Primary 2/1 Reflections

Today the boys and girls in Primary 2/1 reflected on what they have enjoyed about school this term so far. Miss Eunson is very proud of all the boys and girls in primary one for how well they have settled into school and is also very proud of their primary two class mates who have been very supportive and welcoming.

Here are their reflections so far:

“I like when our buddys come in our class to play on Tuesdays” –Sophie

“I liked making lego characters for our class charter” –Kacie

“I enjoyed making the ‘s’ sound with playdough” –Adriana

“I liked painting the m sound” –Aleksander

Natalia liked the story Harry and the Dinosaurs go to school.

“I liked playing outside at break and lunchtime” –James

“I enjoyed making caterpillars for the c sound” –Maci

“I liked playing at the sand tray with Hannah” –Ruby

“I liked playing the caterpillar game on the computer with Alfie” –Skye P

“I liked playing outside with Skye” –Emeli

“I liked painting the ‘s’ sound” –Nicholas

Miss Eunson would like to remind parents and carers that P.E for Primary 2/1 is on Thursdays and Fridays.

Please find attached some photographs of what the boys and girls have been doing this term so far.

Hope you all have a fabulous September weekend!

Kind regards,

Miss Eunson

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