New Year and new emotions!

This week we learned about Chinese New Year. We had a visitor in school to tell us all about it, and to share with us what the new year means to her. Rong-Rong played her music instrument for us too and helped us write our name in Chinese and make paper fans.

“I liked making fans with Rong Rong”- Jack

“I liked working with Rong Rong, but then we went and practised football skills” – Cory

It was time for another visit from baby Allie this week too. She has grown again. This week we were learning about how Allie lets her Mum know how she is feeling. Mum can tell from her cries whether she is hungry, wet, sleepy or upset! Clever Mum! Allie likes being on her back, she uses her feet to turn herself around! When Mrs Allardyce put her on her tummy she was not happy, not happy at all. To let us know that she wasn’t happy she cried! It made us a bit sad too, Mummy had to comfort her, but she need to suck on her dummy too! Allie can take her dummy out by herself now and put it back in.

“We learned why baby Allie cries” – Danielle

“Allie can nearly roll over now. ” –  Leah

“Allie’s hair is longer, she had a lovely clip in, I liked it” – Hannah


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