P6/5 Weekly News

Well, our second last week of P6/5 is over! We have had lots going on with assemblies and the P7 show rehearsals to perfect our performances.

Read on to hear what we have been doing this week.

  • Brogan – it was the P7 Summer Show this week and we all really enjoyed taking part with the P7s. What a great show!! Well done to Mrs Loosemore and the P7s!
  • Alfie – we had our Celebration Assembly on Wednesday morning and the new P7 Leadership team led this for the first time.
  • Eve – the new P1s were visiting today for their first school assembly where they were presented with their ties for next year. It was nice to see them!
  • Callum – the football team were due to play St John’s on Tuesday but they couldn’t make it along so we played each class for a little while instead.
  • Cory – we had music with Mrs Malloch on Tuesday. As some of the class were playing football a few of us had 10 mins just with Mrs Malloch and she had us singing and doing actions to a song. We all enjoyed it.
  • Callum – we continued on with measure in maths. We were looking at perimeter and area this week.
  • Danielle – for PE on Tuesday, we played rounders with P4 outside. It was a great game and we had fun.
  • Brogan – we finally got to watch Wonder this week and see how it compared to the novel. We’re going to write about which one  we preferred and why we think that.
  • All – we met Mrs Brown our new  head teacher from August. She joined us with Mrs Gibson for a quick game of Silent Ball.

Here are some pictures of the 2018/2019 P7 Leadership team. Hannah’s picture didn’t come out! Mrs Rankin is disappointed but she knows the boys love getting their pictures taken!


Have a great weekend and we look forward to our last week in P6/5!


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