P6/5 – What a Week!

This has been quite an eventful week for everyone. The Primary 6 pupils went for a visit to the Scottish Parliament. This was arranged for them as they covered this topic last year. More details on this are below. We also had a visit from Sean Batty for the STV Children’s Appeal on Thursday which was a great morning!

Read on for more details.

  • Danielle – we had our first Futsal lesson on Wednesday afternoon. We were learning how to control the ball and some other skills.
  • Hannah – we had the visit on Thursday from Sean Batty which was very exciting for us all.
  • Cory – the Tunnock’s man also came along with Sean Batty and left us some treats.
  • Alfie – we had the wellie walk and weather themed disco during Sean’s visit and we all dressed up in weather themed clothes! During the disco we danced to Don’t Stop Believing with the P7s which we did last year – it was great fun.
  • Charley – we finished off our wind models this week and were outside testing them when it was windy on Wed & Thu. We tried today but it wasn’t windy for once!
  • Eve – we finished off our winter display and it is already up in the hall.
  • Callum/Hannah/Alfie/ Fraser – we all had a trip to the Scottish Parliament with the P7s and Mrs Lossemore & Mrs Rankin. Miss Smith came along too. We got a tour of the building and got a chance to actually go into the Debating Chamber and get a group picture! We also saw the mace which sits at the front of the Presiding Officer during sessions – it is made of silver and gold and weighs the same as a bag of sugar. It was really interesting to hear all about it and see where the MSPs actually work. Angela Constance popped in to see us after our tour and she answered some questions we all had. It was very kind of her to meet with us.
  • Leah – the P5s went to the Harvest service on Tuesday and then some of us went and joined Miss Eunson’s class and others joined Mrs Campbell’s class for the day.
  • Charley – we continued on with Time in maths this week. We were converting time from analogue to digital and we started reading timetables.
  • Callum – this was our first week in the Pupil voice Groups.
  • All – we were given the city we live in for our French Families!

Here are some pictures from our week.

It’s the last week of this term next week! What a quick term.

Have a nice weekend.



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