Busy, Busy Friday

Friday, 30 March, as well as being the last day of term, will be one of the busiest days in our calendar this session. At 9.00 a.m., we will be celebrating Easter with our Easter Service, to which all parents and friends are warmly invited to attend.

Immediately following the Easter Service, Primaries 1 and 2 have organised a Coffee Morning to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care, beginning around 9.30 a.m. and running until morning interval at 10.40 a.m. Again, all parents and friends are welcome to attend and be waited on by our team of miniature ‘Manuels’ from P1 and P2.

While all of this is going on, our SOC-IT Group will be setting up in the hall for an Easter Fayre. Parents and friends are invited to attend the Fayre while the Coffee Morning is running and the children will be attending after morning interval. At some point in the proceedings, an Easter Egg Hunt will be going on for the children.

Please wish all the participating groups luck, as we juggle with all the different activities trying to make sure they all work out. We really do hope to see as many of you as possible at all of these events before Easter Holiday Fever hits Stoneyburn at around 12.25 p.m.

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