All posts by Mrs Sibbald

Five Sisters Zoo Fundraising

Our fundraising efforts for the Five Sisters Zoo got off to a fantastic start today! At playtime and lunchtime a number of raffles and games were available to try and we raised the grand total of £40.40. This was an amazing achievement for our very first day of fundraising. These activities will be available tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday. Raffles will be drawn on Friday morning.
Mrs Cotterell has very kindly donated £100 to the fund on behalf of SOC-IT and the group have also bought in some reptile and animal tattoos for Friday’s big event! SOC-IT have also arranged for ‘Zoe’s Face Painting’ to come along on Friday too and Zoe has very generously donated her time for free in support of the cause. This is very much appreciated.
On Friday, as well as all the exciting reptile activities going on in the classrooms, pupils will also be able to get their face painted for £1 or a tattoo for 50p.
What a fun-filled week for a sad, but very worthy cause!

Primary 3/2 Snow Day

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all enjoying our unexpected snow day!

If you are missing school already then remember you were given a winter weather workbook way back in December. If you can’t find your paper copy, you can get an adult to help you look back to the December part of this blog and you can find a link to them all there. (I’ve checked and they’re all still there!)

You should also have your spelling words at home. Why not have a go at writing your spelling words in the snow? We’ll be playing connect 4 with our spelling words on Friday so having this extra time to learn them is great!!

Have fun, stay safe and hopefully see you all tomorrow 🙂

Miss McManus

Nurture Group Christmas Coffee Morning

The boys from the Nurture Group enjoyed a trip to Tesco, Bathgate yesterday (Tuesday) to buy some much needed things for their Christmas Coffee Morning.  The girls are very much looking forward to their trip today.

The group have handed out their invitations to their families and hope that they will be able to join them on Thursday morning to share some festive drinks and nibbles with them.  Families will also be given the opportunity to look around the Nurture Room and see what their child has been working on and the targets they are working towards.  They will also be able to have a look through their Learners’ Journals.

Please note that Thursday’s coffee morning is ‘invitation only’ and this particular event is not open to the whole school.  Details were given on the Nurture Group’s Newsletter a few weeks back and can also be found on the Nurture Group’s Blog.

We look forward to updating you with how the coffee morning went.

Stoneyburn Primary Pupils are Winter Ready!

All pupils have been given a paper copy of their winter work should there be any school closures due to bad weather over the coming weeks.

Please note, this work SHOULD NOT be done if there are no school closures, as normal class work will continue in school.  Also, there is no expectation that all the work should be completed during snow days, but one or two of the tasks per day is manageable.

Teachers will also post on the school blog during snow days so pupils will be able to leave comments about what they are doing and how they are finding the challenges.

The snow packs that have been sent home with the children can also be found here: (just click on the relevant link for your child and the packs can be viewed or printed at home)

Microsoft Word – P1-2 winter weather work early_first level

Microsoft Word – P3-4 winter weather work first level

P5 6 7 winter weather work second level

Microsoft Word – Newspaper Article

Microsoft Word – Science Investigation

Christmas Post

Just a little reminder that the Christmas Post Box will be open from Monday 3rd December until Wednesday 19th December.  If you choose to post your Christmas Cards, please remember to put your friends’ names and class on the front of the envelope so that they get delivered to the correct person.

The Nurture Group have made a brand new, shiny, Christmassy Post Box for your cards and it will be placed in the front foyer as usual. 

Happy Posting!

Nurture Group Blog

Today saw the launch of the Nurture Group’s very own Blog page.  The page will be updated regularly by the pupils involved to share their learning with you.  You can access the blog by clicking on ‘Nurture Group Blog’ at the side of this post.  The blog URL was also on the Nurture Group newsletter that was sent home as a family letter today.

Nurture Group @ The Hive

Stoneyburn Primary’s Nurture Group got up and running only four weeks ago, but already the boys and girls involved have been doing some fantastic work and are working so hard to develop strategies and skills in preparation for their move to the Academy.

A lot of work over the past few weeks has been done on setting up the Nurture Group so that it is a happy environment for all and so that the time spent in the group is purposeful and meaningful. The boys and girls have all worked hard to identify good choices that have to be made whilst at the group.

Currently, the group are working on a ‘Nurture Group Newsletter’ which will be sent home next week with the aim of giving you all a better understanding of the work of the Nurture Group. Please look out for this important newsletter and have a read so that you can see all the important work being carried out.

A page will be added to our school blog also, which the children will be responsible for updating regularly. More info to follow.

Thank you to everyone so far that has offered kind words of support and encouragement to the children involved; it means a lot to them and helps to keep them motivated and confident about the work they are doing.