A Super Second Week in P2/1

The boys and girls have continued to settle in to class very well.  We have done lots of activities this week and we would like to share our thoughts with you:

Seth – Being on the silver chart was my favourite time and doing the yoga bear hunt.

Finlay – I liked helping make rules for the class.

Nikodem – I liked getting my lunch.

Kacie M – I liked talking about feelings with P3/2.

Jaden – I liked going to Breakfast Club.

Robbie – Golden Time was my favourite.  I made a big snake.

David – I liked playing with Robbie at Golden Time with the snake.

Gracie – I liked doing some crafts and being on the iPad.

Paige – I’ve liked doing activities.

Leland – I liked playing football outside.

Emma – I’ve liked taking things to Mrs Bennie.

Lewis – I liked making the snake with Robbie.

Layla – I liked going to gym with Mrs Warden.

Kacie E – I liked playing with Leland in the woods and making dens.

Aleksander – I liked snack and playtime.

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