P4 Weekly News

We have had a very busy week this week in primary four and cannot believe that in one weeks time it is the summer holidays and our year in primary four is complete! We still have lots to do next week and are looking forward to our Spanish food tasting party.

Miss Eunson would like to say a big well done to all the boys and girls in primary four who tried so hard with their Under the Sea dance, as well as a huge well done to the fabulous primary sevens and Mrs Loosemore for putting on an excellent show ‘Four Friends, Four Wishes’.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked taking part in the summer show” -Jay

“I enjoyed my last day of primary four because I am going on holiday this week” -Daniel

“I enjoyed playing rounders outside” -Alex

“I liked seeing the new P1s at assembly” -Alesha

“I enjoyed playing football outside with Mrs Warden” -Jack

“I enjoyed making our headbands and designing our characters from the Little Mermaid for the show” -Aiden

“I liked making a den for our animals outside and making a big tree house” -Michael

“I enjoyed meeting Mrs Brown in person” -Darryl

“I liked being back at school after my holiday and seeing my friends” -Carla

“I enjoyed making a Spanish menu” -Jemma

“I enjoyed watching the Little Mermaid last night at the summer show” -Emma

“I enjoyed music with Mrs Malloch” -Rachel

Here are some photographs of our week:

Miss Eunson has one request, if possible, if the boys and girls could all bring in a bag on Monday this would be great as I am going to send home their old jotters and work.

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