Transition day

While Primary 4 were sharing with their P4 friends in Greenrigg at Greenrigg, the P3’s  stayed in Stoneyburn, but we were busy too! We were finding out about Pond life, what lives below the surface, on the surface and above the surface. You would be amazed and how many things call a pond their home, or need the pond to live. We also watched a film about rock pools. There is lots of life there too, but they have a very different life to those that live in the pond. The rock pools change whether the tide is in, when there is lots of water, or when the tide is out and there is only a little water left behind.

In the afternoon we had a critical skills challenge. We had to make a shape that could float in the water. It sounded easy, but it wasn’t! At first all our shapes just sank! We worked in pairs to try and solve the problems we were having, so we could successfully complete the challenge!

We didn’t give up…we kept trying, and finally we all managed to make a shape from the playdoh that would float! The next part of the challenge was to say if our shape could carry any cargo!

“Our challenge was to make shapes from playdoh that floated on water. It wasn’t easy at first, but it was fun trying to get it to work” – Katie

“It was fun making boats, my boat sank at first but I tried and tried and I did it! My boat carried 66 small bricks before it sank!” – Leah

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