Away Day

The highlight of our week was definitely our trip to the Ecology Centre in Fife. We were split into two groups – P4 and P3. The children from Greenrigg joined us there too. P4  were taken by Louis who told us all about recycling and the effects that our waste, if not disposed of sensibly, had on the wildlife around us.

The Primary 3s were with Claire. She was telling us all about water, how important it is to us and how and why we should look after it. We played lots of games , they were fun but they also taught us something too. Did you know that our throwaway stuff can cause animals to be sick, or even die? We were amazed at the length of time that it takes some thing to  disintegrate (Brodie’s brilliant word) and disappear back into the earth. A plastic bottle if recycled can be melted down and used for something else, but if it thrown away into landfill it will last for a million years!!

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