P6/5 Weekly News

The countdown is on with the pupils in class! Two weeks today and school will be over for the year. We still have a lot to do in these last two weeks  so it’s full steam ahead.

Read on to hear what we have been up to this week:

  • Brodie – in maths we have started Measure and have been looking at length and the units it can be measured in.
  • Brogan – we found out that our new teacher for P6/7 will be Mrs Sibbald. We had Moving on Day on Wednesday and we all had a great day with Mrs Sibbald in our new classroom.
  • Cory – Mrs Rankin has put up a World Cup Wall Chart for us to keep up to date with the games that will be on each day. We all picked out 2 teams to follow during the tournament.
  • Hannah – we joined the Authors Live session on Thursday with the P4s to find out about Adrian Edmondson. We then created our own time machines afterwards as his book is about a girl with a time machine.
  • Danielle – we got together with P4 to practice our songs for the show and Celebration Assembly.
  • Alfie – the P6s met our Buddies again on Wednesday on Moving on Day. We were colouring in with them in their new classroom.
  • Cory – we checked on our plants we have been growing in the light and dark and had to add canes to them to help them stay up right.
  • Eve – in writing this week we wrote a letter to the new Primary 5 teacher (we didn’t know at that point it was Mrs Loosemore!) recommending Wonder to read as a class novel.
  • Fraser – we had Buddy Training from Miss Gilroy this week – she gave us advise on how to be a good buddy for next year.
  • Charley – we were helping Mrs Rankin tidy the classroom and start to get it ready for Mrs Loosemore to be able to start moving in.
  • All – in PE with Mrs Rankin we did the long jump and also javelin throwing.
  • All – We also did an Izak9 session with Mrs Rankin working in teams to calculate the answers as fast as we could.

Mrs Rankin has one request for us to do for next week. Would it be possible to bring in a plastic bag so that we can bring home completed jotters and work home from this year.

Have a great weekend!




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