P1/2 Visit to Tesco – Farm to Fork

P1/2 spent the morning at Tesco and learned lots of new things about fruit and vegetables and how the food they eat is made.  We had a ‘rainbow’ fruit and vegetable challenge and then got to try lots of fruits – some we hadn’t tried before.

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We then went to the fish counter and learned about different types of fish.  We also got to hold them and smell them!  They were very slimy!  Alesha thought the smoked haddock looked like a handbag and Emma said ‘if it had a zip it could be a purse’ – it was very funny.  Paul dropped one of the fish because it was so slippery and it nearly landed on Daniel M and Jordan.

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We also got to go to the bakery and we learned about all the different machines in the bakery and how and when they are used.  We got to decide what to put on a roll, we could choose from tiger paste, sesame seeds, poppy seeds and cheese.  Most of us had a mixture.

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We got to go behind the scenes in Tesco and went into the warehouse, the fridge and the freezer.  We had to talk about the different products that would be kept in each place and why.  The freezer was VERY cold and we had to walk like penguins.  When we came out, some of us turned into statues!

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The cheese counter was a particular favourite with the adults on the trip!!  Most of us like the smokey cheese we tried but hardly anyone liked the Blue Stilton – yuck!  Well done Daniel M for giving it a go!

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