All posts by Mrs Rankin

P6/5 Halloween Week

We have a good week n P6/5 this week. It has been filled with Halloween and Bonfire activities. Read on to hear what we have been up to.

  • Leah – in music this week we were singing with the P4s. We were practicing Ally Bally Bee and also Bumping up and down on a Camel with actions!
  • Brogan – a few of us went to the Halloween disco on Monday night. It was also Hannah’s birthday on Monday.
  • Charley – we were working on completing multiplication grids on Friday in maths and we all got the chance to login to Sumdog this week.
  • Alfie & Hannah – the P6s are now n a choir with the P7 pupils. P6 & P7 pupils from Our Lady’s Primary School joined us for this with Mrs Ewing. The choir has been created so that we can sing at the Santa parade and at the old folks home around Christmas time.
  • Keris – we had house time this week. We were designing shields for our houses.
  • Leah – in RME we started typing up our PowerPoint presentations on Gandhi.
  • Jack – for writing this week, we were writing about Alma, a spooky story about a girl who touches a doll’s nose and ends up as the doll!
  • Eve – in French we were learning about the weather.
  • Cory – in maths we were learning to read timetables for journeys and TV schedules.
  • Charley – we had Futsal again this week and we were playing games.
  • Brodie – we were learning about the history of Halloween.
  • Charley – we also learned about the history of Guy Fawkes and why we have Bonfire Night.
  • Cory – For our topic of Mary Queen of Scots, we were learning about Mary’s family tree.

Have a good weekend!


First Week Back

Well we have started off term 2 with a busy week. We were straight back into working hard!

Read on to hear what we have been up to. Eve & Charley were keen to contribute to the P6/5 blog this week!

  • Charley – we started off on Tuesday with our new topic which is Mary Queen of Scots. We want to learn more about her and her husbands and why she was imprisoned for 19 years.
  • Eve – we had a visit from Rev Malloch on Thursday afternoon.
  • Cory – we had Futsal again this week and we were learning about passing. We had a game as well.
  • Brogan – in French we were learning spooky words and we did a word search with all the words.
  • Brodie – in music we were using rhyme and alliteration using a cauldron!
  • Cory – in maths we were learning to read timetables and had different activities to do to read these such as working out what time we could get a train/flight and how long some journeys were.
  • Charley – in writing this week we were writing about a giant tortoise and about a house on his back. We were focusing on self-assessing our work and also looked at peer-assessment too.
  • Eve – in music we had a few class members playing in band. Hannah, Charley, Alfie and Jack were in our band.
  • Eve – in maths we used Plickers to answer multiple choice questions for our Time topic on the smartboard. We like using this.
  • Charley – in reading this week we were using alliteration as well for George’s Marvellous Medicine with a potion bottle
  • To end the week we created some Halloween haunted house pictures using oil pastels.

Here are some of our pictures and artists!

Have a good weekend!


P6/5 Weekly Highlights – Term 1 Complete!

What quick and busy last week of term! We had Mrs Campbell on Monday and had a great art lesson learning about different artists, we were at Whitelee Windfarm on Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Ewing had us as usual and then Thursday and Friday we had Mrs Rankin.

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Charley – For music on Thursday, Mrs Ewing brought her daughter in – she played the trumpet for us.
  • Brogan – For RME, we watched Chariots of Fire to round off the Eric Liddell topic.
  • Keris – In maths we were continuing with Time and kept getting asked how long it was until break or what time it was.
  • Charley – The netball team went to Whitburn Community Centre on Wednesday afternoon. The school team came fifth!
  • Alfie – this morning we got our flu vaccinations. The nurses flew through the class and we were completed in no time.
  • Cory – On Tuesday we were at Whitelee Windfarm – it was a great day and we learnt a lot about more about wind turbines and Whitelee itself.
  • Leah – It was Parent’s Evening last night.
  • Callum – Today we had our first House Time sessions. We were answering questions about what we would like to do as a house during the year.
  • Jack – The Book Fayre was in school this week and a few of us bought books.

Here are some pictures from our visit to Whitelee Windfarm.



Have a great week off!



P6/5 – What a Week!

This has been quite an eventful week for everyone. The Primary 6 pupils went for a visit to the Scottish Parliament. This was arranged for them as they covered this topic last year. More details on this are below. We also had a visit from Sean Batty for the STV Children’s Appeal on Thursday which was a great morning!

Read on for more details.

  • Danielle – we had our first Futsal lesson on Wednesday afternoon. We were learning how to control the ball and some other skills.
  • Hannah – we had the visit on Thursday from Sean Batty which was very exciting for us all.
  • Cory – the Tunnock’s man also came along with Sean Batty and left us some treats.
  • Alfie – we had the wellie walk and weather themed disco during Sean’s visit and we all dressed up in weather themed clothes! During the disco we danced to Don’t Stop Believing with the P7s which we did last year – it was great fun.
  • Charley – we finished off our wind models this week and were outside testing them when it was windy on Wed & Thu. We tried today but it wasn’t windy for once!
  • Eve – we finished off our winter display and it is already up in the hall.
  • Callum/Hannah/Alfie/ Fraser – we all had a trip to the Scottish Parliament with the P7s and Mrs Lossemore & Mrs Rankin. Miss Smith came along too. We got a tour of the building and got a chance to actually go into the Debating Chamber and get a group picture! We also saw the mace which sits at the front of the Presiding Officer during sessions – it is made of silver and gold and weighs the same as a bag of sugar. It was really interesting to hear all about it and see where the MSPs actually work. Angela Constance popped in to see us after our tour and she answered some questions we all had. It was very kind of her to meet with us.
  • Leah – the P5s went to the Harvest service on Tuesday and then some of us went and joined Miss Eunson’s class and others joined Mrs Campbell’s class for the day.
  • Charley – we continued on with Time in maths this week. We were converting time from analogue to digital and we started reading timetables.
  • Callum – this was our first week in the Pupil voice Groups.
  • All – we were given the city we live in for our French Families!

Here are some pictures from our week.

It’s the last week of this term next week! What a quick term.

Have a nice weekend.



P6/5 Weekly Update

We have had another quick week here in P6/5. From wind energy projects, to pictures being taken, to doing Time in maths – it flew in!

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Hannah – we were doing more work on our wind energy projects. We started building these and will finish these off on Monday and get to test them outside to see if they work.
  • Eve & Charley – we started work for our Winter display for the hall. We were painting winter scene pictures and also a rainy day scene. We used water to help blend the colours we were using.
  • Keris – we were finishing off our Achievements & Dream posters this week and some are already up on the classroom walls.
  • Alfie – in French we continued with our French Families. We were given our names, ages, flags for our countries so we had to design our characters.
  • Brogan – during RME this week we were learning about Ghandi.
  • Callum – the football afterschool club started on Monday and it was good.
  • Leah – the afterschool netball club also started this week on Tuesday and it was great.
  • Charley – on Tuesday morning we all had our pictures taken both individual and family groups.

Here are a few pictures of us building our wind models.

Have a nice weekend.



P6/5 Short Week

Even though this week was short, we had an exciting week with the performance of the Rookie Rockstars Concert on Wednesday night. It was a great night and the pupils involved all seemed to really enjoy themselves!

Please read on to hear what we enjoyed this week:

  • Callum – we all really enjoyed performing at the concert.
  • Leah – we all enjoyed challenge time with the rapping parents/grandparents!
  • Jack – we found out at the concert  that Katie in P7 won the competition for the best CD cover design. This will be on the CDs with us singing. Well done!
  • Hannah – in music this week we were singing a song from the Lion King – Can You Feel the Love Tonight – it was fun.
  • Alfie – in French we were split into French Families and we are meant to live in a French speaking country such as Canada, France or Switzerland.
  • Brogan – we were making posters this week with our Achievements and Dreams.
  • Charley – we were working on our Wind Energy project again this week. We were finalising our designs for our models and looking at what resources have been brought in to help to start making these next week for the Levenseat competition. We have 3 great ideas and hopefully our models will turn out well!
  • Brogan – following on from Rookie Rockstar, our writing this week was a newspaper article about the concert.
  • Callum – for maths this week we were doing Izak 9 again with the cubes solving problems and Number Talks.

Some pictures from Izak 9!

A short but busy week. Back to normal next week!

Have a good weekend.


Primary 6/5 – Rockin’ Week

This week has been a hectic week within P6/5. We had Rookie Rockstars in 4 mornings this week. It was also Maths Week so we have had a lot of extra maths this week.

Read below to see what we have been doing:

  • Jack – For maths week we were given a Target Number to try and make calculations for. We also completed a treasure hunt outside on Tuesday but had to finish off Friday as we have been so busy.
  • Callum – we had a maths lesson on Izak 9 with Mrs Robley and Mrs Rankin. This was using 9 cubes and we were set maths challenges using the cubes to help us solve the problems. We started using directions so North, South, East and West.
  • Zara – we had Rookie Rockstars in Mon-Thu mornings. Nick & Aine were here to teach us 5 songs for the concert next week. We also learned some moves to go along. They had question time and also challenge time during the sessions so there were a couple of teacher challenges which were really funny. We recorded our songs and they will be on a CD to buy – all very exciting!
  • Brodie – to end the Rookie Rockstar sessions we got to do the Pop/Rock Melody which was great fun. We get to do this again at the concert on Wed night!
  • Callum – the school had the open evening last night which a few people came along to see our classroom. Sumdog was set up on the laptop to play and also parents could see the blog on the IPad as well.
  • Brogan – our special person this week is Eve! Well done Eve.
  • All – during French we were doing birthdays and learning to say which month and date ours are in.
  • All – in PE we continued with Basketball and we also did a Joe Wicks session with the rest of the school on Tuesday. It was quite tiring.

Have a look at a few pictures from our sessions with Rookie Rockstars!

Have a nice long weekend!


P6/5 Weekly blog from Fri 1st Sept

Now I have permission to add to the blog, please find below the blog the class created Friday 1st Sept. Apologies for the delay. Thanks, Mrs Rankin.

Well this has been a busy first full week within P6/5. We have had lots of things going on this week as we get back into the school routine. Please read below to hear some of our highlights:


  • Katie – we were given a long and hard spelling test this week. This is to help the teacher to see how well are at spelling.
  • Eve – we were finishing off our Class Charter for the classroom. This is all finished and up on our walls looking very colourful.
  • Alfie – Mrs Rankin gave us a maths test to see how good we are at numeracy with some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.
  • Brogan – we finished off making our Group Points display for the classroom wall so that we can add the points we collect each day to them. This week the Wise Wonka’s got the most but it was a close call!
  • Hannah – Mrs Campbell paid us a visit with P2/3 on Thursday to ask us to become Playground Pals with the P2/3s. This is to make sure everyone has a friend in the playground. We will also become reading buddies with them and will meet with them on a Tuesday afternoon for a little while. We are all looking forward to that.
  • Alfie/Hannah/Leah/Brogan – we had music with Mrs Ewing for the first time and Leah, Hannah & Brogan were singing as a trio during the lesson.
  • Callum – the SSPCA came to visit us on Monday. Dawn from the SSPCA came to explain what they do and what we should to do if we see a hurt animal. We played a game with questions about animals – please see the pictures below.
  • We are all enjoying our time on a Friday recapping on our week to share with you all!

    Just as a reminder, for PE, anyone with pierced ears needs to remove the earrings before the lesson or bring tape to cover these. Pupils will not be able to take part if either is not done.
