P6/5 Welcome Back

We are back and can’t believe our first week is over already! Welcome back every from P6/5!

We have had a busy week settling back into school and especially in our new classroom within the upper school.

This week we have been doing lots of things to get to know one another again. Here are some of our highlights:

· Hannah – we are doing Charlotte’s Web as a short topic for these first few weeks so have been hearing the story and doing some tasks relating to this story.

· Alfie – we started working on our Class Charter and this is going to be Emoji themed!

· Eve – we met our teachers this year who are Mrs Rankin and Mrs Ewing who will take us on Wednesday and for music and French on Thursday afternoons.

· Brogan – we completed the Bucket Filler which you fill up with happiness and positive things.

· Charley – we agreed on our group names and made signs and logos for these. Our group names are: Gangsta Gloop, Wise Wonkas and Bucket Billionaires.

· Callum – we made selfies of ourselves and a fact-file about ourselves.

· Keris / Leah – we had a tour of our classroom so that we know where everything we need is.

PE will be on a Monday and Wed so we need to bring gym kits on the these days.

Have a good weekend!

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