Personalisation and Choice Topics Begin This Term

Following on from last year’s experiment where we studied ‘Countries’ for a personalisation and choice experience, we will be studying ‘Art and Artists’ this term. Children from Primaries 1-4 will have a choice of 4 artists: Klee, Kandinsky, Gaudi or Mondrian, which they will study in ‘vertical groups’ (this just means there will be children from P1-4 in the same class studying the same artist, although they will have different outcomes depending on age, stage and abilty). Primary 5-7 children will work in vertical groups too, but will have the choice of artists: Henry Moore, Andy Warhol or Henri Matisse. The study will last for 7 weeks, after which the children’s work will be showcased and parents and friends will be invited to come and see what we have been doing. This exciting project is another step towards full implementation of Curriculum for Excellence in Stoneyburn Primary School. It would be very useful if all children could bring a painting shirt (old large t-shirt, etc.) into school for the duration of the project.

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