P4 Final Week

As this is our last week in Primary Four we decided to share our favourite memories of this year. Miss Eunson would like to thank all the children for a brilliant year and great fun and all their hard work. I am so proud of you all and wish you the very best for your transition into primary five.

“My favourite memory was when we got to taste Spanish food” -Jay

“I loved when we toasted marshmallows at camp and learning how to read novels instead of smaller books” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed at camp when we seen an Elf door and when we were playing the Spanish game” -Ethan

“My favourite memory this year was when we made things for the Christmas enterprise” -Michael

“My favourite memory was falling out the kayak twice at camp” -Jemma

“I really enjoyed doing the space topic in Science” -Bethany

“I enjoyed when we did our Roman play” -Emma

“I liked when the Planetarium came in to school for part of our Space topic” -Carla

“I liked going to the Science centre” -Alesha

“I liked going to the Science centre and going in the tilted house” -Jack

“I enjoyed at camp when we went canoeing” -Aiden

“I enjoyed doing the summer show and our under the sea dance”- Rachel

“I enjoyed Roots of Empathy and when me and Lara went to the high school to see baby Archie at the end of the year” -Alex

“I loved going to the wind farm” -Lara

“I liked giving Miss Eunson a present” -Darryl


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