Primary Four Weekly Reflection

Here are our reflections on this week:

“I enjoyed learning about fractions in Maths” -Ethan

“I loved learning Spanish words with Mrs Ewing” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed writing a reflection on what we learned in our Roman topic” -Rachel

“I liked handwriting” -Carla

“I loved doing a vocabulary cartoon in reading” -Alex

“I liked when we got to go out and do assessments for reading and writing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed learning about division in numeracy” -Michael

“I enjoyed when we did the Drama box workshop” -Jay

“I liked playing the halves game on hit the button when it was the class versus the teacher” -Jack

“I enjoyed doing a spelling test for my words” -Darryl

“I liked learning about finding fractions of a number” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing gym outside with Miss Eunson” -Alesha

“I liked watching the P3/2 assembly” -Jemma


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