This week in primary four..

This week in primary four we have been learning how to use persuasive language in writing. We have been looking at commas and the different uses of them. In Maths we have been learning about angles and the eight points of a compass. In numeracy, we have been learning about division and fractions.

We enjoyed our second workshop on Tuesday from the drama box.

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I liked in drama box when we got to be statues” -Lara

“I was surprised this week when I got to see my cousin Sophie who is coming into primary one in August” -Michael

“I absolutely loved using Bee-Bots and Pro-Bots and giving instructions using angles” -Alex

“I enjoyed learning about the six times table and practising this using Plickers” -Jack

“I liked making my powerpoint  with Aiden on our topic and adding transitions” -Rachel

“I thought it was good fun in Roots of Empathy when we got to write letters to Archie about what makes us special” -Carla

“I enjoyed doing persuasive writing and using a lot of exaggeration to help my argument” -Daniel

“I thought it was fun when we did a maths assessment on Plickers” -Aiden

“I loved being a phonics detective with Bethany around the school to try and find words with oi in them” -Jemma

“I loved when we made our Romans powerpoint” -Jay

“I was furious in writing when we were told school might be open on a Saturday and I enjoyed making my own argument against it and I also loved learning to speak Spanish this week” -Jaymee-Leigh

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