All posts by Mrs Rankin

P6/5 Weekly Blog

Our first week back of term 4 has been a quick week! We’re all back and looking forward to our last term in P6 and P5.

We have sent home invitations for our class assembly next week and we are looking forward to showing you what we have been working on.

In other news, please read on:

  • Aflie – we are now getting PE on a Friday with Mr Tennant.
  • Eve – we are continuing on with money in maths and hopefully get this topic finished off soon.
  • Jack – we were finishing off our West Lothian Young Writer of the Year entries.
  • Callum – on Thursday morning, the P6s went to Polkemmet Park with the Greenrigg P6s for Forest Schools. We’re there for the next few weeks and really enjoyed our introductory session.
  • Charley – we had music with Mrs Malloch on Friday this week instead of our usual Tuesday.
  • Brogan – we have been rehearsing for our Assembly and will continue to do this until Wednesday morning to make sure we know our scripts.
  • Brodie – during Together Time with Mrs Boyd we were talking about big deals and little deals and how these impact us.
  • Keris – we did our usually weekly reading and one group are keen to get their book finished off next week.
  • Eve – we did some grammar during literacy when the P6s were away.
  • Charley – we finished off our invitations for our class assembly. These had been started last term but as we didn’t know the date, we just had to add this along with some finishing touches.
  • Keris/Charley – for our earthquake topic we were building seismographs to record an earthquake. We worked in groups to build these and everyone managed to get their one working.

Here are a few pictures of the seismographs.

P6/5 Weekly Update

We have reached the end for Term 3 and what a quick term it has been. Tying to remember everything we have covered this term is a challenge itself!

We’ll give you an update for this week since we can remember that! On Monday morning the class were given a small concert by our brass pupils. They came into class and played for us all and it sounded really nice. Well done girls! We had our Easter Church Service on Monday which some parents came along to. It was lovely to see everyone. The P6s attended a Cross Country Event for the Whitburn Cluster on Thursday afternoon and did well for Stoneyburn Primary. The P5s had an Eastery afternoon while they were away.

Read on to hear more.

  • Alfie – the P6s went to Blaeberry Hill Park in Whitburn to represent the school in the Whitburn Cluster Cross Country Event. It was hard going running in muddy conditions but we all did well. I came 7th and Callum and Fraser finished in the top 20. Hannah did well in the girls race as well. Mrs Rankin will be sent the final results after Easter.
  • Danielle – the whole school attended Church on Monday for the Easter Service.
  • Brogan – on Thursday afternoon the P5s watched the Yogi Easter Bear with the P1s while the P6s were away.
  • Charley – we started our entries for the West Lothian Young Writer of the Year competition. These are well under way and we will be finishing these off on the first week back after the holidays.
  • Hannah – we were doing kenning poems with Mrs Ewing on Wednesday. These describe something familiar in an uncommon way, without using its name.
  • Eve – we have been making some Easter cards with Mrs Rankin and Mrs Robley this week.
  • Jack – we had our second last session of Futsal on Wednesday. We played games and we’re pretty good at this now.
  • Eve – Mrs Rankin the Pupil Support Worker left Stoneyburn on Thursday. She is moving to a school closer to home. We made her a card and wished her good luck in her new job. We’ll miss her!
  • Cory – in maths this week we continued on with money and we were adding up amounts of money making sure we used the decimals correctly.
  • Hannah/Brogan – with Mrs Ewing we did Big Maths.
  • Leah – on Friday we were doing some Easter maths activities.
  • All – we got outside for PE on Wednesday with Mrs Rankin for some cross country training. The sun shone for us and it felt warmer than it has been. We’re hoping to get outside more next term for PE.

Here are a few pictures of our week.

Enjoy the holidays and we’re back on Monday 9th April!

Have a great time!


P6/5 STEM Week – News

Well this week was a busy week with loads of great things going on, not just within our class but throughout the school. It was STEM week so we had loads of activities to do for this and we had a visit to the One-Stop-Shop in the village. We also had a Judo taster session to fit in as well as our STEM open afternoon and the Sport Relief Sport-A-thon on Friday morning.

Read to hear more about these!

  • Katie – we were doing out Sport Relief activities on Friday morning. These involved basketball, target & aim games, Go-Noodle, power walking and dance sessions. It was a really good morning with everyone finishing off by doing a Joe Wicks session in the hall!
  • Brogan – we had our STEM open afternoon on Thursday where we presented our Planet posters with our partners to the parents who popped in. We were also finishing off our space rockets we were challenged to build. Mrs Rankin drew lollipop sticks for those who wanted to bring their rockets home for each group!
  • Alfie – we were competing in the West Lothian Primary School SumDog competition. We came 44th out of 267 classes. 2 pupils answered their full 1000 questions during the week. Well done to Hannah & Charley. P7 came 8th so well done to them!
  • Fraser – we had the Planetarium come to the school on Wednesday and all classes got to visit it. We all really enjoyed this and some of us felt dizzy during this. It was very interesting and great to have this in school.
  • Charley – some of the P5s are off to camp Friday to Sunday. There are 8 going from our class and everyone is really looking forward to it!
  • Hannah – we had Marv in giving us a Judo taster session. It was really good and everyone really enjoyed it. He runs classes in Whitburn and everyone got a leaflet home
  • Katie – we had our weekly Craft Club on Thursday with Mrs Rankin. A lot of our class go to this and we were making origami Easter Bunnies this week.
  • All – on Tuesday we had a trip up to the One-Stop-Shop to find out more about healthy eating. We got to try some fruit and vegetables we perhaps hadn’t tried. We got to try blueberries, cucumber, tomatoes, grapes, apple and carrots. We also got a tour of the shop to look for healthy food signs which was really interesting.

Have a look at some of our pictures from this week.


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to hearing how camp goes!


P6/5 Weekly News

It has been nice to get back to school after our snowy week last week. We all shared what we got up to in our 3 days off. It was all very exciting to have that amount of snow and we all had fun our playing in it!

We have had a busy week catching up and practising our class assembly which had to be postponed. We are in full swing with our rehearsals though. Once we know when it will be, we will let you know.

Read to on to hear what else we have been up to:

  • Charley – we were doing invitations in writing on Tuesday. We have created invitations for our assembly and these will come home when we know the date.
  • Cory – there was the Rotary Quiz at Polkemmet Primary on Thursday evening. Brodie and Eve attended from our class. Fraser was unable to attend as he was ill so Eve stepped in to take his spot. Stoneyburn came 5th on the night. Well done guys!
  • Keris – we were using our scripts for our assembly and had a few full run throughs. It’s all coming together!
  • Brogan – we were working on poems for Mother’s Day with Mrs Ewing.
  • Danielle – we used the poems to put in Mother’s Day cards.
  • Hannah – we had an assembly with Mrs Gibson where she announced she is leaving Stoneyburn Primary in August.
  • Jack – in Futsal this week we were playing games practising our skills.
  • Eve – we watched songs from the movie The Greatest Showman. A couple of these were called ‘This is Me’ and ‘A Million Dreams’. They were really good.
  • Charley – in maths this week we did negative numbers and started looking at money by making a money poster with vocabulary on this that we use relating to money – see below.
  • Eve – next week is STEM week and we will be building rockets in our class so we need more junk if possible!
  • Alfie – this week it was International Woman’s Week and we saw some interivews on Newsround about this.

The pictures below are of us all showing our posters we started making in relation to money and what methods we can pay for items. These are now on up on our maths wall.

Have a good weekend!


P6/5 Weekly Blog

Another quick week here in P6/5 has gone by. We have had a nice week with loads of things going on. With the P7s at Whitburn Academy, it has been quiet at our end of the school.

Please read our updates below.

  • Alfie – this week as the P7s were away to Whitburn Academy, we got PE with Mrs Howard and Mr Tennant. We all really enjoyed these lessons.
  • Fraser – in music we continued with the Carnival of the Animals and were listening to The Avery and drew what came to our minds.
  • Leah – Miss Gilroy had her weekly groups on Tuesday. Some of us were at this and we were playing a game where we hid a phone and we had to listen carefully to find it. We enjoyed this.
  • Brodie – we had a visitor in the school on Thursday and she popped in to see what we were doing on Thursday morning as we were learning about our strengths and self-help skills we might need for camp.
  • Danielle – Mrs Boyd came into class on Monday to learn how play Silent Ball with Mrs Gibson teaching.
  • Alfie – on Tuesday afternoon most of P6/5 went to play football against St John’s Primary School and Falla Hill Primary School. We tried our best during the games.
  • Hannah – we have been looking at what we will be doing for our class assembly and Brogan, Eve and I have started working on a dance to go with a song we will play.
  • Callum – with the P7s away, we were asked to show Mrs Clifford around the school on Thursday when she visited Stoneyburn.

Let’s see if next week is just as quick!

Have a good weekend!


P6/5 Short News Week

We are all back to school after our extra long weekend. We have had a short but pretty busy week. Please read on to hear what has been going on.

  • Callum – P6s had a Health & Wellbeing session with the P7s and Mrs Gibson on Wednesday. We were playing Silent Ball and the P5s joined us for a quick game.
  • Jack – Mrs Rankin’s Craft Club started on Thursday for the P4/5/6/7s. We were making origami bookmarks and some of us made these look like the Cookie Monster.
  • Brogan – the PTA held the Valentine’s Disco on Wednesday night. It was a really good night!
  • Alfie – we finished off our paintings of a volcano on Thursday. We were using hot colours to reflect the volcano exploding.
  • Keris – in maths we were working on percentages and relating these to fractions and decimals.
  • Charley – we had our ERIC time on Friday this week instead of Thursday. It’s something quite a lot of us enjoy.
  • Eve – we were working on a wall display to show how the whole school feel ‘Included’. It’s looking really good with the other classes work.
  • Brogan – Mrs Ewing took our class with P4 to do music. We were listening to a track from the Carnival of Animals and we drew pictures of what we imagined as we listened.

We’re all back to normal with a full week next week.

Have a lovely weekend!


P6/5 Weekly Update

Here we are at half term already. The pupils are all excited to have a long weekend and a short week next week.

We have had another busy week of learning in class so please read on to hear what everyone has been up to.

All – we worked on the library and tidied up the non-fiction section and created labels for this. This was a big job but it’s really starting to take shape and look a lot better. We should get our labels put on the shelves next week and finalise our plans for running the library for all classes to be able to start borrowing books.

Alfie – Football match where Stoneyburn played Greenrigg – it was a close match – we lost 5-4.

Charley – we were looking at our imaginative writing and looking at how to improve this.

Hannah – we have started working on creating paintings of volcanoes. We have completed the black painting and will complete these with our hot colours next week.

Katie – we have a long weekend!!

Brogan – we were working with the P4s for Music and we listened to music and drew what we felt from this.

Charley – we did decimals in maths this week and were adding decimal calculations.

Alfie – we did noughts and crosses with Mrs Ewing in French.


We hop everyone has a great long weekend!


P6/5 Weekly News

Another week has passed by as we move into February. We have been looking at Health & Wellbeing this week and have been continuing on with our topic and our class novel, Wonder.

Read on to hear more.

  • Callum – this week we created our Worry Woods corner in the classroom. We can write any worries we have in the box and this is checked by the teacher at the end of the day and we can talk about these if we want to.
  • Eve – we continued on with reading Wonder which we are all really enjoying. Everyone has created an Auggie spaceman head and we had to write kind things about our classmates on everyone’s helmets.
  • Aflie – we created a bucket filler box which we can add to each day and these will be shared with the class.
  • Charley – we had a SHANARRI morning on Thursday where each class looked at each indicator. These all represent: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible, Included.
  • Hannah – Mrs Gibson held an assembly with the whole school looking at friendship and we did some drama relating to these.
  • Cory – we started Thursday morning with a feel good factor with the whole school doing the Cha Cha Slide! It woke everyone up and was a happy start to our day.
  • Jack – we did imaginative writing this week based on an invisible man who had a suitcase with a person inside – we had to include this somehow in our stories.
  • Eve – we had futsal on Wednesday and this week we were practising our passing skills.
  • Keris – we had our PVG groups today. The pupil council group are looking at ways to reduce the amount of homework we get.
  • Katie – we did our weekly spelling tests as usual.
  • Eve – during literacy this week we were looking at using inverted commas and creating sentences using these.
  • Charley – we were practising our handwriting this week.

Have a nice weekend.


P6/5 Weekly News

Well, here we are at the end of January already. It has been a quick few weeks and we’ll be into February this coming week!

We had the JRSO Glow disco this morning where we all enjoyed dancing in the dark with glow sticks/torches/clothing. A great way to remind us of keeping safe on these dark mornings and nights.

Read on to hear about our week.

  • Brogan – Mrs Malloch came in on Tuesday for our weekly NYCOS session with her. We all enjoyed singing and doing the actions to Long/Short Legged Wife.
  • Eve – we continued on with fractions this week and looked at simplifying these. We’re moving onto decimals  and looking at how these link next week.
  • Danielle – some of us went along to the joint school ceilidh and performed Ally Bally Bee with the P4s. It was a good night.
  • Hannah – the JRSO Pupil Voice Group helped to plan the disco we went to this morning.
  • Jack – in French we were learning to count up to 50.
  • Alfie – in HWB we were discussing bullying and read about a girl who was being bullied for playing football with the boys. We had good discussions in class on this and what the girl should do.
  • Charley – we read more of Wonder this week. We are all really enjoying this book.
  • Brodie – it was the first week of the after school Debating Club.
  • Hannah – some of the girls attended a netball tournament at Whitburn. We came 4th this time.
  • Charley – we worked on our plans for our imaginative writing story which we’ll write next week.
  • Jack – we spoke about setting up a Worry Box in the classroom and we need to create designs for this and we’ll vote on the favourite.
  • Brogan – we continued on with Earthquakes and Volcano topic. We were researching some famous earthquakes and the impact they had on the areas.
  • Alfie – in PE this week we started fitness with circuits. We’ll continue with this for a few weeks to see if our fitness improves during the next few weeks.
  • Jack – we were practicing our dribbling skills in Futsal this week.

Please see the pictures below from the Glow Disco.


P6/5 Snowy Week

Well it’s been a nice week with the snow to look out on but not so good for getting everyone to school! We all made it in safely and had a good week. We have all enjoyed getting outside at lunchtimes to play in it while it’s nice snow and not icy/slushy snow.

Just a reminder to everyone that our gym days this term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays so we need to remember our PE kits for both days.

Please read below to hear what we got up to in class:

  • Danielle – P5 pupils were continuing this week looking at friendships on Thursday and we had to create a promotional poster displaying 5 qualities we like in our friends.
  • Brogan – Mrs Malloch started working with our class this week doing some NYCOS games to help us improve our singing. She will visit us on Tuesday mornings just before lunchtime. It was a good session with her.
  • Jack – we continued to look at fractions this week and were looking at a fraction of a number.
  • Charley – on Tuesday we looked at poems in Scots and had to work out what they meant. I was looking at one called The Windae Cleaner – it was funny.
  • Hannah – with Mrs Loosemore on Wednesday, we had a general knowledge quiz. Brodie & Keris were the winners – well done!
  • Cory – we had our usual ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) smart start on Thursday. I really enjoyed reading the book I had.
  • Charley – we started our new topic this week of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. We started by finding out what we know about these and then we all said what we want to learn about these.
  • Jack – Futsal is back on again on Wednesdays. Our usual coach couldn’t make it but we got Andrew instead and played games.
  • Charley – we did a lesson on how to answer questions this week as we need the practice on making sure our answers are clear and in a well structured sentence.
  • Katie – we found out about the Ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s next Wednesday evening.
  • Brogan – in music this week we worked in groups tapping our rhythms we had created before and this time we got to select an instrument to use for these.
  • Charley – we continued reading our class novel, Wonder. We are all enjoying this.
  • Eve – we were summarising in literacy this week. We had to write a summary of our reading for this week.
  • Hannah – the P6/7s had their final practice before the ceilidh next week with Our Lady’s. We are all set for our performance.

Have a nice weekend in the snow if it stays!
