P6/5 Weekly Update

Here we are at half term already. The pupils are all excited to have a long weekend and a short week next week.

We have had another busy week of learning in class so please read on to hear what everyone has been up to.

All – we worked on the library and tidied up the non-fiction section and created labels for this. This was a big job but it’s really starting to take shape and look a lot better. We should get our labels put on the shelves next week and finalise our plans for running the library for all classes to be able to start borrowing books.

Alfie – Football match where Stoneyburn played Greenrigg – it was a close match – we lost 5-4.

Charley – we were looking at our imaginative writing and looking at how to improve this.

Hannah – we have started working on creating paintings of volcanoes. We have completed the black painting and will complete these with our hot colours next week.

Katie – we have a long weekend!!

Brogan – we were working with the P4s for Music and we listened to music and drew what we felt from this.

Charley – we did decimals in maths this week and were adding decimal calculations.

Alfie – we did noughts and crosses with Mrs Ewing in French.


We hop everyone has a great long weekend!


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