JoJo Gnome Workshop – P2/1

The boys and girls in P2/1 were treated to very special visitors this afternoon for a fun, interactive workshop: author and illustrator, Jo Hall and JoJo Gnome!

The children were taken on an adventure around Sound Town where they met all the different characters who lived in the houses and discovered the sounds and dances they did.

They then heard the story ‘JoJo Gnome and the Cake Contest’ and listened very well to Jo reading and answered all her questions.

Then there was a smell challenge!  They had to guess the smells of 4 different cupcakes.  They turned out to be lemon, mint, caramel and orange.

During the week, the boys and girls had worked hard to design cupcake pictures and these were then used to create an animation with Jo.  She will edit these and forward them to us.

JoJoGnome can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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