Primary Four Weekly Reflection

We have had a busy week in Primary Four. We loved our workshop by Roman Tales on Tuesday, it was a great way to finish our topic on the Romans, where we go to dress up and act like real Roman Soldiers. We also loved the small museum and display.

Here are some photographs of us in action:


Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed getting to redraft my writing on the computer and that it was going to be entered into the young writer award” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed when we went to the Roman workshop and we threw the balls at the Roman Army” –Michael

“I loved doing handwriting and writing sentences” –Jack

“I loved when we got to do pyramid spelling with my spelling words” –Lara

“I liked doing a vocabulary cartoon when we had to find a word from our book which we didn’t know and look up its meaning in a dictionary” –Jay

“I enjoyed seeing Hannah, Brogan and Eve do their dance at their class assembly” –Alesha

“I thought it was funny at the start of Roman tales when we shouted ‘Roman Ready’ and the man jumped out dressed as a Roman” –Carla

“I enjoyed when we were doing numeracy and doing times table activities” –Daniel

“I enjoyed doing the hot air balloon adventure with Mrs Ewing when we got to go to Jamaica and find out about Caribbean music” -Rachel

“I enjoyed playing hit the button to practice division and dividing numbers” –Darryl

“I liked going to Addiewell Primary to get a tour and see what they did in Literacy” –Emma

“I enjoyed starting to learn about the eight times table” –Aiden

“I liked starting division and seeing how it was similar to times tables” –Alex

“I loved doing number talks when we got to do a target number, mine was 14 and 16” –Bethany

“I enjoyed the Roman workshop and the pretend Roman battle” –Jemma

“I enjoyed doing my two times table in Numeracy” -Ethan


Have a good weekend everyone!


P4 and Miss Eunson

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