Welcome P7

Here we are at the end of the first week already! It has been a delight to welcome the new P7’s back to school. The children and I have all worked together before, some as recently as last year and others a couple of years ago. It is good to have the class united again, and to see how much they have all grown! I am excited to be working with them all, and looking forward to the challenges we will face together on our learning adventure!

As P7, the children will have more responsibilites and I am sure they are going to be fabulous role models for the rest of the school. The extra responsibilities will also include their own learning journey and their attitude to it. We are on this journey together and together we will make decisions that will determine and shape the paths we take. Our first decision was deciding together what our first Topic was going to be. It had to be focused on People in the Past, and the children shared ideas on what they would like to learn more about. After much discussion, and a vote, our first topic will be …”The Ancient Greeks”.

I am still working on our timetable, but I can let you know that our Gym Times are:                                              Wednesday 8.45 – 9.45 with Mrs Warden; and  Friday 9.30 – 10.30 with Mr Tennant.                                          As our gym time on Wednesday is first thing straight after the bell, it would be helpful if the children came into school on that day, already wearing their gym kit and ready to go as soon as the bell goes.

The children will also be working with Mrs Ewing on a Thursday, for Music and French.

I am  really excited  about the coming year and I am sure that with hard work and the right attitude, we will achieve great things together!  P7 rule!!!!

Noreen Loosemore


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