Monster Hive Learning


We actually got a letter from santa and he asked for our help.  His elves mixed up all of his post and he didn’t know what the children of Stoneyburn would like.  So we have been very busy writing a letter to him to let him know what we would like.

“I loved drawing my pictures of what I have asked for.” said Jaden

“It was really tricky but we did a plan first.” Lillie said.

“I had to use capital letters, full stops and connectives in my writing.” said Lewis.

Our nativity acting and singing has been going great.  We did it in front of the whole school which was a great success.

Layla said,” I was really happy and nervous.”

Alexander said ” I was really nervous.”

Adam said ” It was a brilliant opportunity to perform infront of a real audience.”

We got new colouring in books to help us to stay in the lines.  Corey did a fantastic job of this. Well done Corey.

Calum loved the winter wonderland art work we did this week.

“We had to use cold colours.” said Calum.

The Monster Hive children would like to say thank you to all of the people who came to our fair.  We made money that will go towards buying new things for the classroom.  Thanks again.


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