. Everyone really enjoyed the sessions.

Flyers were handed out and sent home in school bags so you can find out more about how to get involved with Destination Judo on a regular basis.

Road to Rio- Parent Power

We are looking for YOUR help! We are trying to “Run to Rio” before the Olympics begin in August this year.  As a school, we are trying to improve our levels of fitness by aiming to run a mile each day while we are in school and through this, we are collecting the miles we run together as a school, to try to make it to Rio, Brazil.   We would like parents to join us in our running on a Friday morning at the very start of the school day.  On Friday 8th April, we hope as many of you will join us to run or walk together for 15 minutes outside and help us meet our target.  We will be doing this every Friday morning and hope that you will be able to join us each week or as often as possible.  We really hope to see you there!


Goodbye to Ben

Last Friday we said goodbye to Ben.  He has been attending Stoneyburn Primary with us on Fridays for quite a few years but last week was his last day with us.  We celebrated Ben’s time with us with a whole school party, together in the hall.  We were visited by Magic Mac- a very funny magician who entertained us with lots of tricks, jokes and music.  We all had a great time.

We were sad to see Ben go, but as Mrs Gibson says- “Once a Stoneyburn Wean, always a Stoneyburn Wean!” 🙂  Here are a few pictures from our fun in the hall!

P6 Transition Day- Bridges

Greenrigg Primary Six pupils came up to Stoneyburn Primary today to do some more work on our transition project- Bridges.


We spent the day looking at Scottish bridges and where they are in Scotland, how they are built, what they look like and finally we created some bridges of our own- inspired by the bridges we had looked at in the morning.

The children all worked together very well, in mixed groups and all had a lot of fun.


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Take a look at our Twitter pages for more pictures of our activities from today @greenriggps @stoneyburnps