All posts by Mrs Rankin

P6/5 – New Year, New Term

Well it was nice to see everyone after the school holidays and get back into a routine again! We have had a nice, slightly shorter week settling back into work. We started the week working on team work in PE and working together in team games.

Read to below to hear more about our week.

  •  Alfie – In maths, we have started looking at fractions.
  • Eve – we had Mrs Loosemore for a lesson on problem solving on Thursday morning.
  • Jack – we had PE this week and we were looking at using good teamwork within different games.
  • Brogan – we also did some solve and shade puzzles with Mrs Loosemore.
  • Charley – we were writing this week about something we did during the holidays.
  • Callum – the P6/7 were back practicing with Our Lady’s pupils. We were singing the Proclaimers songs Sunshine on Leith and I’m On My Way.
  • Keris – we had music with Mrs Ewing.
  • Fraser – we did a lesson on emotions this week and looked at sad emotions and we had to think of sometime we felt sad.
  • Brogan – Mrs Rankin moved our seats so we are all at different groups.
  • Alfie – we were playing a maths game 11 and Out.
  • Jack – we did literacy this week and some of us were given new books.
  • Callum – we had another listening session with Ms Gilroy on Tuesday.

Please see the pictures below from PE – we worked together in teams to throw and catch a tennis ball all at the same time with different challenges for each throw – we had to try and do 10. We all had to make sure we caught the ball after each challenge or we had to start again from challenge number 1! Then we worked in teams to play a game with beanbags to try and beat the opposing team by getting as close to the yellow beanbag, a bit like bowls. We had to talk tactics before each player threw the next beanbag.

Have a nice weekend! A full week next week!



P6/5 Last Day of Term

This morning P6/5 have been confused with what happened this week and what happened last week as it has been a busy time these last couple of weeks of term! It has been a very quick term for us all and we have managed to get through a lot of work. A well deserved break is now ahead of us all.

Here is what we did get up to this week:

  • Charley – We did some Christmas art this week where we made snowman using paint, crayons and oil pastels. We get to bring them home today!
  • Hannah – We had our Christmas party on Thursday which we all really enjoyed, especially the Photo Booth!
  • Danielle – We enjoyed our Christmas Lunch on Wednesday. We all sat in the hall together.
  • Alfie – We had a Christmas movie in the hall after the Christmas Lunch.
  • Hannah – We had the Church Service on Monday morning when each class had to say a verse of the Christmas poem. It was nice to see so many parents join us.
  • All – In PE this week we had to do some practicing for our Christmas dances. Some of us enjoyed this, others not so much!
  • Charley – We were doing Christmas maths activities where we had to work out the answer to jokes. We did imaginative writing this week relating to a clip called Lily and the Snowman.
  • Eve – In French we were doing Christmas colouring in.
  • Keris – We are all excited for the holidays and looking forward to spending time with our families and friends.

Here’s a picture of us all ready for our party yesterday.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to seeing you all back in the New Year!

Mrs Rankin & P6/5

P6/5 Run Up to Christmas News

Well what a quick and busy week we have had! From nativity rehearsals to the actual performances on Tuesday afternoon and evening, then off to the pantomime on Wednesday afternoon to singing practise for Monday’s Church Service and finally Christmas Jumper Day today!

Here’s what we have been up to other than all of that!

  • Charley – Brogan is Special Person this week!
  • Alfie – the P6/7 Choir were recorded on Thursday by West Lothian Council and are on You Tube singing a couple of songs.
  • Danielle – we were all at the Pantomime to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and it was really funny!
  • Eve – we sang at the nativity performances on Tuesday afternoon and evening. It was exciting to be part of it with the whole school.
  • Charley – as a round up of our topic on Mary Queen of Scots, we watched Horrible Histories about her. It was funny and interesting to see this since we have learned all about her.
  • Brogan – we were creating our Christmas jumper designs for the school competition. There are some really good designs. It’s going to be a tough to choose a winner!
  • Hannah – we made some reindeer with Mrs Robley on Thursday afternoon.
  • Danielle – some of us were are Maths sessions with Mrs Robley as usual this week.
  • Charley – Mrs Robley was in class using Izak 9 to create some maths problems.
  • Katie – we continued on with Data Handling this week and were reading tables and line graphs.
  • Alfie – we are nearly finished Charlotte’s Web as our class novel. This will be finished off on Monday.

Here is a picture of us in our Christmas jumpers from this morning!

Have a lovely weekend!


P6/5 Weekly News

This week has been a super quick week! We have a feeling the next 2 weeks will be the same with everything that is going on during the Festive season!

We’d like to say a big thank you to those of you who stopped by our stall on Tuesday evening at the Christmas Fayre. We now have to decide what we should buy with the money we made to help us with our learning in class!

Here are some updates from the class.

  • Eve – some of the girls from our class went to the netball tournament with our cluster schools on Wednesday afternoon and we came 5th. We scored in all games so we were happy to with that.
  • Brogan – we had a full school nativity rehearsal on Thursday. This was the first time we all got to see what everyone is doing. It was really good!
  • Leah – following on from Brogan’s comment, we were on the stage for the first time so we had a few more rehearsals with just our class to get our performance perfected!
  • Charley – we finished off making our Pine Cone Elves and lollipop Christmas Tree Decorations for the the Fayre on Monday and Tuesday and set up our stall. We did really well and sold most of those.
  • Charley – in maths we continued with data handling and were drawing bar graphs. We used the classes Christmas Crafts to make bar graphs and have them up on our wall.
  • Eve – we created crowns for our Nativity performance.
  • Hannah – we have Blurb the Bear in our class this week. We have started having a full school reading session as a Smart Start and Blurb will get the chance to visit all classes and be involved in reading activities. This week’s book was Alien Tea on Planet Zum-Zee.
  • Charley – we completed our writing assessments on Tuesday – we wrote reports on the top 10 toys for Christmas 2017.
  • Cory – we painted a couple of the characters for the Nativity.
  • Brogan – we did some Go Noodle on Wednesday in the classroom
  • All – we are very happy with our Wet Toys Box the PTA gave us for the classroom. We got the chance to use these on Thursday when Storm Caroline was here. Thank you very much to the PTA!

Here is a picture of Blurb the Bear reading our class novel, we hope to finish this before the holidays. Blurb with us until next Wednesday’s reading session. The other pictures are of ther bar graphs we created relating to the Christmas crafts the classes made for Tuesday night’s Fayre.

Have a lovely weekend!


P6/5 Weekly News

Sorry for the delay for our blog for last week. The full Glow system we use for the school blog was down from Thursday evening until Monday. We put our blog together as normal, but Mrs Rankin wasn’t able to upload it on Friday.

Better late than we go. Last week was a busy week for us getting organised for the Christmas Fayre and we were in full steam ahead getting on with our crafts. We made our lollipop tree decorations first and these have turned out well. It was then onto putting together our Pine Cone Elves which involved different stages for the production line and having some patience letting things dry!

Other highlights of our week are:

  • Callum – a few of us were off playing Longridge football team on Thursday afternoon at the Community Centre. This was our first competitive game and unfortunately, we lost 1-2 but we all enjoyed taking part.
  • Keris – we have been asked to elf ourselves for a school display and Mrs Rankin has taken our pictures to get these started!
  • Brogan – on Monday morning, all girls in the school got the opportunity to take part in a football taster session with a coach called Rachel. It was good fun!
  • Alfie – while the girls were at football with Mrs Rankin, the boys had Mrs Loosemore and she gave us a maths lesson with a difference. We had to use the internet to see what we could buy an imaginary family with £500 for Christmas. We did quite well!
  • Eve – we had our last futsal session this week. We have all enjoyed these sessions.
  • Hannah – the P6/7 choir this week was taken by Mrs Loosemore. We are getting better and the Santa Parade is getting closer!
  • Cory – we had our usual weekly spelling tests.
  • Charley – we are all really enjoying making our crafts for the Christmas Fayre. Mrs Rankin showed those of us who wanted to sew how to make hats for the elves. They all look great.

Here are a few pictures of our crafts in production.

PE days will be changing in the run up to Christmas due to a new PE teacher starting on Monday. Mrs Rankin will let us know which days we will need our PE kits on once she sees the gym timetable.

Christmas has arrived in the P6/5 classroom with a mini tree and some decorations and of course an advent calendar! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and we hope to see you at our stall on Tuesday evening!



P6/5 News

Another week has gone by and the time is now flying in with December now in sight! This week we started our Christmas Fayre Enterprise and we are very excited about this.

Read to to hear what else we were doing.

  • Jack – we have finalised our crafts for the Fayre. We also voted on our class name for the stall and a logo. We have nearly finished these. We are called The Elf-A-Teers
  • Eve – in music we have improved on our dance routine for our Christmas song.
  • Hannah – in maths with Mrs Ewing we were doing Big Maths and she set us a 6 Fact Challenge which we have been given to work on as part of our homework.
  • Brogan – in RME we started learning about Nelson Mandela which is very interesting.
  • Eve – we had another session with Miss Gilroy on Tuesday. Our challenge for this week is to look at the person who is speaking.
  • Brogan – for our topic Mary Queen of Scots, we were looking into the murder of Lord Darnley and looking at different types of evidence to help us decide who killed him.
  • Cory – I am the Special Person this week!
  • Charley – we had our PVG assembly this week and a few of us had to talk on behalf of our groups. It was good to hear what everyone is up to this year.
  • Eve – in futsal this week we continued with games and we are improving when playing!
  • Alfie – P6/7 choir had another weekly practise with the pupils from Our Lady’s Primary. We were singing Ding Dong Merrily on High.
  • Jack – in French we were finishing off the drawings our of French families.
  • Cory – in maths we finished off 2D & 3D shapes.

Here are some pictures from PE where we were working on our travelling skills for gymnastics and then using this with the moves we did last week. There is also a couple of pictures of us starting our logo and name for the Christmas Fayre.

We are all really looking forward to making our crafts next week for the Christmas Fayre. Christmas is certainly approaching quickly with all loads of different things coming up in the next few weeks!

Have a nice weekend.


P6/5 Weekly News

This week started off with the excitement of having our new smart board. It has been fantastic having this in the classroom and means we don’t have to move class for any lessons. We have had some great interactive lessons this week and we all love the board!

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Hannah – for our P6/7 choir, the soloists were announced.
  • Charley – in music we completed our dance for Bumping Up and Down on a Camel with Mrs Ewing and showed Mrs Rankin.
  • Alfie – for our dance, Fraser is the camel for our dance and is the best camel we have seen!
  • Charley – in maths we were continuing on with 2D & 3D shapes this week.
  • Cory – today we all dressed down or “Did our thing” for dressing down for Children In Need.
  • Eve – in RME we completed our Ghandi presentations and presented these to the rest of the class using our new board.
  • Hannah – in PE on Monday we were doing some gymnastics.
  • Leah – for our topic, we were doing some art work of Mary Queen of Scots. Mrs Rankin is putting these up in our classroom today.
  • Fraser – we were doing report writing this week and wrote a report on Armistace Day.
  • Brodie – we had ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) time on Thursday morning, a new weekly task for us.
  • Hannah – we had a listening session with Miss Gilroy this week and some of also had another session with Mrs Rankin. We have been set challenges to improve our skills for listening.
  • Charley – on Tuesday afternoon the school had a Support the Learning afternoon where some parents popped in to see what we have to support us in our learning in our classrooms. We were with Miss Gilroy for some of the session.
  • Brogan – Fraser and I went with Miss Eunson to Longridge to hear the results of the Levenseat project from last term. Unfortunately Stoneyburn Primary didn’t win this year but we all learnt a lot during the project.

The class was entered into the West Lothian SumDog competition which ended yesterday. Eve made it into the top 20 by making it to 18th position out of all pupils in West Lothian by answering 941 correctly out of 1000 questions! Well done Eve, that is really a great achievement! The next competition is in December and we’re all signed up!

Have a lovely weekend.


P6/5 – Weekly Update

We have had a good week in P6/5 and it ended with the excitement of our new Promethean board (new version of a Smart Board!). Read on to hear about our week. 

  • Eve – In music, we were doing the dance for Bumping Up and Down, the song we have been learning.
  • Alfie – We are all looking forward to getting our new smart board.
  • Hannah – P6s had choir practice again – we were auditioning for singing solo part this week.
  • Keris – we were finishing off our Power Points for Gandhi in RME and will get to show the rest of the class these next week.
  • Cory – we did some outdoor maths since we had to leave the classroom on Fri morning while the smart board was being installed. There are some pictures of our multiplication grids we to completed.
  • Brogan – special person this week was Hannah.
  • Eve – Futsal – we played some more games this week.
  • Hannah – we shared our news while in the Nurture Nook this morning. It was nice to hear what everyone has been up to.
  • Brogan – in maths we did Sumdog for a little while. Mrs Rankin told us she had signed us up for a competition.
  • Charley – we have moved onto shape in maths this week. We have been looking at both 2D & 3D shapes.

We have been entered into a West Lothian Sumdog competition which runs from today (10th) to the 16th Nov. We can login in at home if we want to and there is a free Sumdog app for tablets which we can also login to.

Have a great weekend.
